Author Topic: Delta Bot & Panpour5's CRPG  (Read 15410 times)

I played for 2 hours.  My goal was to get to Shop Keeper, and then buy a medium taxless lot.
I ended up spending most of my time mining, as that seems to be the quickest way to make money.
I got to education level 3, which costs $1950(300 + 600 + 1050).  And then I got around $900 in cash before... well.  I ran out of youtube videos to watch in the background.

So as far as I can tell, this CityRPG isn't better than any other.  It has been a boring experience.

my name is phantos and i go on general discussion threads starting stuff because i have no life and i want everyone to believe this server is stuff because i dont like it personally!!!

I played for 2 hours.  My goal was to get to Shop Keeper, and then buy a medium taxless lot.
I ended up spending most of my time mining, as that seems to be the quickest way to make money.
I got to education level 3, which costs $1950(300 + 600 + 1050).  And then I got around $900 in cash before... well.  I ran out of youtube videos to watch in the background.

So as far as I can tell, this CityRPG isn't better than any other.  It has been a boring experience.

Sorry to hear that you didn't enjoy it, but i'm having difficulty seeing the validity of your numbers.

I went ahead and tried your route, and I can't say I see much validity in it. It took me 45 minutes approx. to get to EDU 3, and then another 15 to get Shop Keeper's beginning funds from mining alone. On another note, you really shouldn't mine as your main job to get big items, there are better things to do.

Maybe you should try getting a smaller lot and making a shop on it to get more money before jumping to a 32x, yes?

i wrote a bigass paragraph in response to this but my internet cut out so i lost it.

tldr; city rpg cant be fixed. its a stuffty cops and robbers. robbers hide drugs behind impenetrable fortresses and cops run around waiting for the robbers to come out and get arrested. the cityrpg elements like jobs and educations are cookie clicker rewards which generate more money, and are just arbitrary wastes of time. jail system is awful and is a no fun allowed system that ruins everything.
sure cityrpgs, heck any other rpg games in blockland are just derivatives of roblox tycoons, they are repetitive. We can't do anything about it. Gamemodes are just like that. What other gamemodes do to make themselves look less repetitive is changing things up which revolve players requiring them to come up with another strategy. SpeedKart is a good example of something repetitive hadn't it included customised race tracks. (haven't played the game in ages so don't know if SpeedKart is still a relevant thing)

When you complain about a CityRPG, you are complaining about how a general RPG revolves around. Gamemodes are just like that. Frankly I'll agree with the fact that some things should be changed, but adding more variety in gamemodes are pretty complicated.

Okay so here's a serious complaint against a user named Boba Fett (47508).

Over today and yesterday, I have caught him attempting to glitch into my base despite me telling him its probably going to get him punished. He has also spammed trust invites to me to the point where I ignored them. He would sit in the doorways for buildings to prevent me from exiting/entering them, and overall just being a massive headache.

The line I drew was when I told him he can't kill me inside the PD while I was paying my demerits. According to the rules, you can't kill anyone inside the PD at all. He did it once, and I thought I could try to lure him to do it again and he did.

Here I lay dead, on the PD brick while I was attempting to pay my demerits. As you can see from the chat, Boba Fett killed me with a hammer. You can see him standing over me holding a hammer. He did this twice, but the second time I got a screenshot.

I'm not sure what the punishment would be for all of these occurrences, but clearly based on the evidence I provided he at least broke one rule. I'm sure he won't stop until he's removed from the server.

This is off topic from my post, but here are some rule recommendations I suggest you take into heavy consideration (I did host a very popular CRPG a couple years ago so I would hope you take these seriously).

  • No Bodyblocking.
  • No attempting to glitch anywhere.
  • No spawnkilling / basecamping / spawncamping

I'm sure educated people would get all three of these out of rule one, "use common sense", but most people see "if its not a rule its allowed, no matter how game-breaking or annoying it is to other players."
« Last Edit: March 07, 2018, 05:36:14 AM by Col. Burton »

You need a lot more admins to enforce those rules, and even if they have one on there always, they might not witness it and cannot tell if it is true or not

Bodyblocking can be easily fixed now we have a toggle collison dll

On another note, you really shouldn't mine as your main job to get big items, there are better things to do.

Maybe you should try getting a smaller lot and making a shop on it to get more money before jumping to a 32x, yes?
I'm genuinely curious what all there is to do.

my name is phantos and i go on general discussion threads starting stuff because i have no life and i want everyone to believe this server is stuff because i dont like it personally!!!
I never played the server so I don't know if it's stuff. I was critiquing the gamemode, which is still pretty bad and judging by the mixed responses under this thread I'm not the only one who finds the gamemode horribly flawed

I never played the server so I don't know if it's stuff. I was critiquing the gamemode, which is still pretty bad and judging by the mixed responses under this thread I'm not the only one who finds the gamemode horribly flawed
So why are you stuffting up the thread with your posts when there's no point? You are only trying to start stuff in this thread which is childish and immature. This post is about the server itself, if you want to talk stuff about the CRPG gamemodes go bark about it in the add-ons thread or something.

