Author Topic: Stephen Hawking dead at 76  (Read 15127 times)

RIP stephen hawking.

it is amazing tho how long he lived given his motor neuron disease.
also he's officially the best musical chairs player

*yawn* whats going on gamers

above user isnt a real gamer

above user quadruple gay no immunities

The fact that you are doubling down on this proves that you're an idiot. You have the most vague idea of phantos personality and how he posts how do you forget up this bad?

Khaz it was easily distuingishable. Just because you are too dense to pick up in basic social cues doesn't mean everyone else is. Honestly this isn't the first time you've done this. Ever since you returned your posts have been nothing but verbal diarrhea and pretentious fart huffing. I would say it's like seventh but the difference is that seventh is actually coherent, whereas you are just a genuine idiot.
whatever you say bro. you and the forum forgetups thinking im an idiot isnt really a problem to me. passionately arguing politics of a country youre not even a part of (not to mention downright stuffposting and flaming in the process) as well as the way you generally interact with people on here both ironically or unironically is way more concerning than me not seeing the “”””obvious”””” sarcasm in an online post. youre like 23 or something bro, i think you have a bigger problem than me and whatever social ineptitude you think i have.

anyways this is doing nothing but derailing the thread. so im probably gonna go and continue to ignore beachbum and co’s cancer as anyone should

hey buddy werent you perma’d twice for your posting habits 🤔

Haven't you been perma'd multiple times now? You don't have a leg to stand on.

whatever you say bro. you and the forum forgetups thinking im an idiot isnt really a problem to me.

It's funny how you think everyone else is a 'forum forgetup' when all you do is spew garbage in every thread your in while jerking yourself off at the same time.

passionately arguing politics of a country youre not even a part of (not to mention downright stuffposting and flaming in the process)



as well as the way you generally interact with people on here both ironically or unironically is way more concerning than me not seeing the “”””obvious”””” sarcasm in an online post.

It's not like you don't also act like a massive cunt on here and constantly put people down. The difference is when I make fun of people I actually try to add some humour to it or make a joke out of it. You just act like a dense forget and try to stroke your own ego while putting someone down.

so im probably gonna go and continue to ignore beachbum and co’s cancer as anyone should

You can't call anyone else's posts 'cancer' when you are one of the most intellectually repulsive individuals on this forum

the only ban I've ever had on this forum was my other account and it was because of the forum hijack back in like 2014. and no i didn't create the account because I was banned on this one.

the only times i "put people down" as you like to put it is when they always have nothing to do but stuff on others. it's not mine or anybody else's fault that you and a handful of others contribute nothing but negativity to this forum

RIP stephen hawking.

it is amazing tho how long he lived given his motor neuron disease.
also he's officially the best musical chairs player
lmao i just noticed this good one

it is sHawking tho how long he lived given his motor neuron disease.


See, this is what I'm talking about. You could just say, "your post is pretentious and you're handicapped," but you've still wrapped it up in this ironic half-dumb persona to avoid having to take a sincere position. Anyone who does this stuff is just afraid of vulnerability lol

Everyone who spends their entire time here being a jerk on purpose are a waste of time to engage with in the first place. Go ahead and try to be as real as you want, everyone either agrees with you already or doesn't give a forget.

Stephen Hawking was a literal cuck

nah girls probably came from all over town just to see what that cheek muscle do