Author Topic: Stupid Bans, Kicks, and Mutes  (Read 606814 times)

Someone banned my friend Ray Gapist with the reason "LOLGTFOcigarette".

Someone banned my friend Ray Gapist with the reason "LOLGTFOcigarette".
Oh yea, I remember seeing him...  :cookieMonster:

I got banned from a noob's server because he said that badspot was his older brother and I called him a lier.
« Last Edit: May 28, 2008, 12:42:27 AM by jungemann »

Im amazed that non of you ass hats complained about being banned from my server, or one of my epic ban messages.

Me saying that non of you ass hats, doesnt mean all of you, just some of you.

Second ban ever, this time, for not liking what General Omega's sheep thing called me.



OMG :O tititititit i'm unbanning you my brother Kyros did it i really didnt type that really i'll unban ya so you want some  :cookie: :cookie: :cookie: :cookie: :cookie: :cookie: :cookie: :cookie: :cookie: :cookie: :cookie: :cookie: :cookie: :cookie: :cookie: :cookie: :cookie: :cookie: :cookie: :cookie: :cookie: :cookie:s? lol

Just like 10 seconds ago, I got banned from hells hero's server for "cheating".

I dont have a clue what I was doing wrong, havoc, lord tony, and jungle ranger were being nintendos. Jungle ranger was kicking me for no reason. Havoc said I was geting unfair kills. Havoc kept cornering himself in our base, I would kill him and he would say "unfair!" I would ask how, and he wouldent even give a reason. I cant help it if he corners himself. Lord tony was spawning assault rifles and sniper weapons all around, and this was supposed to be a medevil fight.

In the end I got a ban for being a "dipstuff cheater!" just after I got a completely fair kill.

Another funny ban was, I was on Jrmyjojo's server and got randomly banned, for the reason of: gay name, change it now.

Im sorry for spawning assault rifles and as for jungle ranger i dont know why he kicked you he doesnt even like havoc

also havoc says unfair to everyone you need to get use to it

Real Tetris, NONE FOR YOU!

I am bored out of my mind, looking for a good server to join. I found one called Real Tetris (Host: [forgot name]), after getting the 2 or 3 tetris shape downloads, properly installed aswell, I spawn. I see two people casually playing a Tetris game in Blockland. Out of nowhere, someone gets banned for the reason: "For Annoying", then, I stand and watch someone play, then bam 'You have been banned. Reason: "For Annoying"'.
I was going to create a topic about how dissapointing this was, but then I decided to search for the add-on myself. I found it, and played happlily, as many others came into my server, who also disliked that server.

Real Tetris, NONE FOR YOU!

I am bored out of my mind, looking for a good server to join. I found one called Real Tetris (Host: [forgot name]), after getting the 2 or 3 tetris shape downloads, properly installed aswell, I spawn. I see two people casually playing a Tetris game in Blockland. Out of nowhere, someone gets banned for the reason: "For Annoying", then, I stand and watch someone play, then bam 'You have been banned. Reason: "For Annoying"'.
I was going to create a topic about how dissapointing this was, but then I decided to search for the add-on myself. I found it, and played happlily, as many others came into my server, who also disliked that server.
You mean the person that auto-bans? Was it in the bedroom because i came yesterday

Yes, it was in bedroom and it was yesterday.

A long time ago I was on a Ninja Challenge server hosted by "block dude".

Once I joined, the host was like "you had a cuss word in your server name" and kicked me. I did have a cuss word in my server name but what the hell? I joined the server again and he said "im giving you a chance to leave" then he kicked me. I joined the server again and was permanently banned by block dude himself for the reason: Cussing.


BlockDudes and idiot. Hes just another one of them morons who think that just because they have admin their better than everyone on the server. I think we should post his ID and everyone perma ban him. Give him a taste of his own shyt! >=)

In fact, I know his ID by heart.


Grand Theft Spaceship
   Ace and myself went on a server (forgot who's), only to find that the host was was using Ace's ship without permission and claimed that he built it. We then told him that it was not a good idea to steal builds, and we were both banned with some noobish reason.   

That was block dude's server also, I was on it, and Laremere and I were standing up for Ace and were banned for "Stupid cussing idiot" or something.

Is that the same block dude that hosts those animal wars servers? because i've seen quite a few people with similar names Block dude BLOCKDUDE Block_Dood etc.

Also i got banned from a newer guys server for not being one of his friends :/

I just got banned for the first time :(
The server was titled 'BoatWars'
I got banned before I even spawned.
reason: I don't want to ban but too many people

The stupid thing, THERE WERE 3 PEOPLE ON THE SERVER, that's way to many, huh?

I talked to some ppl who were on it and they said it sucked, so atleast I wasn't missing anything.


Is that the same block dude that hosts those animal wars servers? because i've seen quite a few people with similar names Block dude BLOCKDUDE Block_Dood etc.

Also i got banned from a newer guys server for not being one of his friends :/

If he is the one, then I can give you a list of his admins and their ID.

block dude - 3021
[]----[] - 975
Dark Hunter88 - 3518
Black_Ninja - 3846

Feel free to ban them from anywhere  :cookieMonster:

Got banned again, This time in storeclerk's server, Where Ephi was harrasing me in a minigame, I left the minigame, So ephi would leave me alone, and I got banned for leaving the minigame.


Is that the same block dude that hosts those animal wars servers? because i've seen quite a few people with similar names Block dude BLOCKDUDE Block_Dood etc.

Also i got banned from a newer guys server for not being one of his friends :/

If he is the one, then I can give you a list of his admins and their ID.

block dude - 3021Potty word sensitive 11 year old
[]----[] - 975Ok guy, hes pretty nice

Dark Hunter88 - 3518Not too bad either when you get to know him
Black_Ninja - 3846Never seen this one before :cookieMonster:

Feel free to ban them from anywhere  :cookieMonster:
« Last Edit: June 09, 2008, 10:14:29 PM by CityOrian »