Author Topic: School WTF?  (Read 7271 times)

Here is a solution, stop being a pusillanimous individual, I bike more than 5miles easy every week and then i have gym ontop of that, I dont complain like you do i.

On a good week if I had the time, I could go for 7 mile walks 3 times a week. But hell if my employer cares if I have free time anymore. I've been working 7 days a week since June. I'm about to go postal if I don't get a vacation soon.

Here is a solution, stop being a pusillanimous individual, I bike more than 5miles easy every week and then i have gym ontop of that, I dont complain like you do i.

Dude, five miles on a bike is like a stroll around the block. srsly.

edit oops
« Last Edit: October 10, 2008, 06:42:24 PM by Jaymz »

Dude, five miles on a bike is like a scroll around the block. srsly.

Ok, first, we have two mile runs every year, and this time my foot is bad, so I can't run.  So I have to redo it because my time was aver 13 minutes, that's the first part I'm pissed about, second you get a better grade for what place your were in and your time, nice discrimination loving starfish bitches, lose some weight loving fatties, you gym teachers were just standing at the corners.  Is this even LEGAL?!  What the forget?  Also, I was kicked out of the computer lab working an a big project at the last minute, for leaning back on my chair a tiny bit.  I HATE SCHOOL.
shoot up your school and blame it on blockland. :cookieMonster:

Haha. A mile can be pretty tough for some people. You'd probably have to work on running a bit to get to a mile run.

Reactor: 14 minutes? 1 mile? Seriously? You can WALK that, backwards, stopping to smell the roses.

I'm fat. Simple as that. (no rhyme intended).

I would probably damage my joints if I ran today. However, on the day that I ran a 14 minute mile I was running not walking.

I don't really consider athletic ability to be real deciding factor in judging someone. Sure, it takes effort and dedication to be healthy and it does come with benefits, but academics and self-knowledge come first for me. I expect that dropping the weight will be easier a year from now (college) as I will be able to control what the pantry and fridge are stocked with (IE. not loving ice cream and crisps).

tldr; RW is fat and yet does not suck just because he can't run fast (or at all).

At my school (I'm in middle school, also called Junior High.) We run something called the "Jaunt" or something close to that, where we run around the school grounds behind the school. I'm not exactly sure how long it is, maybe a mile or mile and a half, but my best time has been like... maybe 11:32. That was running and walking. We run it every two weeks I think, and its a pain in the ass. On top of that, every day we do stuff called "Seven downs" where we do 7 jumping jacks, push ups, and then 7 crunches. Then we descend like we then do 6 of them.
After that we then run for 5 minutes.

tldr; Dropshock is a lazy ass and hates PE.

I don't do PE, it isnt voluntary after grade 8/9.

I don't do PE, it isnt voluntary after grade 8/9.

No stuff. I think we are all revering to our Junior High days.

PE's lazy most of the time at my school. I'm in weight lifting club, so that's where I get most of my weekly workout time.

one year of PE is required in high school here D:

PE teachers are nothing but hippocrate's that are full of horse sh*t. Unfortunately, we have to deal with them, otherwise *pow* refferal/detention and *slap* a 0 for that day's participation.  I f*cking HATE gym teachers [/rant]

My school allowed you to sit on the bleachers; they couldn't legally force you to participate.

Im weak, and I have asthma :D
Running is not a specialty of mine

On Friday, we discussed the word 'monday' in English class.

Awkward, rite?