Author Topic: Diablo already a disaster.  (Read 2560 times)

I'm noticing a trend here when stuff doesn't go the way the developers want.

If you don't like the new ghost busters you're loveist.

If you don't like female oceans 8 you're loveist.

If you don't like the new battle field you're a toxic white  male.

I don't think attacking the fans will help but I guess they know what they are doing.

This is actually a serious issue with developers where they behave like petulant children who have never matured past the age of 5. These pieces of stuff have massive egos and think anything they make is gospel.

It's only a matter of time until the mobile game bubble pops and we have a repeat of the Atari game crash. There are too many stuff games, and too many games in general, eventually the bubble is gonna burst.
except that happened due to too many competing game consoles with too many crappy games on each and too few developers, and it only happened because the products were all distributed and manufactured through the physical medium.

compare that to now where virtually everyone uses the same two types of phone systems (iphone and android) and all this phone content is distributed in a digital medium with no gambling on manufacturing costs or anything, and it ought to be clear that this is in no way similar to that situation.

To be honest, i get it that people do not like mobile games. I wouldn't be waiting for it, but i feel there is a bit too much drama over it from both sides.
Sometimes game developers need to try out different stuff, possibly expand their horizons. If that means that the game in the series won't appeal to you, eh, just don't get it.

That is my opinion on this whole thing, but i can see why people are upset, just not in the measure it currently seems to be.

Well I would say blizard doing damage control, paying people to attack fans, etc are probably why people are even more furious.

you all have phones right?

Keep in mind this is most likely a move from the brokers and stock holders than blizzard themselves. Behind the games, the communities, the company, is a greedy company of men in suits who want nothing but to marginalize profits and only profits. They don't care about the consumer, they don't care about the well being of the company so long as they get paid and stocks go up.

Every since the Blizzard/Activision joint happened, you can notice a steady trend in shady practices that start to arise. Team leaders, project managers, and the people sitting behind the desks at blizzard have no control over their projects anymore. From this point on, it's money and money only.

Blivvard=Activation=EA games=illumanaughty

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