Author Topic: Wish Granted, but...  (Read 524640 times)

Wish granted, it is silenced, but through death.

I wish I was a turtle.
Wish granted, but I eat you
I wish this topic would become locked

Granted, but I broke it.
I wish to have more admin powers.

Granted, but the admins realize that your not supposed to be admin so they take it away

I wish for a Bassit Hound

Granted, but the dog dies.

I wish for a new android phone.

Granted, but the dog dies.

I wish for a new android phone.
I had a Bassit Hound IRL who died you prick :c

Granted, but some blac- huh.....mexican guy steals it.

I wish for doge

I had a Bassit Hound IRL who died you prick :c

Granted, but some blac- huh.....mexican guy steals it.

I wish for doge
I had an android phone that was stolen by a mexican guy you prick :c

wish granted, but its possessed and eats you and your entire family
I wish people loved me

Granted, but then i add you on Skype and you and all of your friends De-friend you on everything and you have no friends.

I wish for more doge

Wish granted. The doge is magical and loves you forever. Nothing bad happens.

I wish I wish I wish I wished wishes

Wish granted but you cannot wish for more wishes but that was your wish so thereforeolafhlahfrlwifhleauh fewlkuh CRITICAL MISSION FAILURE

I wish I had the spore complete pack on steam.

Wish granted, but you lost 3/4 of your spore character parts

I wish for a huge plate of bacon!

Wish granted! And you eat the bacon and fell good! you then carry on with your life

I wish for seafood

Granted, but the seafood ate you.

I wish that whatever someone grants me, it isn't bad.

Wish granted. But it eats you. I wish v21 would come out

Wish granted, but you when it comes out you realize that it sucks.

I wish for no one to ask to take my wish.
« Last Edit: July 15, 2012, 11:23:46 PM by Darksaber530 »

...Can I take your wish?

I wish for carrots to tear someone's eyes out.