
is minecraft dead

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168 (38.4%)

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Author Topic: Minecraft Megathread; yeah its update 1.12 big whoop what about it  (Read 6385254 times)

left looks better
but you could make it switchable
what have i done

Working on a Portal 2 map:

removing the novelty of friends, blockland completely demolishes minecrafts multiplayer from server-client handling to ease of use.

gameplay with blockland does shine online. its fast and smooth. i don't have to worry about hacking up game files and patching exploits that should've been fixed by the devs.
Blockland is as as glitchy as all hell. Especially in single player, i'll be playing a game and blockland will just disconnect me from myself. i can go into any blockland server and fly through walls by becoming small, and i can go through blocks by ramming them with a car.

i'll be playing a game and blockland will just disconnect me from myself.
Add-on issue.
i can go into any blockland server and fly through walls by becoming small
Barely an issue. There's no reason to be that small on any serious server.

, and i can go through blocks by ramming them with a car.
Kompressor said something about fixing vehicle physics.
y'know, instead of just adding more bricks and giving us a pathetic dragon.

oh yea the dragon boss is such a joke too lol. id call it "fake" difficulty

wither >>>>>>>>>>>>enderdragon

Add-on issue. not when i'm playing with no addons.Barely an issue. not when you're playing on a fortwars server and there's a bee man shooting you through your wallThere's no reason to be that small on any serious server. tactical flying through wallsKompressor said something about fixing vehicle physics.and we have shadows that don't work for anyone except the top 10%
y'know, instead of just adding more bricks and giving us a pathetic dragon. i'm nor saying that minecraft is better, i'm saying that if you don't enjoy the game, don't bitch and moan about the issues. I can bitch about all the issues with blockland, but i don't because i enjoy the game.

.2 scale abuse can be fixed by... disabling. 2 scale!(wow SHOCKER!!!). minecraft is on a completely different level when it comes to severity and number of issues

oh yea the dragon boss is such a joke too lol. id call it "fake" difficulty
Its just more of a hassle cause you have to shoot all the crystals out, then you have to sit there and wait for it to fly back around to shoot it. It's not difficult, it's just annoying.

.2 scale abuse can be fixed by... disabling. 2 scale!(wow SHOCKER!!!). minecraft is on a completely different level when it comes to severity and number of issues
elaborate, i've never had any crazy stuff happen in minecraft smp since 1.5

blockland does it ask badspot.

come on daro-man! don't give up already!

It's called closed source and locking up the variables with the source, something not possible with the fashion people currently mod. They have had talks with users and such, kept it all documented. In four years when they get around to the mod api to save the game from abandonment, you'll be satisfied.

elaborate, i've never had any crazy stuff happen in minecraft smp since 1.5

... My first thought was "1.5 has barely even started development..." Then I thought Beta 1.5. Just saying what I thought, myself.

minecrafts issues are not only with shoddy code, but deal with the actual fundamental mechanics the game was based around.

stuff-tier combat.
stuff-tier ai.
exploring all content in 1 hour
serious abuse/exploiting online
shallow features (npcs, biomes, dungeons)
lack of actual difficulty
poor modding implementation

sorry i don't want "mod flexibility" to be an excuse for an exploit filled online experience.

boohoo you hate the game

then get out of the thread about it

now with path searching :D
« Last Edit: November 12, 2012, 01:45:24 AM by Kingdaro »

I love how generic your complaints are. Especially the combat argument - do you realize combat is fine how it is? You could make it 'better' by making it a centralized focus. AKA take away focus from the base game, which was what Minecraft had been about for some time.

The AI is much improved, especially in the latest update. Changing it based on difficulty doesn't seem like something this game needs.

You definitely can not explore a majority of the content in 1 hour - even with cheaty things, it would take some time.

What serious abuse? Flint and steel?

They also added silverfish stone generating the same way as ores, something you'll find the hard way. Not everything needs to be in-your-face. You stumble upon these things, the same as any story.

The difficulty is being mindful and intelligent, which comes through experience.

Modding is simple since they support someone who simplifies the process for everyone.

I am half asleep, by the way, so whatever you respond to this... Ya... You just keep saying that... Keep going... Whatever... I'll sober up off my sleepiness later.