So why are you stuffting up the thread with your posts when there's no point? You are only trying to start stuff in this thread which is childish and immature. This post is about the server itself, if you want to talk stuff about the CRPG gamemodes go bark about it in the add-ons thread or something.
I can't, all city rpg add-ons get failbinned immediately. Anyways the quality of the gamemode is the cap on the quality of the server. Sure this server can be good-ish but as long as such a mediocre gamemode is being hosted the server is entirely tarnished

As I said before, nothing here is exempt from critique. You could easily go onto the steam page of bad rats or big rigs: off the road and shut down every negative review with "stop stuffting up the reviews, just because you don't enjoy it doesn't mean other people can't" or you can be a sensible person and explain what you enjoy about the gamemode, providing positive critique. Only one person actually explained what they liked about the gamemode. The rest either came at me for an honest and elaborate opinion or shared their own opinions on why the game is so faulty. So next time you say "look how many people enjoy this gamemode" I have full rights to ask 'what people'

I broke down everything that was wrong with the gamemode and explained why hosting a flawed gamemode is a bad idea. Saying 'uhhh no it's good shut up' doesn't change the fact that the city rpg is a pile of garbage. Some people enjoy garbage, even you might say it's not garbage and has some good parts. But until someone explains why they think this wastebasket of a gamemode is actually a work of art, it will continue to be known as what it is: garbage.
« Last Edit: March 07, 2018, 10:52:41 PM by PhantOS »

Anyways the quality of the gamemode is the cap on the quality of the server. Sure this server can be good-ish but as long as such a mediocre gamemode is being hosted the server is entirely tarnished
I don't understand what you mean by tarnished or mediocre when my CRPG boasted 40-50 people on a daily basis. Your opinion is the same as plenty of others', but those others still play the gamemode because its fun in a sense. CRPGs are and always will be a part of blockland and spewing your opinion on how its bad on every CRPG thread isn't going to change it.


Like Burton and I both said... just make your own thread about why you dislike CRPG. Please.

There've been about 3 people that have made negative statements and have actually played the server on this thread. The other few dozen are too busy playing and enjoying to, guess what, write a complaint.

Jesus christ you are a giant sack of stuff of a person. Yeah, its a public forum, but there is no reason to stuff on peoples effort to make an enjoyable server for people, maybe not you, but others. As for the rest of your elitest, douchebag comments you made toward myself and the rest of the community as a whole, you’re a much bigger elitest starfish than I ever thought you out to be. Really, the entire community is braindead idiots? How much of an simple minded richard do you need to be to think that? Just because they enjoy playing something you hate with such a passion doesn’t make them braindead. As for you trying to invalidate all my points because I sit on a bunch of alts? Bravo 👏.  What an argument.

How about you host a “minimally flawed” perfect server? I don’t see you hosting jack stuff, forgeto. All I see you doing is sitting around kickin rocks.

As for the “low maintenance” comment, I can assure you City RPG’s are anything but low maintenance or effort. They are extremely difficult to host and maintain.
I'm going to start out by saying this: shut the forget up.

1) yes as elitist as it sounds, anyone who follows something because it's popular and can't even explain why they enjoy it besides 'im bored' is pretty braindead. I haven't played your server in years, but if I remember it how it used to be, terrible shop system that gives regulars an unfair advantage over new players, a simple map built in possibly an hour or two, a few admins abusing speeddig. I'll give credit it definitely set the bar for trench servers until scenery's came along. If you can call me an elitist or starfish for critiquing your and others servers, I can call players who take solace in the same terrible servers braindead idiots.

2) your points are perfectly valid. I just found it ironic, that's all. A little ad hominem never hurt anyone, especially not the kid that spent over $300 on a virtual Lego game lol.

3) I've hosted many servers before, they were all flawed in various ways as is natural with life. Instead of telling people to shut the forget up, I listened to their critiques which improved my servers. You probably don't see me hosting right now because I focus on more meaningful things, taking the good game design tips I've received over the years and building actual games out of them, instead of cheaping out on grindy mechanics to slightly entertain a bored audience.

4) ok I agree, city rpg is a pretty high maintenance gamemode. it's pretty much built around making sure players don't have too much fun. If they do then it's either an arbitrary 25 minute jailing or a lengthy ban of some sort. At least the game does half of the work for you

I don't understand what you mean by tarnished or mediocre when my CRPG boasted 40-50 people on a daily basis. Your opinion is the same as plenty of others', but those others still play the gamemode because its fun in a sense. CRPGs are and always will be a part of blockland and spewing your opinion on how its bad on every CRPG thread isn't going to change it.
I dare you to ask those 40-50 people why they enjoy the server. I can already predict what they'll say: "I'm bored / it was popular / no other servers were up". Just because a server is popular doesn't mean it is completely flawless, and it doesn't mean it's good. People don't play city rpg because it's fun. There's nothing fun about killing two people and then being forced to go to jail. There's nothing fun about waiting an hour for fake currency. The only fun in the game could easily be isolated into a superior and less flawed gamemode, but people like you desensitize everyone to stuffty gameplay and set the standard of gamemodes lower. As a result, nobody improves it and all your left with is one giant flawed server and other servers with potential aren't even looked twice upon.

City rpgs will always be a part of blockland, because any attempt to move on to something better are met with blind hostility like you and glass have shown me. When you justify terrible mechanics so often because they are popular, fixing them becomes unpopular. So there you have it.