
I have posted a possibility for the election outcome in 6 variations. Choose your preferred below.

A. https://i.imgur.com/F6TVPLY.png
8 (34.8%)
B. https://i.imgur.com/uuRmNcE.png
3 (13%)
C. https://i.imgur.com/JK2OSsA.png
1 (4.3%)
D. https://i.imgur.com/sl6MVas.png
2 (8.7%)
E. https://i.imgur.com/K1GHlD3.png
2 (8.7%)
F. https://i.imgur.com/br3Sp06.png
7 (30.4%)

Total Members Voted: 23

Author Topic: U.S.A. Politics Thread  (Read 276858 times)

i guess not, but regardless, it still stands to reason that at some point, the being in the womb is human enough that you shouldn't abort it in most cases, but i guess not human enough to forbid abortion in cases of rape? it seems odd to me

hence why I said:
I would certainly hope they would at least consider adoption before abortion

ah yes, the "have some responsibility" while arguing about forcing them to birth and take care of a child, which is legit the biggest responsibility

forcing peeps to become parents is stuffty through and through
If they had consensual love while knowing the risks, yeah, have some responsibility for your actions? I don't see how you could possibly disagree with that. That isn't forcefully becoming a parent. They chose to make an adult decision by having love, so if they end up having a kid because of that, be an adult and raise the child. Literally yes, be responsible. lol.

hence why I said:If they had consensual love while knowing the risks, yeah, have some responsibility for your actions? I don't see how you could possibly disagree with that. That isn't forcefully becoming a parent. They chose to make an adult decision by having love, so if they end up having a kid because of that, be an adult and raise the child. Literally yes, be responsible. lol.
Reminder that not wanting kids is also an adult decision. Also, love =/= "I want kids." Mistakes do happen, and you shouldn't force someone's life to be entirely forgeted over and ruined, along with bringing in an unwanted child into the stuff as well, that's unnecessarily cruel.

People not wanting to be parents is 100% valid, people not ready to be parents are also 100% valid. Forcing a child onto someone who is vehemently against it is a richard move, since it's literally the biggest responsibility you can have. It ruins lives when the option to reverse it, via Plan B or abortion, is removed.

Removing access to legal abortions doesn't make the issue go away, it'll just make unsafe, illegal abortions, go way up, as well as neglected children, poverty, and thus crime, all to increase. Is that what you want, just so you can feel all moral for yourself?

Abortion isn't murder, fetuses (in the realistic time frame that abortion would occur) aren't alive. The "heartbeat" is just an automatic muscle contraction and nothing else.
« Last Edit: November 19, 2020, 09:34:12 PM by Insert Name Here² »

hence why I said:If they had consensual love while knowing the risks, yeah, have some responsibility for your actions? I don't see how you could possibly disagree with that.
This isn't a responsibility for your actions scenario. Not wanting to have children is a very much adult decision - having to take care of a child is something you have to think on as it's very expensive and takes a lot of your time, not everyone wants to be a terrible parent, and having love can result in mistakes. If you want people who haven't received proper loveual education/whom have slipped up/whom have irresponsible partners and are unable to take care of a child instead of removing it before it's conscious, you're the one ruining lives here. Saying this as the result of a very irresponsible mother who couldn't be taken care of by said mother.
I guess it's very easy to just say stuff like this when you're an involuntary celibate who would never have to think over this kind of thing, Gothboy.

damn you ate his ass up with "involuntary celibate" okay unova period

Oh also don't forget: Simply "putting them up for adoption" isn't the answer, since that process is a forget of a thing to go through, and that's assuming you're lucky and the state allows it, since there's already way too many kids in the system waiting to be adopted anyways. Plus, that doesn't remove the issue of the mother ruining her body to actually carry and birth the kid in the first place, assuming she doesn't outright die during childbirth. Totally "pro life".

This isn't a responsibility for your actions scenario. Not wanting to have children is a very much adult decision - having to take care of a child is something you have to think on as it's very expensive and takes a lot of your time, not everyone wants to be a terrible parent, and having love can result in mistakes. If you want people who haven't received proper loveual education/whom have slipped up/whom have irresponsible partners and are unable to take care of a child instead of removing it before it's conscious, you're the one ruining lives here. Saying this as the result of a very irresponsible mother who couldn't be taken care of by said mother.
I guess it's very easy to just say stuff like this when you're an involuntary celibate who would never have to think over this kind of thing, Gothboy.
hes got kids my dude. do ur research before stufftin on him.

my two cents is that if someone accidentally gets pregnant without intending to, forcing them to bring the kid to term is only gonna result in a kid whos born into a family that never wanted them in the first place. love, although debatably moral as a recreational activity, should not be something implicitly restricted purely for procreation considering that forcing an unwilling mom to keep the kid via making abortion illegal will almost guarantee a poor family life for the child once born.

making abortion illegal wont force people to take responsibility for having unprotected love. its like trying to fix alcoholism by making alcohol illegal - you’re just setting things up to happen illegally and with more risk of damage done to all parties involved. if anything, you should strongly support comprehensive love education and support planned parenthood which supports safe love programs.
« Last Edit: November 19, 2020, 10:29:48 PM by Conan »

man if he has children and doesn't understand the consequences of taking care of a child, especially one you don't have the resources or feelings to care for,  i really don't know what to say.

