Author Topic: Darryl McKoy/Boltster, Posting research; Troll  (Read 54193 times)

apparently darryl is fluent in web design (he's a banking brown townyst)
this with the fact that nobody has loving heard of this site and it's been made like a few days ago (and it's not the best put-together one) gives bad vibes
it'd be loving insane that darryl would go out of his way to do that but he's done stuff on this level with icygamma before so
maybe he is that handicapped

To make a site like this isn't that difficult at all. Looking through it via inspect element it looks like it is just a bunch of thrown together default bootstrap elements. He didn't even bother adding separate html pages on the navbar. Honestly theres no way anyone would make this site for anything OTHER than a joke.

Oop need to correct he also used jquery and dropzone

So we can either believe that someone made an image hosting site entirely out of premade assets.

Or we can believe that Bolster threw together a cheap website to troll Tony.

it'd be loving insane that darryl would go out of his way to do that but he's done stuff on this level with icygamma before so

Nothing about this is crazy. I am not even good with HTML or CSS and I know exactly what he did and how he made this website. Probably took him 15 minutes max

Nothing about this is crazy. I am not even good with HTML or CSS and I know exactly what he did and how he made this website. Probably took him 15 minutes max
i ment insane as in the effort of trying not to get caught just for a low tier gag

Also note how the tabs on the top right magically disappear from the main site to the privacy policy page

Boltster you fugged up

Holy forget he copy/pasted the privacy policy right from this
He just replaced TLM research with imglite and removed a couple things (stuff about email addresses).

haha holy stuff boltster nice

Holy forget he copy/pasted the privacy policy right from this
He just replaced TLM research with imglite and removed a couple things (stuff about email addresses).
most sites copy and paste legal texts like these as they all pretty much serve the same purpose of saving their asses from user uploaded content.

when you pay to troll someone online epic style

daily reminder boltster is a 24 year old man who's been here for 11 years who went out of his way to make his own website in an effort to hide his tracks of posting mlp research on a lego forum to bait someone he's had a grudge on for years.

so now that that's resolved, tf happened to drydess?

she(?) left, not on any blockland discords and i was blocked so ye

i don't know why he blindly defend boltster, maybe they're good? i know he was pissed at me over some bl soccer game but i don't understand what made him loving flip like that
he probably just had enough
she(?) left, not on any blockland discords and i was blocked so ye
drydess is a guy