
What do you think about transgenders?

They are sick and inhuman
They're fine. Let them be what they want
I dont know..
im neutral

Author Topic: Blf, what do you think about transgenders?  (Read 27024 times)

can someone please DDOS this website again

and all websites, actually

every trans person i've met has been really annoying and ugly
but i dont mind them, i just treat them like i treat everyone else

while i do think it's odd, its no problem if they don't cause issues

literal mental illness.
gender dysphoria is not very nice

if you were born a boy, im calling you a boy
if you were born a girl, im calling you a girl
until you get some kind of surgery you're not getting any "preferred pronoun" stuff from me
this and
im pretty sure most transgenders are decent human beings i just dont like the idea of loving up your body because you have a mental illness

all of the transgender people i have met have not gotten bottom surgery and do not plan to

>"i dont like the idea of you loving up your body just because you're mentally ill"
>"i won't actually call you by your preferred name/pronoun until you get surgery"
>"the pronoun i'll use will depend on my best guess of what genitals you have"

sounds complicated. imagine the energy you could save by just not being a richard

every trans person i've met has been really annoying and ugly
but i dont mind them, i just treat them like i treat everyone else
same bc i treat everyone like richards

>"i dont like the idea of you loving up your body just because you're mentally ill"
>"i won't actually call you by your preferred name/pronoun until you get surgery"
>"the pronoun i'll use will depend on my best guess of what genitals you have"

sounds complicated. imagine the energy you could save by just not being a richard

what's your definition of complicated lol

what's your definition of complicated lol
getting surgery just so you can be called "she" or "he"

personally, I don't mind white people, as long as they don't shove their whiteness in my face and don't cause issues

If you were born with a snake you are a male. That it. Simple. No changing, no arguing.

If you were born with a vagina, you are a girl. If you cut your hair like a boy you are still a girl. If you get a snake surgically attached you are still a girl.

one day you guys will realize that your opinion actually doesn't matter at all and I hope you find peace in that

personally, I don't mind white people, as long as they don't shove their whiteness in my face and don't cause issues

How many white people do you know that tell you to refer to them as "master"?

How many white people do you know that tell you to refer to them as "master"?
do you want the easy answer or the honest truth?