Let me end this conversation for good.

There is no one that can imagine the immense suffering, anguish, and pain-staking decision-making that goes into a mother choosing to have an abortion. No one can imagine that, except the mother. And from a moral standpoint, no government should stand between that process - between a mother, her child, and her doctor. It would be a staple of a fascist state to otherwise do so.

Conservatives are the least pro-life people on the planet. They could not be farther away from "pro-life." We are literally right now eight months into a pandemic and thousands of people are dying every day and suffering. The conservative government, that 73 million+ conservatives support and wanted 4 more years of, could not care less about human lives. Every time legislation is announced that actually helps people, it gets gutted by conservatives either in the name of "socialism" or somehow infringing on their own rights. The United States is #1 over so many other advanced countries in countless categories: mass incarceration, gun violence, maternal deaths, poverty, covid rates, student debt, military spending, medical debt, prescription drug prices, deaths from lack of insurance, billionaires, etc.

Some examples:

If conservatives are pro-life, why are they against Medicare for All? It would save 60k lives a year and stop leaving people bankrupt when they go to a hospital - many people don't go to hospitals or call an ambulance when necessary because it will bankrupt them. Around half of Americans live paycheck-to-paycheck. Medicare for All is cheaper per capita than our current healthcare system.

If conservatives are pro-life, why are they in court right now trying to strip the existing healthcare system, Obamacare, from millions of people without a replacement plan (during a pandemic)? It would kick off twenty million people from their health insurance and over one hundred million people from their pre-existing condition protection. Covid is a pre-existing condition, in addition to the many other securities of Obamacare.

If conservatives are pro-life, why are they constantly trying to cut social programs and welfare? Medicare, Medicaid, and social security? Annoying Orange was actually going to eliminate the payroll taxes that paid for those services if he was re-elected.

If conservatives are pro-life, why did they give the reprehensible, deplorable response they did to Covid? They got months-prior warnings about Covid, downplayed the threat every step of the way, profited it off it by buying into stocks, constantly pushed against testing and providing supplies, constantly told people to go outside and act as if the pandemic doesn't exist, constantly ARE AGAINST WEARING MASKS and endangering both the lives of others and themselves because they somehow believe it's infringing on their rights, let unemployment checks expire, actively and *literally* told the scientists to go forget themselves, let moratoriums expire, tried to constantly push for schools to re-open without the proper resources or guidelines to do so, and so. much. more. Against providing $2,000 a month for people to stay home until the virus is contained? It's now estimated that 2,000 people will die a day by spring. All conservatives did was give people a one-time $1200 check. 250k+ people are dead, as it was predicted since this started. We're eight months into this pandemic.

If conservatives are pro-life, why do they give trillions in tax cuts to corporations and elites? The top 3 richest families in America own more wealth than the bottom half of America. They have made hundreds of billions of dollars in profit during covid alone. All of these corporations don't pay income taxes and don't provide any securities to their workers. They constantly exploit their workers. Why are they for socialism for the rich but rugged capitalism for everyone else? The current tax code foremost allows corporations and the rich to evade paying taxes over and over. The average minimum wage worker paid more in taxes than Amazon does.

If conservatives are pro-life, why are they against providing guaranteed paid sick, family, and vacation leave to all workers? Why are they against workers unionizing?

If conservatives are pro-life, why do they keep the defense/military budget at over 700 billion dollars (which is more than the next ten countries combined)? Why are they always for imperialism and bombing other countries? Every Republican president since WWII has invaded *multiple* other countries in the name of democracy, assassinated democratically elected leaders, and replaced them with dictators. Dozens of millions of innocent people continue to die because of it. Once beautiful countries turn into apocalyptic warzones. You can look anywhere in the world.

If conservatives are pro-life, why are they against raising the minimum wage? If the rate of productivity reflected the current minimum wage, it would be around $22.50.

If conservatives are pro-life, why are they against getting rid of poverty? Providing housing to the homeless and creating more affordable housing is actually cheaper than having homelessness.

