Author Topic: adrenaline/d -  (Read 18103 times)

that wasn't the original image.

I said it's the image I had on hand.

holy stuff you're stupid brine

unova define what ad hominem is to me then read your posts in this thread and tell me if its ad hominem or not (and dont post a screenshot of the google dictionary definition for "ad hominem")

the name of the game is when will unova shoot up his school

anyways since unova isnt in dis thread anymore does anyone like streetwear

ok but whens unova gonna reply to this thread

i can guarantee if you were to post on his drama he will reply to this thread
just the way he rolls

imagine being a brainlet

imagine being a brainlet
yeah i was already imagining what it was like to be u

imagine being a brainlet
LOLOLOLOLOOLOLOLOLOLOLLOLolloollolo... wow bro........ what the wtf