Author Topic: Blockland Vending Machine! (OP missed 10 year anniversary and should feel bad)  (Read 875643 times)

You get a baby that doesnt stop crying
I insert everyone from the forums in
you get a writhing mass of body parts that spouts swear words and racial slurs and whispers to you that you should kill yourself

I insert lord tony

You get Lord tony back
The Vending machine don't want him

I insert Sugar

You get salt yes no?

I insert a vending machine

(didnt insert anything)

i insert dark matter

That's tribal! The machine hates you now.

I insert a dictionary.

you get a  doomsday button to flood the world with  brains

and i  insert   a  SUPER ULTRA OLD MEME

Literal stuff gets flung out of the machine and it splatters everywhere.
I insert a realistic face.

You get the weeping face of God.

I insert my hair

hey where is the hair?

[not inserting because of venetin/metario trying to get me out of this topic]

The machine final whacks you into space, telling you that your not welcome here. (because you stuffposted)
Final whack is a preset pack for Advanced visualization studio, dumb.
not a fighting move
inb4 "this is a stuffpost"
« Last Edit: September 26, 2016, 04:58:42 PM by BlocklandBlockoCity »

I insert a doubloon in blocko's place

i get a job

i insert some rotting meat

ermm..  nothing bad happens, you dont eat it, nothing happens and everything is normal.

[Error 444 : "no im not leaving, venetin"]

Are you loving kidding me BBC I'm running out of stuff to insert because of you
I insert a fingernail clipping in BBC's place smfh