If conservatives are pro-life, why are they in active denial of climate change and against the Green New Deal? Countless, countless, countless studies and research show that climate change is an unfathomable threat to life on Earth and the Green New Deal is the bare minimum to tackle that threat. "It's expensive," as opposed to what? It's also literally a job-making program that would create tens of millions of jobs.

If conservatives are pro-life, why are so many of them against LGBT rights? Against transgender people? Why are so many of them racially divisive? Why are they against providing a pathway to citizenship to immigrants seeking asylum or who have already been living here?

If conservatives are pro-life, why are they against defunding overblown police budgets and reallocating those resources to community housing, education, healthcare, etc?

If conservatives are pro-life, why are they the ones always cutting funding to mental health services?

If conservatives are pro-life, why are they for *reprehensible* immigrant detention centers and separating families?

If conservatives are pro-life, why are they against decriminalizing drugs and ending mass incarceration, which has disproportionately destroyed generations of Black and Latino Americans. Why are they against supporting rehabilitation programs in place of prison?

If conservatives are pro-life, why are they for the death penalty? Why are they against mandatory minimum sentences? Against ending cash bail? Against deprivatizing prisons?

If conservatives are pro-life, why are they for destroying and cutting funding to Planned Parenthood? The overwhelming amount of their services are dedicated to providing free cancer screenings, birth control, STD testing, vaccinations, etc. Why are they against educating kids about all of this? About loveual health? About loveual health education in relation to non-straight people as well?

If conservatives are pro-life, why do they never bat an eye when education continues to be significantly defunded?

If conservatives are pro-life, why were they against enforcing universal background checks for guns? So many devastating shootings have happened in the past few decades and that piece of legislation continues to be held up by them.

If conservatives are pro-life, why are they against cancelling student debt and medical debt? The former, especially, continues to devastate millions of students and adults (the poor especially), as they have to spend the rest of their lives paying it off (with even more crippling interest rates). Cancelling this debt would actually boost the economy by over $1 trillion during the next ten years. Why are they against making college free? The current conservative argument against this is literally that it wouldn't be fair to people who have already paid it off.

If conservatives are pro-life, why are they against abolishing ICE?

If conservatives are pro-life, why the forget did they rally around supporting and praising Kyle Rittenhouse as a hero? He murdered two people and shot another two. Right-wing "Christians" donated over 500k to him.

If conservatives are pro-life, why are they against putting caps on drug prices? Companies continue to price-gouge life-saving drugs by thousands of percentages. Insulin, for example, costs hundreds of dollars in the U.S. because of corporate price-gouging - it costs *significantly cheaper* in every other advanced country on the planet. This kills thousands of Americans every year.

I can go on and on and on. Conservatism has always been this way and has only continued to shift further and further right in America. Hell, advanced countries with ruling conservative parties already have a large majority of these programs and services. It's because their conservative party is plenty more left than America's liberal party. We're at a point where most conservatives will believe any sentiment, value, or insane thought that comes out of *Donald Annoying Orange's* head - without any ounce of common sense or evaluation of their own morality. FOX NEWS is starting to sound too left-wing for them.

The only way to truly stop abortions is to create a society that is economically and socially safe, secure, and viable for everyone. Conservatives are at the opposite end of making that world happen. Why? Because it's "socialism" and would drive profits away from the ruling class. Let alone the fact that banning safe abortions will only highly increase unsafe abortions; and these statistics are available *everywhere.*

Conservatives will never have the right to say they're pro-life.

« Last Edit: November 19, 2020, 10:48:15 PM by Raoul Silva »

if you didnt read raoul’s post all the way you cant respond

If conservatives are pro-life, why the forget did they rally around supporting and praising Kyle Rittenhouse as a hero? He murderer two people

You mean the child molestor and the wifebeater? First this and now this?

If libtards are pro choice why are they child enthusiasts

You mean the child molestor and the wifebeater? First this and now this?

I've responded to that TWICE now, Crook. Go read them. Both of those claims about the people Kyle *killed* have been debunked *multiple* times. And even if they were true, that means you're endorsing a 17-year-old vigilante to go out and shoot anyone he wants, in hopes that he kills someone who's potentially bad.

I've responded to that TWICE now, Crook. Go read them.
You mean the one where you said you 'understand' the mindset of a child enthusiast? And you'd rather a 17 year old kid be beaten to death by a chomo than one of your precious fellow creeps get shot because it's '''''vigilantism''''' (self defense in non-libtard speak). You must hold minors in pretty low regard

I've responded to that TWICE now, Crook. Go read them. Both of those claims about the people Kyle *killed* have been debunked *multiple* times. And even if they were true, that means you're endorsing a 17-year-old vigilante to go out and shoot anyone he wants, in hopes that he kills someone who's potentially bad.
Just own up to your own mistakes already, Raoul.