Author Topic: Wish Granted, but...  (Read 524572 times)

Granted but you go to a pacific island and get blown up but an RPG-7  and have to battle an island full of mercinaries with the help of doyil.

I wish that prototype had gore filters and that kerog would not post next.

Granted, but then it's not Prototype and it doesn't work.
I wish I wasn't this bored.

Granted, but you get bored shortly after again
I wish for cookies

Granted, but the  :cookieMonster: ate them all!

I wish for nothing.....

Granted, but it becomes a black hole that slaps you in the face.

I wish to always be right.

Granted but your wrong at Every thing

Granted, but then you didn't post a wish.

I wish for idiots to get perma banned.

Granted but you get perma banned.

I wish the next person to post turned into a girl.

Granted, but I'm already one!

I wish I had a stick with cheerios nailed to it like the good ol' days.

Granted, but I'm already one!

I wish I had a stick with cheerios nailed to it like the good ol' days.

Granted, but then you get tetstar fish from the nails.

I wish I was fluent in Actionscript 2.0.

Granted, But you get a virus

I wish i was a Xbox

Granted, But you get a virus

I wish i was an Xbox

Granted but then your mom sells you by accident to pay for grammar school.

I wish for a new computer and nothing bad can happen to it, my family, me, or friends in any dimension or in any way.
« Last Edit: December 31, 2009, 12:03:26 AM by MrBob00 »

Granted, but... um... God still decided that bad luck would rain upon your computer and to your family.

I wish that everything in life was free.

Granted, but... um... God still decided that bad luck would rain upon your computer and to your family. -Don't really believe in God, but okay.

I wish that everything in life was free.

Granted but then society collapses because everything is free and they realize that it's your fault and they kill you.

I wish I would stop posting in this thread.