Author Topic: pie crusts manifesto (He Lives!) (thread sponsored by microedge)  (Read 40121 times)

Actually, looking it up now, clonazepam isn't a sleeping pill. Sedation is a secondary effect and in te large list of secondary effects, there's also confusion, amnesia, and pushing depressed takers to Self Delete.

and a stuffload of other stuff holy forget
once again great work completely dodging my questions

Hey guys, guess who has an inflammated spinal cord, an internal vein bleeding, and torn muscles! They're probably going to take my phone away sny second now. Apparently, the drop was long enough to tear the jugular vein and the thyrohiode muscles (the ones that let you lower your chin), almost torn the carotid artery, and separate the atlanto vertabre from the oxippital part of my head abd compress the left oart of my spinal cord
Pretty hard to fake this for a picture, isn't it?

Pretty hard to fake this for a picture, isn't it?
The MRI images will be available to pick up tomorrow at 14hs, I'll take a picture of that. I'm not going to take a picture of my neck

The MRI images will be available to pick up tomorrow at 14hs, I'll take a picture of that. I'm not going to take a picture of my neck
Of course you won't

Well no. I'm not supposed to take this plastic collar thing off of my neck other than to bathe and it's embarrasing to take a photo of.

But somehow loving your pets isn't an embarrassing thing to say

Raping beloved household animal and telling everyone about it constantly = not embarrassing
Showing picture of slightly red neck = embarrassing


or maybe he was trolling and didn't forget any animals?

or maybe he was trolling and didn't forget any animals?

so it would be even more embarrasing
you can't shake the sense of "he forgeted a dog" when he constantly says it, and has pictures of it, can you?

Nah man this guy's issue is beyond trolling at this point. He gets off at making people believe that he lives a life that he doesn't and loves the attention he gets for it. The likelihood is that the majority of the things he has posted on these forums is a lie.

i've literally never seen him mention it himself and only through other people as sources.

so it would be even more embarrasing
you can't shake the sense of "he forgeted a dog" when he constantly says it, and has pictures of it, can you?
I don't have pictures of that. There's no evidence. I never take pictures of myself for tinfoil hat reasons.