


Author Topic: Tommy Robinson arrested, UK censors media nationwide.  (Read 17817 times)

Tommy Robinson may end up being a historical martyr. I hope he lives through this, but I know better than to believe the "religion of peace" will leave him be.

Except he hasn't had a trial (for this particular offence), he was never going to have a trial. And his status as a right wing figure is almost exactly what has given him a 13 month sentence. Last year he got a suspended sentence (basically nothing) for "Contempt of court". He did the same thing again (cause he is kinda stupid), and got thrown in jail for 13 months. This is not the appropriate response.

There are two issues here. Blatant media censorship, and the fact that UK government has just demonstrated you can get 13 months for live streaming outside a court building (it's not a good idea to to do it in the UK anyway, if I did the same thing I'd probably get a police warning. However, the point stands.).
His status as a right wing figure does not play into his sentence at all, and if it does, you haven't presented any solid evidence that it does. If you can find the case of a non-right wing person doing the same crime and receiving a smaller sentence, i'll believe that theres some sort of judicial bias involved.

You could call it blatant media censorship, but its pretty obvious WHY the media is being censored. I've explained it before as well. It has nothing to do with what his viewpoints are, per se, but it has all to do with the fact that he has a political stance. Because of that, the jury will be swayed by his viewpoints inadvertently. The gag order ensures that the jury will have the least amount of bias possible during his trial.

Also he is going to have a trial. It doesn't actually make sense for someone to be sentenced to prison and not have a trial. That's just like, authoritarian autism

Tommy Robinson's risk in prison has absolutely nothing to do with the gag order. He's going to prison either way, that's entirely on him for receiving contempt of court. You can't just say "my client raped someone; there are people that kill rapists in prison, therefore my client shouldn't go to jail" that's just stupid. If he's being threatened by muslims in prison he can probably request a transfer or a personal guard

His sentence is 13 months. That won't change at all, and him being an alt right figure doesn't affect that sentence.
« Last Edit: May 27, 2018, 09:16:05 PM by thegoodperry »

This is true. The guy that placed bacon outside a mosque (and got put in prison for 15 years 12 months (sry i confused the sentences)) was killed in prison, no doubtably by someone who was perturbed by his sandwich production actives...
He shouldn't have vandalized a religious property. And probably should've been given a guard and a new identity. Prisoners are usually offered that for their safety, he probably rejected it.

Tommy Robinson may end up being a historical martyr. I hope he lives through this, but I know better than to believe the "religion of peace" will leave him be.

So deep.

You seem to have no idea what is going on, although I don't blame you because it's hard to find any information on it. He HASN'T had a trial. He has been put in prison for 13 months, for the sake of loitering outside a court, and "breaching the peace". He isn't going to have a trial. Your statement "It doesn't actually make sense for someone to be sentenced to prison and not have a trial. That's just like, authoritarian autism" is exactly what has happened. You say there is a jury that will be influenced, except there is no jury.

You have seemingly confused the trial that he was standing outside of (aka the trial for the "alleged" Islamic love offenders) with your imaginary trial, that he isn't going to have. That trial with the Muslims has a gag order, fair enough (I've explained why in my debunking post). His imprisonment (which is it's own separate thing) has had no UK media attention, due to another imposed gag order, which is censorship.

Another example:

That link on Google used to lead to a article written by the Hull Daily Mail dicussing his imprisonment in Hull Prison. The link now 404s.

This gag order is preventing any UK media from discussing what is going on in regards to his prison time. This isn't to unbias a jury, there is no jury. The BBC has deliberately not mentioned it, with the past few days being an obsession with the Irish Abortion referendum.

Perhaps read my ramblings on the topic which is now in the OP, that clears up everything.

How do you know there's no trial? If there's a gag order on everything involving the trial, it could happen next week and you wouldn't know until its in session. Literally 100% of the time someone is arrested, it is followed up with a trial, even if its the smallest crime or misdemeanor. If tommy has 'no trial' for the second crime, then he'd basically be like the first ever recorded defendant to be arrested without a trial.

The gag order on the former contempt charge (the one where he tried to film alleged love offenders) and the gag order on the latter (ghost trial) both exist for the same reason. If and when tommy has a trial for the former charge, there will be a jury, and that jury will be completely impartial because there would've been no swaying or outside opinions on the context

Again you could call it censorship, but in reality it's merely a preventative measure to ensure an impartial jury and to protect the rights of the defendant. It's in his best interest that the gag order is in place. 'no trial' or 'no jury' simply because you don't know about his court date isn't a valid assumption
« Last Edit: May 27, 2018, 09:44:54 PM by thegoodperry »

Literally 100% of the time someone is arrested, it is followed up with a trial, even if its the smallest crime or misdemeanor.
well....... no. if you make a guilty plea (including as part of a plea deal), then there's no trial

So when illegal immigrants break the law because they're in a life-or-death situation, you've got no sympathy, but a right-winger breaks a journalism gag order to film stuff so that he can brew up hate towards Muslims who have no relevance to the case, and suddenly the UK is 'no longer a free country'?

See, this is why you're disliked by both sides of the spectrum here. Conservatives might value law & order over civil liberties to a degree which I find unacceptable, but at least they're consistent about it. You pick and choose bullstuff whenever you want.

You still have a completely wrong idea. A judge has sent him to prison for 13 months. I don't know which judge it was, although it is most likely the one that gave him a suspended sentence for his previous "Contempt against the Court" offence. He isn't going to have a future trial. He is in prison, and the judge has made the decision. The media should be allowed to talk about it. But they aren't, because the they can't, and because it's easier for the Government to keep a gag order in place so the general population know less about it.

If Tommy Robinson wasn't live streaming, he would have just disapeared, and we would have never known about him being arrested/going to prison in the first place. Doesn't this concern you in the slightest?

A judge has sent him to prison for 13 months.
He isn't going to have a future trial. He is in prison, and the judge has made the decision.
that's literally not how it works lol. if he's in prison without a trial it means he plead guilty

That's literally what has happened, due to his previous conviction where he got a suspended sentence. That's why they arrested him under breaching the peace, because they knew that would invalidate his suspended sentence conditions, and they could throw him in jail.

He is a fool and should have been more careful, I do not disagree with that.

so he's in jail for a different crime

So when illegal immigrants break the law because they're in a life-or-death situation, you've got no sympathy, but a right-winger breaks a journalism gag order to film stuff so that he can brew up hate towards Muslims who have no relevance to the case, and suddenly the UK is 'no longer a free country'?
Comparing apples to oranges here...
Being an ILLEGAL immigrant =/= breaking a gag order.
Which, btw doesnt apply to Tommy since he quit rebel media.
Tommy was just a citizen streaming throwing his two cents in...
Besides his charges were for "disturbing the peace." Not for violating a gag order.

Regardless, this is more of a thread against the Gag order of Tommy's arrest and immediate punishment without a trial.
That is what makes the UK nolonger free.
See, this is why you're disliked by both sides of the spectrum here. Conservatives might value law & order over civil liberties to a degree which I find unacceptable, but at least they're consistent about it. You pick and choose bullstuff whenever you want.
What the forget are you on about?
How are these two things even remotely alike?

What the forget are you on about?
How are these two things even remotely alike?
dude filmed against a court order, broke the law, and was thrown in prison for it

honestly I don't get why I even justify your bullstuff with a response since nobody except you gives it any fair attention anyway

Comparing apples to oranges here...
Being an ILLEGAL immigrant =/= breaking a gag order.
sorry matthew, you break the law, no sympathy from Master SeventhSandwich