Author Topic: Roseanne Cancelled, Jobs lost over SJW bullstuff  (Read 20352 times) Orange_feckless.html

still has her show
She works for a different company. It's weird to expect two distinct organisations to punish employees with equality, especially when you're applying your own values rather than the organisations'.

For the record, I actually don't like Samantha Bee that much. She's not very funny and she embodies a lot of the worst stereotypes of liberal folks.

That being said, calling someone a 'feckless cunt', and calling a black government official the hybrid of an ape and a terrorist organization are like two extremely different things. I think the backlash against Samantha Bee was probably appropriate, but these two statements aren't even remotely comparable.

the more you guys complain about Roseanne's tribal joke the more I wish she had just leaned hard and called her a degenerate scumforget monday

insulting someone is a joke as long as it's lefties doing it

the more you guys complain about Roseanne's tribal joke the more I wish she had just leaned hard and called her a degenerate scumforget monday

Since you have no grip on reality I'll ruin the surprise: nobody is really complaining about racism, most people have accepted it's a part of life. Everyone is trying (and failing) to explain to Matthew why her show got canceled.

insulting someone is a joke as long as it's lefties doing it
I think it was the racism she got her show canceled for, specifically, my dog

insulting someone is a joke as long as it's lefties doing it
What an interesting reality you've created for yourself

I mean there is literally nothing more simple.
ABC/Disney fires anyone that says something controversial. e.g. Bill Maher getting his show cancelled when he made jokes about 9/11

Since you have no grip on reality I'll ruin the surprise: nobody is really complaining about racism, most people have accepted it's a part of life. Everyone is trying (and failing) to explain to Matthew why her show got canceled.

I have a firm grip on this richard and that's all I need forget off

I have a firm grip on this richard and that's all I need forget off
At least you've come to terms with being alone I guess

At least you've come to terms with being alone I guess

Even if I was single at least I don't post pony research to troll people in forums you degenerate scumforget

Even if I was single at least I don't post pony research to troll people in forums you degenerate scumforget

I'm laughing at how often you fly off the handle

Is it the solitude that does that?

I have a firm grip on this richard and that's all I need forget off

Bad response, Deus Ex!