Author Topic: Darth C3P0 part 2: still acting handicapped as ever  (Read 32566 times)

I know I'll be instantly dismissed because "grimlock" but Darth is always the one that starts these situations that he makes a fool out of himself in, especially in discord

So this part confuses me. I get that he acts like a tool in Discord, but why is that being brought here especially when we hardly ever get context.
Since the main part of these dramas appear to happen in Discord, we only get to see supporting details from the accusation. I feel like we only ever see one side of this.

Regardless, I can't even begin to defend Darth's behavior with this, but these Discord-corner dramas are getting out of hand.

does she have a green laser on her cheek wtf
>asks a simple question
>gets a really stuffty response from grudgy mcgrudge
Maybe because whenever I ask the simplest of things Grimlock always has something dumb to say
>when u say handicapped stuff and get called out for it
I mean I couldnt really see the lights before the post besides the ones on the ceiling

sorry i guess im handicapped for not knowing that a green light was on your girls cheek

sorry i guess im handicapped for not knowing that a green light was on your girls cheek
you're handicapped for not realizing that 50 million other lasers

sorry but it is not his fault that you guys are cunts lol

a simple yes would have sufficed

sorry but it is not his fault that you guys are cunts lol

a simple yes would have sufficed

Sorry I don’t take advice on how should I deal with idiots from habitual problem users

sorry i guess im handicapped for not knowing that a green light was on your girls cheek
You can clearly see a green light on her cheek. You're being called stupid because you're asking a question you should know the answer to.

do you really have to call him out so much for one tiny idiotic mistake lol
he's 13, it's not like he gets out to bars every other day asshats

close enough :P
youre really not helping your case by bullstuffting about your age lol

Darth C3P0²
Posts: 3143

lol u got me good!!!
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why are you so handicapped to the point you take my avatar you trashcan
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Quote from: Insert Name Here² on February 21, 2018, 07:45:29 PM


Lord Tony is handicapped to the point where he takes my avatar because hes a trashcan

because we all know a pm about my avatar is drama worthy right guys