Author Topic: Youtube made another pride video  (Read 20844 times)

is there jaiden animation hentai????!!

See rule 34 of the internet


dude that stuff gets old come back with a good counterargument
have you considered not making strawman arguments

what he meant by it is that like how interracial relationships are kinda overlooked nowadays so nobody gets into a relationship with one of another race just for the sake of showing up conservatives
if you don't make a big deal out of it people will stop being gay just because it's cool or rebellious or """progressive"""

What the forget even is this? How are interracial relationships overlooked just for the sake of showing up to conservatives? I mean stuff there are interracial relationships between conservatives as well. Is your view of the world so black and white?

so what are we arguing about guys?

who the hell are we

are they? do you have a source for that? cus most people in movies and TV are straight. I think you're making stuff up