Author Topic: Omegle, funny conversations. Post them here.  (Read 104097 times)

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: Booooooooom!!!!!!!!
Stranger: move on your head
You: Give meh teh cheezeburger
You: NAO!
Stranger: here
You: Thanks! *eats cheezburger*
Stranger: yummy!!!!!!!
You: All your cheezburgerz are belong to us!
Stranger: move on your head
You: All your kittehz are belong to us nao too!1!!!!11!!!!
Stranger: huh?
Stranger: what's going on?
You: An assault on all your bases
Stranger: lalalalalalalalalalal~~
You: we will take the kittehz and rule deh wurld!!!!!!
Stranger: who are you?
Stranger: introduce yourself.
You: My name is not important. Surrender the cheesburger or the kittens will die!
Stranger: I don't care
You: And then I will poop them out and flush them down a volcano.
You: they will all die... Twice!
Stranger: I don't care
Stranger: KILL THEM
You: Ok *takes ak47 and shoots all of the kittens in the world*
Stranger: I hate kittens
You: me too.
Stranger: cool
You: I will have to incinerate them with a spartan laser.
Stranger: you are cruel person
You: Then I will take their cheezburgers and eat them while the kittens lay dying.
You: and then revive the kittens to fight in an evil army of darkness.
Stranger: lol
You: They will be the super soldiers. Super powerful and super agile.
Stranger: then I will buy them
You: What will you use them for?
Stranger: to fight with USA
You: Okay. We first need cyborg technology for kittens.
You: We can also use them to catch mice to train as spies or assassins.
Stranger: RIGHT
Stranger: Will you join us?
You: Yes!
Stranger: cool
Stranger: call me 'SIR'
You: Yes Sir!
Stranger: GOOOD
You: We will then catch leprechauns for their gold to fund our missions, Sir!
Stranger: OK
Stranger: HURRY UP!!!!
You: I have 20 leprechauns right here and i have there gold.
Stranger: GIVE ME
You: Ok Sir!
Stranger: When do you want to go to USA to fight?
You: Soon. Their most dangerous weapon is Chuck Norris, Sir!
Stranger: oh,,I didn't know that
Stranger: I think you will be goos sir instead me
Stranger: good*
You: We must kill him before we send in the mice to poison the army.
Stranger: ok
Stranger: Do it now
You: 3...
You: 2...
You: 1...
You: The mice have poisoned the army!
Stranger: gooooooood
You: Now for the cats to exterminate anyone else.
You: 3...
You: 2...
You: 1...
You: The cats have killed everybody.
Stranger: Good job
You: How do we reward the cats?
Stranger: Give some fishes
You: Okay. New York city has enough fishies.
Stranger: Now
Stranger: we have to go to Europe
You: England?
Stranger: where do you want to go?
You: I don't care as long as the cats can win for us.
Stranger: I want to conquer the world with you
You: Okay. We will clone the cats to make more troops.
Stranger: how about Asia?
You: Yes. Japan has good cyborg upgrades.
Stranger: I hate Japan
Stranger: do you like?
You: Why don't we conquer it then?
Stranger: Cool
Stranger: let's go
You: Okay. I'm sending a plane full of mice to spy.
Stranger: ok
Stranger: and
Stranger: bring some Japanese animations
You: The mice have brought anime and they report that there is nobody there. Some giant plague of diseases or something.
Stranger: no,they lied
You: How could my loyal troops lie???
You: Are they working for Japan?
Stranger: ok. then let's see the animations to rest
You: Okay.
Stranger: oh,,you are female
You: ok.
Stranger: you deceive me
You: Yes. I do.
Stranger: oops
Stranger: oh,,
Stranger: then
Stranger: I don't want to you anymore
Stranger: bye bye
You: I still like roleplaying, though.
Stranger: you are liar
You: How?
Stranger: hey
Stranger: I gotta go
Stranger: my mom called me
You: Bye.
Stranger: hahahahahahaha
Stranger: lol
Stranger: bye bye

ps: i'm not a girl. I said that to see what he would say.

