►►►Port Forwarding: How to host an internet game

Author Topic: ►►►Port Forwarding: How to host an internet game  (Read 50204 times)


  • Administrator
My model is a Linksys WRTP54G. There is no common passwords and usernames for it!

Did you try "admin" like 99% of the other link sys passwords?

you cant host them i guess =\


  • Administrator
Yes. it didnt work!
The password has probably been changed.  Theres usually a tiny hole on the back of the router with a button in side that resets everything.  You stick a paper clip in there to push it.

Lol  :cookieMonster: that is the easy part


Gah, we cant find anything to do with the DNS >=(
Blockland really needs an easier way to host games...


  • Administrator
You can also get your DNS servers by doing ipconfig /all in the command prompt

Click start->run
Type "command" (without the quotes) and click ok
A black window pops up.  Type "ipconfig /all" (without the quotes)

I wish it was easier too, but the OS and network hardware are setup to be hostile to this sort of thing.  There are some ways of doing it automatically but they are quite difficult.


I could only find one DNS, and are DNS suposed to be **.**.**.** ? ( a number replacing every asterix)
Ours wasnt...

somone told me what aDNS is but i forgot -.- lol


  • Administrator
somone told me what aDNS is but i forgot -.- lol
And now you'll never know.  If only there was some site that had like a googol of servers that could let you search the whole internet for something instantaneously... alas.

there aren't that many sites on the intarweb badspot.... you don't need that many servers....

googol = 10000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000 00000
(100 zeros  :cookieMonster: )

10000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000          there is to simple it out (why would i googol this?)

10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000          there is to simple it out (why would i googol this?)

English translation please.