
which blockland emote is getting the best head?

Cookie Monster
11 (42.3%)
5 (19.2%)
10 (38.5%)

Total Members Voted: 26

Author Topic: pride month 5 thread  (Read 21274 times)

And obviously the best solution is to feed lies to deluded mentally ill people!

yes...... like "you are beatufil never change the way you are : )"

How many suicidal people have you convinced not to commit Self Delete?

Not just those who are suicidal because of things like gender dysphoria, but suicidal for any reason at all

And what your source that being a good person doesn't prevent Self Delete? The wall speaking to you? Go outside.

And obviously the best solution is to feed lies to deluded mentally ill people!

Or telling them the truth that listening to yourself isnt a good idea most of the time.

Yikes, sweaty, that comment of yours is a LOT to unpack. Uuummm, so I just looked through your post history and I found a lot of problematic stuff. Oh sweet summer child, wow. Found the incel. Yikes!

Edit: Thanks for the Gold!

Edit2: PLATINUM!!?! Reddit you're crazyyy today. Thanks

what do you mean by this

you treat depression by removing the things that cause the stress that causes the depression
you treat dysphoria by solving the things that cause the dysphoria

also haha Gay

those things are body parts

go to twitter or something

transmissions reproduce through indoctrination
ah yes a study that has a sample size of *checks notes* 250. Time to bash trans people online.

Even the study concludes that
"There's a lot that we don't know about gender dysphoria," Littman said. "The cultural landscape has changed very dramatically, so it's not unexpected to see new types of presentations. It's important to determine which patients would benefit from medical and surgical transition and which patients would not benefit and might be harmed."
you can't escape the fact that only in some cases when the doctor deems it appropriate can a patient undergo transition. You have to be insane if you think there's literally no procedure and people can just go up to the docs and say "chop my balls off"

Unless the body parts are like, infected or some stuff amputating them only servers to legitimize the ramblings of the mentally ill

Unless the body parts are like, infected or some stuff amputating them only servers to legitimize the ramblings of the mentally ill

Are you against cosmetic surgeries? It serves to satisfy the needs of people who think they look ugly.
Skin grafts to cover up burn marks? just stop complaining you're ugly.
Face transplants? just stop complaining you're ugly.
liposuctions? just lose weight lmao
Are you against vasectomies or getting your tubes tied? It serves to satisfy people who don't want children.

in all of those cases, the person undergoing the surgery is doing it purely out of their own will. By your hand-wavy definition of mental illness, you could classify all these procedures as legitimizing the ramblings of the mentally ill.
It's only incredibly rare because there aren't enough 'enablers' in the world who would waste money on surgery. Giving into the mentally ill's needs is an extremely bad idea, which is why it leads to such high rates of Self Delete for trans people. I truly wish to help them out by showing them you can love yourself with the body god gave you, you don't have to tarnish and destroy it just to fill a fantasy.

Yeah, I wish for drugs to be illegal. It has a negative effect on society, the same way that Homoloveuality does. Letting people with impure thoughts control things only lead to disaster, but a truly educated and holy man can educate all those who seek him, for he is the way, the truth, and the life.
i know you are trolling me at this point but i'll let you know something about myself: I got to church, and all you advocate for has mountains of evidence on why it harms people and to completely ignore the body of evidence when formulating laws that will, in the long run, do more harm than good is not being a good christian.

proof rehabilitation instead of criminalization works: https://www.theguardian.com/news/2017/dec/05/portugals-radical-drugs-policy-is-working-why-hasnt-the-world-copied-it

and for your claim of "love change is why trans people commit Self Delete":

A 1999 United States study found a “marked decrease of Self Delete attempts” and substance use in its postoperative population. In a 2014 British study, gender transition “was shown to drastically reduce instances of suicidal ideation and attempts.” The study reported that “67 percent of respondents thought about Self Delete more before they transitioned and only 3 percent thought about Self Delete more post-transition.
Our findings make it indisputable that gender transition has a positive effect on transgender well-being. We identified 56 studies published since 1991 that directly assessed the effect of gender transition on the mental well-being of transgender individuals. The vast majority of the studies, 93 percent, found that gender transition improved the overall well-being of transgender subjects, making them more likely to enjoy improved quality of life, greater relationship satisfaction and higher self-esteem and confidence, and less likely to suffer from anxiety, depression, substance abuse and suicidality.

Only four studies (7 percent) reported mixed or null findings, and none found that the transitioning created more harm than good. Despite recent media focus on anecdotes about “transgender regret,” actual regret rates across numerous studies were minuscule, generally ranging from 0.3 percent to 3.8 percent. Our review of primary research confirmed the positive findings of at least 16 previous literature reviews.

maybe incessantly bullying them has more to do with it then feeding them "delusions"
« Last Edit: October 05, 2019, 03:35:03 PM by Aide33 »

I've said again and again, yes rehab can help stray away from thoughts of gender dysphoria. But we also need to make it illegal before we start providing rehab

I've said again and again, yes rehab can help stray away from thoughts of gender dysphoria. But we also need to make it illegal before we start providing rehab
for rehab i was specifically referring to drug use, what do you mean rehab for gender dysphoria? like psychological counseling? love change operations occur super rarely and most trans people's dysphoria is alleviated by simply acting like the gender they feel like, hormone therapy and going to psychological counseling. love change is only done in cases of extreme gender dysphoria.

rendering something illegal only serves to put people with a high risk of Self Delete in jail and punish them for things they cant control.

for example, punishing drug use with jail only serves to ruin the persons life which spawns more drug use.
« Last Edit: October 05, 2019, 03:49:27 PM by Aide33 »

also there's growing evidence that trans people's brains more resemble the typical brain structure/activation patterns of their desired gender
« Last Edit: October 05, 2019, 04:51:30 PM by Electrk.. »