Author Topic: BLOCKLAND SUCKS  (Read 66783 times)

I wasn't here then but did blockland do something to piss roblox off?
There were forum raiders i dont know who started it

I wasn't here then but did blockland do something to piss roblox off?
There were forum raiders i dont know who started it
I remember that thread

Hey roosterlanders. this is a little something my friedn made:

That's right :P
Wow that was the gayest image I have ever seen.  Perhaps you should leave.

I wasn't here then but did blockland do something to piss roblox off?
There were forum raiders i dont know who started it
I remember that thread
What thread?

Hey roosterlanders. this is a little something my friedn made:

That's right :P

You give Roblox an even worse name than it already has on these forums. All you're doing is throwing gasoline on the fire, buddy.

Hey roosterlanders. this is a little something my friedn made:¤t=sockland.jpg

You know, the "roosterlander" rhyme has far more insulting potential than "sockland".

Also, tell your freidn I said "Learn to use MSPaint."

Hey roosterlanders. this is a little something my friedn made:

That's right :P
Wow that was the gayest image I have ever seen.  Perhaps you should leave.

And your the gayest person I have seen. Maybe you should leave.

Hey roosterlanders. this is a little something my friedn made:

That's right :P
Wow that was the gayest image I have ever seen.  Perhaps you should leave.

And your the gayest person I have seen. Maybe you should leave.
You should leave, because you are currently giving roblox a bad name

Hey roosterlanders. this is a little something my friedn made:

That's right :P
Wow that was the gayest image I have ever seen.  Perhaps you should leave.

And your the gayest person I have seen. Maybe you should leave.
And you should leave because your a gay roblox fan boy and you should go back to roblox and tell your friend he sucks at making pictures.

Hey roosterlanders. this is a little something my friedn made:

That's right :P
Wow that was the gayest image I have ever seen.  Perhaps you should leave.

And your the gayest person I have seen. Maybe you should leave.
And you should leave because your a gay roblox fan boy and you should go back to roblox and tell your friend he sucks balls at making pictures.

Hey roosterlanders. this is a little something my friedn made:

That's right :P
Wow that was the gayest image I have ever seen.  Perhaps you should leave.

And your the gayest person I have seen. Maybe you should leave.
No, your the gayest, for you called a good person gay. Leave and never come back here with you stupidity.

Ok seriously, why is everyone calling each other homoloveuals?

Ok seriously, why is everyone calling each other homoloveuals?

Where I live, "gay" is one of the many terms to call someone uncool.

I wasn't here then but did blockland do something to piss roblox off?
There were forum raiders i dont know who started it
I remember that thread
What thread?
The thread that you guys were talking about raiding roblox

Lol, Roblox being free doesnt make it better XD

The only reason Roblox is free is because it is still in Alpha!   Truly, it is still in Alpha, i saw it on a Wiki.    So, if Roblox costed money it would be a waist of time because you cant have a game cost money and still be in Alpha, and be basically all lego!

Why does Blockland cost money?  Hmmm i dont know.....  Maybe because, it is out of beta, nice and polished so selling it would be worth what it is.   More?  Ok, it is not all based off of lego so it can still be sold without problems, it is only $20!
That is extremely cheep for all you are getting,   you are getting Unlimited amounts of lego bricks, with its own little style, for life, and no monthly fee!      Blockland is the best $20 i have ever spent.
So you little morons down in roblox thinking you are so cool just because it is free, you aren't.  I bet if Roblox was $20 you would pick blockland

And really, People will play anything that is free XD