Author Topic: [NEWS] EVAR OWNS CHILD research TWITTER, DEFENDED BY BRICKADIA DEVS  (Read 84793 times)

I have reported your thread for posting child research (I expect my battle royale points)

By the way: NO MOD SUPPORT!

I have reported your thread for posting child research (I expect my battle royale points)
You've now condemned this thread and OP, an easier fix would have been to contact the creator of the document (if it wasn't OP), and tell them to heavily censor the cp, or remove the imagery altogether

You've now condemned this thread and OP, an easier fix would have been to contact the creator of the document (if it wasn't OP), and tell them to heavily censor the cp, or remove the imagery altogether
john wont pick up his calls

This is absolutely disgusting. I've been developing this game for way too long, there is absolutely no way forward like this. I do not defend this, and I NEVER will defend this.

This is absolutely disgusting. I've been developing this game for way too long, there is absolutely no way forward like this. I do not defend this, and I NEVER will defend this.

This is absolutely disgusting. I've been developing this game for way too long, there is absolutely no way forward like this. I do not defend this, and I NEVER will defend this.

Nail in the coffin?

Lmao what the forget is wrong with the amount of times trans people and furries have been caught doing this stuff in the past 3 years. get some help.

I just wanted my lego sandbox game back

what the forget is going on

Lmao what the forget is wrong with the amount of times trans people and furries have been caught doing this stuff in the past 3 years. get some help.
Shut up you, nice person

is this the end of brickadia holy stuff

i thought all of this was already more than common knowledge i don't think any of them kept this stuff secret at all (and this is coming from someone that hasn't really talked to them in years)

it just keeps happening

Yeah, it really is disgusting. Someone you trust is just so careless. This is personally the first time I'm hearing about it.