Author Topic: Wish Granted, but...  (Read 523892 times)

Wish granted, but its not granted.

I wish for nothing.
with granted, but you got SOMETHING!

wish granted, but you didn't type anything in >_<

I wish i had a way to change what others say on my topic, so i could make them look like the noobs ^_^

wish granted, but you didn't type anything in >_<

I wish i had a way to change what others say on my topic, so i could make them look like the noobs ^_^
Wish granted, but someone finds out how to do what your doing, and makes you look like a noob.
I wish wet and wild was re-made. Also, they are making another :D

Granted, but it sucks.
I wish for the power to create anything i want.

Granted...but you create a nuke that destroy's you and everything.

i wish i had a Ferrari

Granted but you wish you had a Farrari, now you don't.
I wish that I had a cloning device.

Granted but you wish you had a cloning device, now you don't.

I wish for something good to happen.

Granted, but that good turns into bad.
I wish I have a cloning device.

Wish granted but you start an argument with yourself over who was the original and end up using the same tactics and killing each of yourself at the same time.

I wish I could think of a wish.

Wish granted, but that wish is wishing that you never thought of this wish.
I wish I had 1 more wish.

Wish Granted, but it sucks.
I wish for a fish.

Granted, but its a poisonous fish and you eat it raw.

I wish for... a better keyboard

granted but when you plug it in you computer spontaneously combusts


Granted, but the zombies are really nice and don't eat humans

I wish for pi (3.1415927.....)

Granted, but the zombies are really nice and don't eat humans

I wish for pi (3.1415927.....)
it can't be an apocalypse if there is no zombie APOCALYPSE!!!

youl get your pi. But your computer will crash from all of the numbers! Mua Ha Ha ha Ha!

I wish for a resident evil style zombie apocalypse!