Author Topic: [PSA] MonsterJ is Zapk  (Read 27774 times)

Oof, can give banter, can't take it.
Plad's face was available publicly, parrot wanted his kept a secret. He apologized to plad after the whole mishap and things settled down. Despite this, celau decided to post that image. The "banter" was immature, and parrot did the mature thing and apologized.
Hey blackparrot, genuine question were you just bantering to Iskers when you hassled him with everyone else or are you just as much as a heartless chump as I imagined.
Can you elaborate on this?

i apologized to plad, rest of the group was fine, and you go and do that
way to go

also good job trying to expose my face i try to hide, plad posts his in public
get a haircut fatass

get a haircut fatass
Sorry, torin², you  have been banned
Reason: Flaming

I have to post this here because Kochie refuses to talk anywhere else than the forum, and he likes to obsess over little things such as taking my profile picture or something like that. Guy's a total wacko.

Kochie has no clue what hes talking about, he hasn't been in our server for over 5 months. His friend was mentioned with an @everyone in the server back in September and started getting mad about it, so we defended our friend for doing it and Kochie's friend then left. Kochie came on guns blazing thinking he was hot stuff or something and started to insult everyone telling us how terrible we were for not conforming to what his friend wanted. If you want to go further than that down the line of events as to why you shouldn't listen to him, he excluded me from his discord server after inviting all of my friends to talk in there, and trying to keep them active in there just so I wouldn't be able to talk to them. It took me 3 months to apologize to him because he's a smoothbrain who has a complete lack of being able to socialize. Do not engage and continue on with the topic. Both sides in this argument have taken to one another to apologize with eachother over the situation. We're both completely cool with eachother and the fact that this event was brought on this forum in the first place is a gigantic mistake. Continue on with your day and have a good time.

Also, Kochie, when you try to make a point about something, please form something sensible. You have been all over the place when it comes to arguments from what I've seen of you in the last few years and all you do is spit out something that's eons old. You have no loving clue what you're talking about and the fact you stick your fat head into the argument is hilarious. You are dumb.

hold up maxx is autobahn??

imagine being the kind of person who'd buy 4 keys in two weeks because they kept getting banned from the blf wouldnt that be awful

SniFFF - eat Glop Glop - Burp - Cough - AGHEM - BuRUGGHP - SNIIIFFFF - Eat Crunch Glouup Crunch - AGHEM - inhale HEEEEGH - SNIFFFFFF - eat Gloup glooop - AGhEEM- BUrrgghrp- SNIFFFFF - exhale mgeehhh- eat crunch glAP Glouup - SNNNNIIIIIIIFFFFFF
dude deadass are you feeling alright in the head

Can't take a hint after this long 🤔
the only hint i've taken is that you try to be a tough guy over the internet or something when really you're just a manlet

Take a long loving look in the mirror before ever pulling any stuff like that again.

Resize it beforehand you buffoon.
Sorry. Lol. Will take a look at myself in the mirror before ever doing that again.