Author Topic: Fortnite Battle Royale (Season 7/New Creative Mode!)  (Read 65591 times)

Maybe other people in this thread are right, maybe I just need to get used to the building mechanic and give this game another shot, maybe shooting the base or blowing it up will give me an advantage, who knows.
definitely try it out more before you ragequit too early. every person ive gotten to play this game i've told them its frustrating as forget at first but eventually gets better.

I suggest you watch some more in-depth guides (mostly from SypherPK, popular chill and explains what he did and what did the enemy do wrong).
You learn how to use the building mechanic and its edit functions as a weapon and pushing players who turtle in a 1x1 tower.
He makes the whole building fights seem more of a game of 4D chess where you out play your opponents.
« Last Edit: May 12, 2018, 09:26:32 PM by Superbro11 »

*gets carpal tunnel from spending the past 7 months practicing to build my epic 1x1 fort in 4 seconds flat*
get rekt stupid noskins
(god i wish someone loved me)

does anyone else get some serious Justice vibe from the groove jam emote music?

sounds a lot like Randy with a higher tempo

does anyone else get some serious Justice vibe from the groove jam emote music?

sounds a lot like Randy with a higher tempo
not really also stop playing fortnite

not really also stop playing fortnite
nobody asked u

does anyone else get some serious Justice vibe from the groove jam emote music?

sounds a lot like Randy with a higher tempo
its based off the dance from napoleon dynamite, which used this song

its based off the dance from napoleon dynamite, which used this song
oh dang i knew i recognized it from somewhere lmao

fortnite: save the world is actually my favorite game right now and i dont know why

fortnite: save the world is actually my favorite game right now and i dont know why
how it gets stale after you get to the second world

there be a new patch with a new gun some apples a buff to the suppressed smg and a nerf to traps
and more of course

the crater at tilted is being repaired

That Famas is deadly accurate
The scar is good for applying pressure to structures but the famas is just straight up deadly to exposed flesh

when you find out the wooden palettes give you 50 wood

Game Theory did a fortnite video:
The bit I watched was actually kinda funny. Is Game Theory good again?
Judging by their persona theory... no

/ontopic: In my opinion the burst weapons in fortnite arent that good.