Author Topic: The new and improved 3D model topic!  (Read 3916883 times)

Getting closer...

why does it look like that, why's it so flat looking, what'd you do that's not right what the forget seriously

He's not shading it correctly.
Export options.

Why is the mountPoint not in the right spot what-so-ever? I have the mountPoint infront of the trigger guard and low, yet the hand is over the slide and back.

^I like it.
EDIT-meant the little pod, but the gun is okay too.
« Last Edit: August 27, 2013, 10:27:40 PM by The Corporation »

wait what's going on heOHH


Any help on the mountPoint thing?

Any help on the mountPoint thing?
Open the .cs file for your weapon and go to it's item image data and change the offset around, try making it "0 0 0", then you can change it around from there if the positioning is still off, but you don't feel like re-exporting the model a dozen more times

Open the .cs file for your weapon and go to it's item image data and change the offset around, try making it "0 0 0", then you can change it around from there if the positioning is still off, but you don't feel like re-exporting the model a dozen more times
Ok, that will be helpful for the future, but I got it by exporting it like 30 times.

wait what's going on heOHH

o u got me, no smoochie ramps for me :((

Any progress on the .357 Masterlegodude?

Any progress on the .357 Masterlegodude?
Ehh, i gave it the gun script and changed things around for it to work, but it doesn't seem to be working for some reason, the console's error report isn't being helpful with pointing out the problem

I kind of lost interest in getting it to work as i was more interested in other things i was working on at the time
The script is pretty basic, so it should be working

It might be the animations since i'm not very experienced with the animations part of Torque, so maybe someone more experienced with that can help out, i still have the .ms3d file if someone knows more about animations in Torque than i do :cookieMonster:

Ehh, i gave it the gun script and changed things around for it to work, but it doesn't seem to be working for some reason, the console's error report isn't being helpful with pointing out the problem

I kind of lost interest in getting it to work as i was more interested in other things i was working on at the time
The script is pretty basic, so it should be working

It might be the animations since i'm not very experienced with the animations part of Torque, so maybe someone more experienced with that can help out, i still have the .ms3d file if someone knows more about animations in Torque than i do :cookieMonster:

I can do animations. Throw the ms3d back over. :)

why is everyone modeling guns these days
Who knows...they always turn out bad. One good pack is fine imo.

I like modeling cars better. I can't stop.
« Last Edit: August 28, 2013, 03:25:21 AM by Apex »