Author Topic: TBM forums  (Read 40358 times)

The bigger question is , has anyone else noticed, they are a bunch of angst filled furcigarette kids.

No one else noticed even though they said the same loving thing half a page up.

I thought the site went down :o
Nah. just on the blog like thing you can flip the photo's and one of em redirects you there.
I did what Wedge said to do :cookieMonster:
« Last Edit: March 23, 2009, 10:40:28 PM by Jimmg »

Not even a good forums.

Gawd, slow bandwith.

Ew, they can't even escape their characters. The title of this topic reads:

Re:Hate To Steal TBM\'s Thunder, But...

The Mix-Network forums were much better, in my opinion.

Not even a good forums.

Gawd, slow bandwith.
Loads at a normal speed for me.

Gawd, slow bandwith.
I had noticed that. Sometimes it loads rather slowly for me. Also, I found their response to what Jimmg posted rather amusing.

Whats up with them and there religious remarks?

I'm confused.

blockland came out in.. 2003?

they have boats O.o  :cookieMonster:

rofl at the administrator post.

TBM is good. The community isn't.

I play it. Only the forum is stuff. Not the game.

Just thought i'd post the epic reply.

Great, another intellectual.
You want to talk politics? Lets talk.
Clearly False Name

Informal Greeting. *Fancy Addendum* I have contacted you about potential copyright violations on your site, in the hopes that we may cooperate to achieve a compromise that is beneficial to the both of us, and I will not be required to contact your web host.

The following Free Retail guide, key.dat and this forum post which contains a shared key may run foul of the DMCA anti-circumvention guidelines.

Your current inaction leads me to believe that you endorse piracy.

Best regards.

Well, Mr. McGuire.
First up, as indicated, key.dat is a non-functional component, and circumvents old versions of software.
Second, as our Main Developer has indicated, copy-protection is not a holy subject, and a small developer's community possesses nothing on a large scale website on the level of Gamecopyworld or The Pirate Bay, nor websites devoted to evading retail sales, such as CoolROM, etc. While we have agreed to remove this particular file off our website and forum, we are overall curious as to the possible effect of the minor distribution of ONE file to a player who requested it, as you/the author is not losing a sale to the public, but simply an opportunity to sell the software to us, who were not inclined to buy the game in the first place.

Third, I am curious as to your identity/affiliation and to which parties you belong to, as you expressly did not indicate so on your post, which, apart from being informal, does lead one to question the authority which you may possess, or the party on which you act on behalf on.

Moreover, the "Free Retail Guides" on which you referred to are useless, apart from the comprehensive guide I wrote some time back for players to be able to test out Retail, albeit in off line mode, to see what we were up against. The guide I authored makes use of a key exploit which was not only built in but unadressed by the game's author, Eric Hartman, who left a 'Developers Code' exploit in every release to date.
Not only this, but the precise instructions I posted are present on many alternate websites (such as YouTube and others) which receive a great deal more traffic then an isolated development community.
With these points I call not only your points into question, but also the validity of the underlying arguments, most of which have been rebutted over the course of this topic.
You managed to mount an authoritarian tone, although failed to back it up with hard evidence or proof, so I am requesting authority and correct documentation to back up your claims.

Moreso, you have no stated which part of the DMCA we have violated, nor provided a correctly referenced sample, which, I believe would be standard in correctly handled cases such as this. Professionalism would be appreciated on your behalf here.

If you do not rectify the above two points, via ignorance or other, I will be assuming that you are retracting your claims and taking a passive stance towards this issue, as you make claims, accusations and threats and provide no decent proof of affiliation, nor ties to any foundation which may possess the power to demand that harmless software and information on OUTDATED software be removed.

Kindly supply above-demanded information, or you shall receive no further credibility from this forum.

Sounds like he got damn served to me.

Sounds like he got damn served to me.

I haven't done this in years, but I think you really deserve it.


Thanks, its certainly was unexpected.
Seems this elrune character is a real essay fan, ill hotlink the second essay he wrote against our troll.