What's the stupidest thing you've ever heard someone say on Blockland?

Author Topic: What's the stupidest thing you've ever heard someone say on Blockland?  (Read 176278 times)

Hey guis, liek my avatar?

Or when you say: You can't type for your life, then they say back: Grammer is stoopid (or something like that)

... (Grammar moron, not grammer. PS. I HATE AUTO CORRECT)


and we lied :cookieMonster:

Self Delete by stab
i don't think that counts though

Self Delete by stab
i don't think that counts though
aka docter  :cookieMonster:

I Austin Lee Perez AKA the docter am commiting Self Delete due to cyberbulying from everyone on the drama topic of how im idiotic

Self Delete by stab

User was banned for this post
That is defiantly the stupidest.

That is defiantly the stupidest.

This one aint so mighty itself.

No, just kidding, probably an autocorrect error

Irc chat:

Gamer Killer: you really thought she was 10 (my friends age)
Gamer Killer: she said i pissed her of
Gamer Killer: wat ever
Gamer Killer: john
JohnFreeman: she is
Gamer Killer: noo
JohnFreeman: why not
Gamer Killer: she liar'
Gamer Killer: she cussed at me
JohnFreeman: Do you have any diseases
Gamer Killer: word thAT I DIDNT KNOW
Gamer Killer: no

Simple: He doesnt know what Pissed means. hes 14 FYI

When many 3okers tell me they're not noobs when they know they are -_-

This has got to be the stupidest thing I've ever seen someone say on the Blockland Forums:
When many 3okers tell me they're not noobs when they know they are -_-

jesus's stuff pecon

"No" is such a loving stupid word i wanna punch that guy

When many 3okers tell me they're not noobs when they know they are -_-

i met a bunch of swag 30kers

When many 3okers tell me they're not noobs when they know they are -_-
People like you are the reason BLIDs are hidden by default.

When many 3okers tell me they're not noobs when they know they are -_-

well you're a pretty high id yourself