Author Topic: The new and improved 3D model topic!  (Read 3915217 times)

solidworks is pretty forgetin legit tho, but i get you

discussion on modeling software is like discussion on whether or not pineapples on pizza is a good idea

or open curly braces getting a line by themselves or not

or vim vs emacs
or macos vs windows
also personally using autodesk programs to me is the same as your brown townogy regarding unreal engine so idk
i'll admit though i havent used 3dsmax before, only maya
Are you kidding me it crashes every 5 minutes ans has zero compatibility between versions I hate it aaaaa.

based on
no clue how to fix the gross shading on the back bits and i'm not sure if i want to texture the blank side parts with a brick side texture so it doesn't look so boring or not yet

edge split that back edge to fix that shading

edge split that back edge to fix that shading
its already edge split so i'm not entirely sure what is wrong
« Last Edit: July 13, 2017, 03:06:56 PM by Gytyyhgfffff »

holy forget thats so adorable holy stuff i cant

he better DAB

please make this into a playertype add-on holy forget