Well this was a rather long one.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: Pikachu is not real.
Stranger: OH RLY?
Stranger: sad, but true
You: He is quite the mutated abomination.
Stranger: almost a CHUPACABRA
You: I'd have to disagree.
You: I believe you are trying to sell me books.
Stranger: have you ever seen a chupa cabra?
You: No
Stranger: i have a manual book about it here, do you wanna see it?
Stranger: low prices.
You: See?
You: I knew it.
You: How much?
Stranger: i'm predictable :(
Stranger: not too much.
Stranger: only U$ 972348021983092390274,00
You: Well that's not too much...
You: If you were a walrus!
You: Rip off.
Stranger: i'm the walrus, goo goo g'joob
You: Now, would you like to buy this pen?
You: It clicks.
You: Five bucks.
Stranger: is it a machine gun in shape of a pen?
You: ye...rrr no.
Stranger: crap
You: I am not pointing it at you either, not with my finger on the trigger at all.
Stranger: thats bad
Stranger: where are you from, strange stranger?
You: All I ask is for your lunch money.
Stranger: i don't have money, just an apple.
You: That'll do...
You: if you were a cat.
You: Which I am not.
Stranger: meow
You: I knew it, you are one of those...
You: mancatpigs...
You: trying to sell me books...
Stranger: and cookies
You: ooo cookies?
Stranger: run to the hills!
Stranger: yes, RUN TO MY LIFE!
You: wait...
Stranger: M A R R Y  M E
You: lolwut?
You: i believe the curtain has fallen.
Stranger: relax, it's just a serial killer trying to invade your house
You: Ohh okay
You: I shall relax in my nice comfortable chair that definently does not have rocket boosters attached to it.
You: Incase I needed to escape.
Stranger: no problem, you don't need to escape.
Stranger: just kiss him and have love.
Stranger: he will go away later.
Stranger: with your body.
You: I'd rather skip that step.
Stranger: don't be a cigarette!
Stranger: face it
You: I am facing the wall yes.
You: or would you like that to be the curtain that has fallen?
Stranger: actually, no
You: then what would you like me to face?
Stranger: your imaginary friend who is destroying your home
You: oh okay
You: Um, which one?
Stranger: what are the options?
You: Would I really have to list all 150 of them?
Stranger: sure!
Stranger: i don't have class tomorrow.
Stranger: and it's 04:12am right now
You: Well here goes...
You: wait what's that?
You: There seems to be a map.
Stranger: that was me, hihih
Stranger: sorry
You: a map on the way
You: wall*
Stranger: almost Indiana Jones place
Stranger: From the east coast, to the west coast...
Gotta gotta gotta go!
Stranger: i'm just singing, don't go.
You: I was about to ask you if you would like me to show you were the toilet was.
Stranger: sorry, i don't like drugs.
Stranger: toilet sounds like cocaine
You: Oh well that's a shame, you're such a catterpillar.
Stranger: thanx *shy*
You: The water.
You: It seems to be down.
You: on the floor
Stranger: i never saw a catterpillar :(
Stranger: you pissed
You: ohh
You: batman can clean it up
Stranger: i'm from brazil and we don't have Batman here. if i have the same problem, how should i solve this?
You: ghost busters?
You: spiderman?
You: ninja turtles?
You: super soap from the supermarket of...
Stranger: carnival monkeys, maybe
You: ah yes
You: however those will...
You: cost you quite some...
You: they demand jello
Stranger: i'm a monkey trained to type
You: lots of it
Stranger: what the hell is jello?
Stranger: ahahahaha
Stranger: duuuuh
You: jiggly jellitin stuff that tastes good
Stranger: sounds great. lsd, i understand.
You: except it doesn't have drugs in it
You: or so my imaginary friends say
You: i can see all
Stranger: do you see the white bunny right there?
You: yes
You: no
Stranger: he used to visit me.
You: not anymore, i blinked
Stranger: yes, he disappers really fast.
Stranger: he is gay, be careful.
You: uh oh
Stranger: watch your star fish.
You: Well, it's rather uncomfortable to keep an eye on my behind at all times.
Stranger: just lean on the wall
Stranger: or blink
Stranger: man, you should quit the drugs.
Stranger: me too
You: the imaginary friends tell me to do things
You: Then i see more of them when i do these things
Stranger: but you can kill yourself, no problem.
You: I do not have a boyfriend.
Stranger: lesbian?
You: yeah
Stranger: me too.
Stranger: (not)
You: lol
Stranger: where are you from, stranger?
You: Ragol, where rappies strive and boomas creep the stuff out of you.
Stranger: so cute
You: I believe it is time to depart, and no I shall not buy your books you drug dealing mancatbearmonkey.
Stranger: you hate me! but buy me a book.
Stranger: soooooooo, nice to meet you, stranger. and remeber: quit the drugs.
You: i have... interesting matters to attend to.
You: but... the imaginary friends...
You: they tell me to
Stranger: kill them all
You: farewell stranger
You have disconnected.

