Author Topic: Badspot & Rotondo - Completely incompetent lately  (Read 36409 times)

okay mr eval backdoor lol.

if you're referring to the unintentional exploit in the old instruments mod years ago, you're even more handicapped than I thought

also apparently a stupid oversight is somehow worse than literally doxing someone?

okay mr eval backdoor lol.
taboo is BoS for handicapation such as this, just sayin

also apparently a stupid oversight is somehow worse than literally doxing someone?
I didn't dox anyone, if you're getting this hear say from grimlock and his goons then you're even more handicapped than I thought

It's not, and you are right, this is all just wishful thinking

But i honestly think that Blockland deserved better, it's a cute lego-esque sandbox game with an easy, albeit potentially frustrating coding language, it still has so much potential despite just how far it's already come, and it's because of that potential that our content creators try so hard to make new and inventive stuff, even if it involves injecting DLLs or using hacky workarounds

If it weren't for that potential, our current crowd of content creators would probably be long gone by now

Blockland could have been mainstream and an ongoing competitor to games like Roblox and Minecraft if only Badspot cared just a little more about maintaining his community, and then his game, because what point is there to maintaining the game, when there is no community to play the game, right?

The lax forum rules made this a chill place to hang out, but it ultimately led to the demise of the community when toxic users were no longer being dealt with, thus scaring off the community that we once had

Back then, at least Badspot had more options for potential moderators to replace Ephialtes after he left, but it never happened and look where it's got us

Again, this is all hypothetical, wishful thinking, yadda-yadda, but if Badspot suddenly decided to mod someone, he'd now be picking from the bottom of the barrel, but it would still be better than nothing during this slow and painful decline that the game and it's community is on
That's all in the past. We could sit here and talk about what Badspot did and what Badspot didn't do that could have made this game even better than it currently is, but as for me, I'm satisfied with it's current status and I think that's the most realistic stance somebody can have at the moment. All in all, let's be real here; we all knew there'd be a day when Badspot would be satisfied with what he created. You want more? Well there's always a fine line that a game can ever get so close to, you need to learn that. The modding community I think knows this, and always tries to break the boundaries. You try developing something and work on it for years with people constantly telling you what the possibilities are. Of course it's going to have endless possibilities, it's a loving sandbox game. It doesn't mean he has to sell the game to somebody else, or hire somebody to babysit the forum. Even if he was going to hire somebody, he needs to take a while to think it through, as it's not an easy task and he has to trust the person he is hiring.

As for this;They're separate entities, yes, but the forums, the OFFICIAL Blockland Forums, are still a part of the game, not of the game itself, but of Blockland's general existence

The community we once had here was a large representation of the community the game had, and vise-versa, and people still use these forums because they're official, they've been here for a long time, showed off their creations, made friends and acquaintances, why throw all of those memories away and start anew on some unofficial, hastly-made copy-paste message board made by some rando that's even less populated and known about than the official forums?

Do you remember the Scattered Space forums? How about Bleh777's forums? Both places were way more barren than the official forums, and that was when the Blockland forums were more populated

At least Scattered Space had a reason to split the community, but it split the community nonetheless, and that's what making yet another unofficial Blockland related message board will do, so in the end, it's even less worth it than just staying here, and hoping for something to change
I think you're giving the forum too much credit. Again, this shouldn't even be as important as people make it out to be. You're right, the only reason people are here is because it's the OFFICIAL forums. Isn't that a bit sad though? That's kinda like saying, people are only here because it exists, not because it's actually fun to be here. If it didn't exist, people would just go to the next best thing. Either Steam forums or something else, but ultimately the goal should be a place for the community to share ideas. You can do that successfully on multiple platforms, it doesn't have to be here necessarily. In fact, it could be argued that it might even be beneficial to the game, and possibly make players play the game instead of using the forums so much as a priority of their "Blockland" experience.

I didn't dox anyone, if you're getting this hear say from grimlock and his goons then you're even more handicapped than I thought
Not sure why you're trying to flame people lol, your stuff stinks too bud

Not sure why you're trying to flame people lol, your stuff stinks too bud
yeah my bud on fire

straight outta colorado or something

honestly if someone else was put in charge i think the top 3 candidates would be swollow, masterlegodude, and maybe conan. im sure you can see why i say that just with the names i mentioned, they are the only people here that havent lost their loving mind
this is an awful idea to give administrative power to anyone in the community

reasons to make me admin:
 -people wont ask you to add more admins because i will be admin
 -i will ban people who break rules
 -i may destroy this entire forum

reasons to not make me admin:
 -none that i can think of

reasons to not make me admin:
 -none that i can think of
You're a smelly, old slice of cheese

reasons to make me admin:
 -people wont ask you to add more admins because i will be admin
 -i will ban people who break rules
 -i may destroy this entire forum

reasons to not make me admin:
 -none that i can think of

but you're already an admin

i rekoved his admin privileges

here's my admin application:

Experience: Been admin on many, many servers, ranging from Tezuni's to Pecon's, and have administrated my own server. Full list of servers I have been admin on can be found by consulting half the active playerbase. I have no history of drama, despite being here for over 10 years. I am able to administrate at all times of day, and respond to issues promptly, calmly, and fairly. I have also won Blocklander Of The Year Twenty-seventeen.


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