


Author Topic: Tommy Robinson arrested, UK censors media nationwide.  (Read 16323 times)

Even if you wanna go down that route of discussion (which you can't anyway because he was arrested for "breaching of the peace", a completely unrelated offence which is the type of stuff the police normally arrest drunks in the street who are shouting), it still doesn't justify putting him in prison for 13 months with no trial and no defense, and hushing it up so barely anyone in the UK knows about it.

oh yeah. that's definitely forgeted. while the government overreach is certainly bad, it's also not exactly correct to say he didn't do anything wrong. both can be true.

I don't know how UK law works but in the US people are kept in prison or on bail until their trial date, after which they are handed a sentence. If he's been sentenced to prison for 13 months its probably because the trial date is somewhere within that timeframe (possibly 2 months) and they'll decide upon a larger (or smaller) sentence at that time.

Anyways its generally understood that he's been arrested under the claim of contempt of court, which means he either interfered with his own trial or a different trial he wasn't part of. Due to his status as an alt right figure, the court probably figured that he could easily be threatened by a biased jury. This gag decision could possibly help his case.

Imagine, if you will, the trial was revealed, and the jurors were made aware of his status as alt right, either through a protest happening outside, or some sort of outside influence, etc. They might vote him guilty on contempt of court, even though he might've not even committed the crime. Then he'd end up going to prison for a crime he didnt commit. Or likewise, maybe the jurors could be supportive of his views, and vote innocent on a crime he obviously committed.

Obviously obfuscation of trial details until the trial takes place is key to keeping the jury impartial

Jury sequestration is the isolation of a jury to avoid accidental or deliberate tainting.[1] Although sequestration is rare, publicity surrounding a trial and interested parties may interfere with juror objectivity; a judge may order that a jury be sequestered in order to prevent others from tampering with members of the jury through undue persuasion, threats, or bribes. This occurred most notably during the O.J. Simpson trial.[2] The jurors are usually kept in a hotel, but they are not allowed to read the newspaper, watch television, or access the Internet.[3]
« Last Edit: May 27, 2018, 06:31:04 PM by thegoodperry »

Don't know if it's been posted but here's a bit that he actually livestreamed. Last 10 minutes are at least worth a watch.

Due to his status as an alt right figure, the court probably figured that he could easily be threatened by a biased jury. This gag decision could possibly help his case.

This makes a lot of sense, it would be hard to get an impartial jury for him.

Except he hasn't had a trial (for this particular offence), he was never going to have a trial. And his status as a right wing figure is almost exactly what has given him a 13 month sentence. Last year he got a suspended sentence (basically nothing) for "Contempt of court". He did the same thing again (cause he is kinda stupid), and got thrown in jail for 13 months. This is not the appropriate response.

There are two issues here. Blatant media censorship, and the fact that UK government has just demonstrated you can get 13 months for live streaming outside a court building (it's not a good idea to to do it in the UK anyway, if I did the same thing I'd probably get a police warning. However, the point stands.).

what people are not talking about is the increase in islamic jihadi gangs in british prisons

if tommy robinson goes to jail for something as absolutely insignificant as this unless he gets put into solitary confinement there is a good chance he's not going to come back out considering how much he has criticized islam

if tommy robinson goes to jail for something as absolutely insignificant as this unless he gets put into solitary confinement there is a good chance he's not going to come back out considering how much he has criticized islam
This is true. The guy that placed bacon outside a mosque (and got put in prison for 15 years 12 months (sry i confused the sentences)) was killed in prison, no doubtably by someone who was perturbed by his sandwich production actives...
« Last Edit: May 27, 2018, 07:52:38 PM by Bicky »

This is true. The guy that placed bacon outside a mosque (and got put in prison for 15 years, wow the UK really is a stuff hole isn't it?) was killed by in prison, no doubtably by someone who was perturbed by his sandwich production actives...

what people are not talking about is the increase in islamic jihadi gangs in british prisons

if tommy robinson goes to jail for something as absolutely insignificant as this unless he gets put into solitary confinement there is a good chance he's not going to come back out considering how much he has criticized islam

That wasn't something I thought about, christ what a mess

The guy that placed bacon outside a mosque (and got put in prison for 15 years, wow the UK really is a stuff hole isn't it?) was killed by in prison
lol he didn't "place bacon outside a mosque", first of all, he broke into the mosque, and was charged for vandalism + a hate crime, which it was (if you would sit here and pretend it wasn't racially motivated then you are lying to yourself). he was also, apparently, armed, the charge for which was dropped as part of his plea deal. furthermore, it wasn't his first offense, with several convictions for burglary, theft, DUI, and drug possession. 15 years is definitely a bit much, but it's not like he was just a poor innocent little boy

lol he didn't "place bacon outside a mosque", first of all, he broke into the mosque, and was charged for vandalism + a hate crime, which it was (if you would sit here and pretend it wasn't racially motivated then you are lying to yourself). he was also, apparently, armed, the charge for which was dropped as part of his plea deal. furthermore, it wasn't his first offense, with several convictions for burglary, theft, DUI, and drug possession. 15 years is definitely a bit much, but it's not like he was just a poor innocent little boy
As it turns out there have been two bacon related mosque incidents (one in America, which is the one you are referring too). The one I was referring to happened in the UK, and because their search results are back to back, I confused the sentences. The one I was referring to was 12 months, I apologize for that aspect of the confusion.

The one I was making reference too involved a fella leaving bacon outside a mosque, and also leaving a variation of the St George flag with the words "no mosques". It's still racially motivated, but the guy didn't deserve to die in prison, and 12 months is still too harsh.

Anyway, this is besides the point. The fact of the matter is that Tommy Robinson is at risk at prison, even much more so than that guy.



Tommy Robinson may end up being a historical martyr. I hope he lives through this, but I know better than to believe the "religion of peace" will leave him be.

As it turns out there have been two bacon related mosque incidents (one in America, which is the one you are referring too). The one I was referring to happened in the UK, and because their search results are back to back, I confused the sentences. The one I was referring to was 12 months, I apologize for that aspect of the confusion.
damn ur right about that, I didn't know wtf a "titusville" was so I just figured it was what you meant
The one I was making reference too involved a fella leaving bacon outside a mosque, and also leaving a variation of the St George flag with the words "no mosques". It's still racially motivated, but the guy didn't deserve to die in prison, and 12 months is still too harsh.
no, he didn't deserve to die for it, but I don't think anyone intended for that to happen (except the person who did it I guess)
but what's the alternative? not putting him in prison? you can't just put him in solitary confinement, because he will undoubtedly not like that, and call it cruel and unusual

Honestly if you believe that Tommy deserves 13 mo in prison for filming the outside of a courthouse while on 'probation' youre probably a nasty person.