I find it stupid to be proud of your loveuality, race, religion or whatever, just live life like you want, don't try to get bragging rights about it.
too bad "living life like I want" could mean getting killed lolstraight people really are something
like in the middle east lol
-snop-- libertardian users
what is this supposed to mean
the chances of you being killed for being LGBT in a first world western country is ridiculously low and it's more likely to happen in backwards Orthodox Islamic countries that the Middle East is known to consist ofOf course, you know this and you know he meant that but you're being facetious so idk why I bothered typing this out
where you're living right now where you have a month for it means you wont get killed anytime soon because of your friendry lol
Gay people try and just shove stuff in our face and then they wonder why we hate them.
i mean, id be pretty worried if i saw aplem running down the street toward me with you calling us friends from the sideline lmaocivil rights movement, blacks in the north were still being activists for black rights regardless of whether they were being oppressed at that point. do you disagree with that?