Author Topic: MicroEDGE - not a cole dude  (Read 12459 times)

thats goin WAY too easy on him.
2020 sounds better.
How about an indefinite time span?

How about an indefinite time span?
forget that
lets just kill him

banned him instantly when he joined our discord. everyone should probably do the same

he can stay gone until the gape station releases

Man microedge is the type of guy to walk up to some small embers in the middle of the woods and just loving douse it in gasoline and set the whole forest on fire for literally no reason, and when he gets questioned by police he gets up and starts dancing around like charles manson. You probably actually have autism or aspergers since you fail to pick up on any social cues and just spew random stuff unprompted that's completely unrelated to what anyone was talking about. Get some help and stay out of lego forums; it's the only advice that can help you at this point.

Man microedge is the type of guy to walk up to some small embers in the middle of the woods and just loving douse it in gasoline and set the whole forest on fire for literally no reason, and when he gets questioned by police he gets up and starts dancing around like charles manson. You probably actually have autism or aspergers since you fail to pick up on any social cues and just spew random stuff unprompted that's completely unrelated to what anyone was talking about. Get some help and stay out of lego forums; it's the only advice that can help you at this point.

You probably actually have autism or aspergers since you fail to pick up on any social cues and just spew random stuff unprompted that's completely unrelated to what anyone was talking about. Get some help and stay out of lego forums; it's the only advice that can help you at this point.
didnt you have a mental breakdown because people told you to stop falling for tony's trolling

these forums lmao... a socially awkward kid wants to be friends with other socially awkward people, goes about it awkwardly and now he's the next specimen of a degenerate human on here.

yeah he's being dumb atm and he needs to nip the stuff in the bud but god damn lmao

didnt you have a mental breakdown because people told you to stop falling for tony's trolling
more like people were having a mental break down because I responded to him in a formal manner and it descended into senseless mob-mentality
these forums lmao... a socially awkward kid wants to be friends with other socially awkward people, goes about it awkwardly and now he's the next specimen of a degenerate human on here.
Being socially awkward is fine and all, probably 70% of the people here are, but my point was that he some how managed to blow up something that was about people complaining that he wasn't funny (citation needed if anything happened further back) to him getting himself banned, making some weird arg which was him coming back on an alt, and backstabbing people in a clan. I concede that accusing him of autism or aspergers was a stretch but you can't ignore that he could've been avoided all this with some common sense.

these forums lmao... a socially awkward kid wants to be friends with other socially awkward people, goes about it awkwardly and now he's the next specimen of a degenerate human on here.

are you expecting people on the blockland forums of all places to treat each other with respect

the blockland forums is mini-somethingawful

are you expecting people on the blockland forums of all places to treat each other with respect
of course not but that doesnt mean i cant call it out