You: your a fart face
Stranger: yo dawg
You: Okay :D
Stranger: good, im glad we agree
You: we always will
Stranger: we're like a married couple
You: I luv your ass baybe...
Stranger: all 50 inches of it?
You: Yeah, those long butt cheeks
Stranger: longg hahaha
Stranger: guess what
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Stranger: Hello, im a male looking to chat with a female on skype or MSN, you interested?

Me:WHAT THE forget.

You have disconnected.

I am a loving love wanter magnet.

mw2 raid

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: STAR!
Stranger: will you go out with me?
You: STAR!
Stranger: circle
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: Hey
You: Sup?
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

This is one my friend did:

You: Hi!

Stranger: My dad has cancer, and I'm serious.

You: Bye!

You have disconnected.

My friend is so
mean D:(

You: Hi
Stranger: hi
Stranger: asl?
You: 9001/wtfland/wtfland
You: :D
Your conversational partner has disconnected

Stranger: hi
You: forget you

Stranger: STAR
You: /ignore Stranger

Stranger: Why hello there!
You: Heyyyyyy!!
You: how r u?
Stranger: I'm a cat
Stranger: how about you?
You: I'm a cat too. I am kawaii. Are you Kawaii?
Stranger: I'm a siamese, sorry
You: Darn, your like the opposite of Kawaii then.
You: Oh! Stranger-kun, Stranger-kun!
You: How do I shot web?
Stranger: Pardon?
You: How do I shot web?
Stranger: what do you mean?
You: I heard that I could shot web, but they never told me how.
You: sad face :C
Stranger: what does that mean though?
You: Thats the mystery...
You: I set it as my life goal to explore omegle and similiar chat rooms to find out how!
Stranger: well what a shame
Stranger: i can't help you
You: Drat.
Stranger: Drat. indeed
You: Not even a tip at all?
You: Perhaps a pointer?
Stranger: I haven't the foggiest
You: Fiddle sticks.
Stranger: You could try approaching google..
You: Hm, yes! Excellent suggestion my comrade!
Stranger: My tips go only to the most loyal of my subjects!
You: Excellent master! I deserve to be punsihed harshly for my ignorance of google.
Stranger: Oh it is true.
Stranger: But such a punishment will take much time to ponder.
You: Crawl inside me like a warm kitten master, whip me with a cat o' nine tails.
Stranger: Oh but I think the dungeon is rather the one calling your name, one with many spiders, hungry for flesh.
You: How arousing, you sure know how to set a scene master!
Stranger: Oh perhaps I do, but it wasn't me I was making reference to.
Stranger: The other breakers of my law are used in times such as these.
You: Hmmm...
You: You could rip me naked, tear out my fir, brown town rape me, beat me with a bagel, warm me in BOILING LAVA[/weegee].
Stranger: No, no, that is not my job.
You: (_o_)
Stranger: Well has google assisted you in your fine quest?
You: It has, briefly. It has suggested I shot web via ejaculation. Whether this is effective or not I do not know.
Stranger: Well those you heard this term from don't seem like the best of people...
You: How so? Shall I part my hair for occasion?
Stranger: No no, not at all, but such people have been putting bad ideas into that sheltered head of yours, a peasant.
You: I do enquire furtherr.
Stranger: Do you so?
You: I do so you.
Stranger: Well, if you must know, I have not the intentions for punishment that you previously assumed.
You: Son, I am dissapoint.
Stranger: I'm so very sorry my loyalty, yet, you shall have to deal with the way your master chooses to go about things
You: sad faec :C
Stranger: When you question and wrong the higher power, you suffer, that is just how the world works, my friend.
You: Thats stupid. Your stupid. THE FUTURE IS STUPID.
Stranger: Gasp!
Stranger: And with that comment:
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

I JUST loving WON

My latest one:


Network Error

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: Hello.
Stranger: ILY?
You: wat
Stranger: You know.
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
