Author Topic: [NEWS] [autism warning] Furcigarette exposed for being a dogforgeter+  (Read 24016 times)

"vocal minority"

ah yes, the diamond phrase. works every time doesn't it?
"diamond phrase" literally nobody has ever said this about claiming vocal minority. can you shut the forget up?

im going to be loving straight and say that every loving furry i follow on twitter is more mature than GreenBH, every single one.
do you even realize what loving hell forum you're on? you're not one to call other communities stuff, friend. this place is barely even moderated anymore and plagued by trash children like you and master matthew

"vocal minority"

ah yes, the diamond phrase. works every time doesn't it?
yes because it's a true concept

"vocal minority"

ah yes, the diamond phrase. works every time doesn't it?
Cause it's a true phrase and applies to many other things outside of fandoms.

I think you guys completely misunderstood the phrase. a lot of people claim the people that are bad are just a vocal minority, it's used as a scapegoat way too loving much. I was just mentioning how a lot of people use it as an excuse.

"diamond phrase" literally nobody has ever said this about claiming vocal minority. can you shut the forget up?

I don't understand this post, did you not see headcrab's post?

you're not one to call other communities stuff, friend.


I think you guys completely misunderstood the phrase. a lot of people claim the people that are bad are just a vocal minority, it's used as a scapegoat way too loving much. I was just mentioning how a lot of people use it as an excuse.
this is what every post replying to you assumed you said and is commenting on that exact thing.

since when are you the final say on when something is used so much that its now also automatically false, forget off dude

this is what every post replying to you assumed you said and is commenting on that exact thing

I didn't deny it doesn't happen in real life.

would you like to restate your entire point because you have now gone off track and involved real life in a discussion about online communities

would you like to restate your entire point because you have now gone off track and involved real life in a discussion about online communities

alright I'm out you're being really confusing

I think you guys completely misunderstood the phrase. a lot of people claim the people that are bad are just a vocal minority, it's used as a scapegoat way too loving much. I was just mentioning how a lot of people use it as an excuse.
yes i know, it's because it's actually true a lot of the time and it's true in this case too
I didn't deny it doesn't happen in real life.
why'd u bring it up in the first place then lol

alright I'm out you're being really confusing
bro we are talking about how the bad side of internet communities are the vocal minority. we are not talking about real life, even if it also could apply there. it's not a scapegoat, it literally has a wiki page, it is a rule i even got taught at school because its relevant to marketing

bro we are talking about how the bad side of internet communities are the vocal minority. we are not talking about real life, even if it also could apply there. it's not a scapegoat, it literally has a wiki page, it is a rule i even got taught at school because its relevant to marketing

when I said "real life" I should've said "reality".
and yes, it can be used as a scapegoat. anything can if it just works.

It sounds like what you're experiencing is the vocal minority/silent majority
Every group has it's problem people, whether that be a fandom such as furry or anime, or something like the blockland community. Hell, there's plenty of furries I know locally that annoy me that I don't like to associate with.

But for every member of a group that you have a problem with, there are countless people you don't even know are part of that group because they keep to themselves about it. And when you generalize (which at least you've admitted you have a problem with) you push those problems onto all the other people you don't have issues with

It's also worth mentioning that you being only 17 most likely means you're still in high school, and high schoolers aren't exactly the best population to base an opinion on. Speaking from my own experience, once you get out of high school and into the real world (whatever that means to you, whatever post-high school plans you have) most of the issues you have will go away, simply on account of not being surrounded by children all day, every day
My stance has changed a little on what you've said here because of course you can't generalize but what I will say is that in order to tackle these issues of the vocal minority, is to get the communities to stop them from printing a bad image on themselves. I mean this is applicable outside of fandoms because homoloveual people are constantly marching and shoving the LGBTQ stuff down people's throats. If you want to be gay or a furry or whatever then that is totally fine but the thing you shouldn't do is shove it in anyone's face and annoy them. I think that's the lesson that needs to be taught. And if someone wants to have love with a dog then they should seek help immediately