


Author Topic: Tommy Robinson arrested, UK censors media nationwide.  (Read 16338 times)

lOl, imagine caring.

the 2nd ammendment gives me the right to shoot you if you dont lock the thread
no u

uhh then what protects the 2nd smart guy
The 2nd protects the 2nd.

uhh then what protects the 2nd smart guy
Not the liberal controlled media BAZINGA

« Last Edit: May 27, 2018, 03:57:14 PM by TableSalt »

The case is loving closedYet the gag order is still in motion.
Theres two trial dates per case. One trial was closed, the trial is still on-going and he'll probably re-appear in court again for the contempt trial in a couple months

You'd know this if you understood the justice system. The gag order is perfectly legal under UK and US law, and it happens all the time with trials where someone can be threatened by bias. Especially in this case

The 2nd protects the 2nd.

how is an amendment supposed to protect itself dumbo

matthew loving stop seriously it's like I'm reading corderlain but with even less self-awareness

how is an amendment supposed to protect itself dumbo
Guns, duh.
matthew loving stop seriously it's like I'm reading corderlain but with even less self-awareness
The BLF has created this self fulfilling prophecy about me, that what i say is nonsense, but it clearly isn't.
I present evidence, yet in return i get stuffposts and dumbass "gotcha" replies.

Annoying Orange shouldn't because it will stir up a stuffstorm if he does.  it will turn into an ideological conflict, then, and ideological conflicts, for some reason, are really hard to fix without fighting.  and you know politicians can't stand to admit when they're wrong, say things in earnest, or even approach topics with humanity.

i think that banning the media representing the situation like this is kind of scary.  sure, slippery-slope fallacy, but if the uk is willing to censor that and succeed, what's to stop them from censoring what they disagree with ideologically?

oh wait.  :thinking:

Guns, duh.The BLF has created this self fulfilling prophecy about me, that what i say is nonsense, but it clearly isn't.
I present evidence, yet in return i get stuffposts and dumbass "gotcha" replies.

you have a history of stuffposting endlessly on the forums and stirring up stuff with other people.  of course you have a reputation for that.  if you stuffpost all the time to be inflammatory, people expect you to be inflammatory.  whether you do it sincerely or not doesn't matter because you're still pissing people off either way.

if you lock the thread i will be disappointed with you master matthew


.The BLF has created this self fulfilling prophecy about me, that what i say is nonsense, but it clearly isn't.
I present evidence, yet in return i get stuffposts and dumbass "gotcha" replies.
You present evidence but you clearly dont have a clue what any of it means. So it's basically moot. Someone could feed you anything as 'evidence' and you'd basically fly it like a banner, not even caring to decipher what it means at all, because you can't think for yourself.

any time you think for yourself you spew confusing manifestos and everyone hates you even more. solution: dont think, dont talk, dont post, just be silent forever

you have a history of stuffposting endlessly on the forums and stirring up stuff with other people.  of course you have a reputation for that.  if you stuffpost all the time to be inflammatory, people expect you to be inflammatory.  whether you do it sincerely or not doesn't matter because you're still pissing people off either way.
Other users do the same damn thing.
Why am i the odd one out?
You present evidence but you clearly dont have a clue what any of it means. So it's basically moot. Someone could feed you anything as 'evidence' and you'd basically fly it like a banner, not even caring to decipher what it means at all
Then explain what is wrong.
Without explaining the error, nothing can be gained from anyone for anyone.

The BLF has created this self fulfilling prophecy about me, that what i say is nonsense, but it clearly isn't.
I present evidence, yet in return i get stuffposts and dumbass "gotcha" replies.
no its that you speak in long run on incoherent sentences and expect everyone to understand you and agree with you

Other users do the same damn thing.
Why am i the odd one out?

youre not.  the thread just happened to go in the direction of focusing on you.  you just happen to have been drama'd endlessly for months.  some people actually do unironically use the drama threads and section as tool, not just as a place to boredly stuffpost.