Author Topic: Stephen Hawking dead at 76  (Read 15135 times)

I guess you could say that my Canadian opinions about as useful as the opinions of a sheltered braindead uni student that has no real life experiance with anything like yourself. The difference is I don't pretend like I'm hot stuff.
Can't say I'm taking this assessment super seriously since you are:
a.) Also a university student
b.) By definition sheltered because you need to take a jet ski to visit neighboring communities

You think American politics aren't relevant to Canada? It's highly relevant to my country. What America does directly influences it's northern neighbor. Even if America wasn't the world power with a massive economic pull it would still be important for Canadians to know what's going on in america.
So your interest in American politics is to discuss geopolitical factors that influence your own country? That's really interesting, since after a cursory look, I can see you've been radio-silent on the fact that Annoying Orange levied predatory steel tariffs on your country (among many others), received massive backlash from the international community, and decided to exempt Canada from the tariffs as a result.

This is probably the most Canada-relevant development that has happened in the past 6 months of American politics, but strangely you only pop up whenever the discussions revolve around guns, immigrants, or Muslims. Weird, right?

bro calm it down beachbum you’ll trigger the lefties

I could say the same about you considering how blatantly handicapped you are even when posting in this very thread

You opened with a Rick and Morty joke.

So your interest in American politics is to discuss geopolitical factors that influence your own country? That's really interesting, since after a cursory look, I can see you've been radio-silent on the fact that Annoying Orange levied predatory steel tariffs on your country (among many others), received massive backlash from the international community, and decided to exempt Canada from the tariffs as a result.

This is probably the most Canada-relevant development that has happened in the past 6 months of American politics, but strangely you only pop up whenever the discussions revolve around guns, immigrants, or Muslims. Weird, right?

Maybe if you actually looked at my posts in the last 6 months you would notice that I haven't been posting much political stuff at all in general. Weird, right?

b.) By definition sheltered because you need to take a jet ski to visit neighboring communities

See this is why I can't take your "grrr stuffposting" shtick seriously. With anyone else I would think that this is a joke but considering how brown town you get about anything it's difficult for me to tell if you legitimately think that I both live isolated in the middle of nowhere and go to a university every day at the same time.

You opened with a Rick and Morty joke.

He opened with a rick and morty post

so beach since you are apparently in a slightly less handicapped state can you elaborate on me being handicapped in this thread

its late and im bored so entertain me

vsauce micheal will be his replacement

He opened with a rick and morty post

Oh, my bad. This excuses everything.
Go gettem tiger

so beach since you are apparently in a slightly less handicapped state can you elaborate on me being handicapped in this thread

its late and im bored so entertain me

You mean the part where phantos was making a blatantly obvious stuffpost and you took it 100% seriously? Actually no you took his multiple stuffposts, each more obvious than the last seriously. The fact that you couldn't understand basic irony is laughable

why has god cursed humanity with giving Khaz the ability to post

The idea that some users are ONLY capable of stuffposting should be the real focus.

it wasnt obvious or else i would have fell for the numerous other idiots including yourself stuffposting over a dead scientist

looking back at it though its pretty funny. phantos sometimes has these subtle tones of sarcasm and irony (apart from his obvious joke posts) that cant be distinguished from his genuine posts. i think thats why hes one of those love or hate forumers. me and him are cool though i love the banter with him irony or not and thats really all there is to it.

hey buddy werent you perma’d twice for your posting habits 🤔

hey buddy werent you perma’d twice for your posting habits 🤔
wow I got banned once as a result of a bet and the other while under the influence. big deal. Is that the best you've got? Please come at me, that's gone quite well for others recently.

wow I got banned once as a result of a bet and the other while under the influence. big deal. Is that the best you've got? Please come at me, that's gone quite well for others recently.
Serious question because I honestly don't keep up with drama, did you somehow end up getting them banned?
Yeah I get this is implicitly diving into drama, I can't imagine things going all that bad unless you ended up getting them banned.

i can't believe stephen hawking said joy lane