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Topics - Mega-Bear

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Off Topic / Curiosity Rover Made a Historic Discovery Apparently
« on: November 23, 2012, 08:58:12 PM »
Official Twitter for Curiosity:

Am I the only one who has been thinking about this non-stop for the past two days? I'm really excited for NASA to reveal what they've discovered when it comes time. Of course microbiological life is what a lot of us have in mind, especially with the Rover's discoveries being called "one for the history books," but it could be evidence of water having existed on Mars at one point, new geological information, ALIENS, etc. Regardless I can't wait.

Discuss Martians.

Games / Recommend 3DS Games
« on: October 13, 2012, 06:48:01 PM »
I just bought a 3DS, coolest stuff ever. It's still charging for the first time though. Right now the only game I have is Animal Crossing: Wild World, though I plan on getting Mario Kart 7, Mario Party 3DS, and Animal Crossing: Jump Out. Any other good games?

Off Topic / Tomorrow is 80s Day at My School
« on: October 01, 2012, 07:20:44 PM »

My outfit is going to undoubtedly be the best. Let me paint you a picture. Black David Bowie T-shirt with a black and white button-up shirt over it, but unbuttoned in the messy style the 80s had, according to my geometry teacher. Downstairs I'm wearing whitewash jeans with a Van Halen "1984" CD sleeve hanging out of one of the back pockets. I wanted to have a red handkerchief hanging out of the other pocket like off of Bruce Springsteen's "Born in the USA" but that might not happen.

Discuss cool outfits for school spirit week. If you have no school spirit get out handicap.

Off Topic / Anti-Drama: Maze24
« on: September 25, 2012, 07:51:17 PM »
Maze 24

A topic two days in the making...

This is one cool dude. He is always able to make me smile, even though I never play any games with him which I deeply regret. He is also very kind and friendly.


I know this girl that's terribly afraid of bananas. I'm not even joking she freaks out when she sees one.

I giggled hardcore.

need to add ac3: liberation to thread.

He likes liberation games which means he likes liberation which means he is a truly great political leader. I would vote for him.

Cool! Have fun! Tell me if you have anything to give away c:

Very kind young man.


9:29 PM - Mega Bear: who is your greatest role model

6:26 PM - SWAG FATHER: School is important

7:48 PM - Mega Bear: what do you want to be when u grow up
7:48 PM - Mega Bear: what is your favorite animal
7:49 PM - Mega Bear: yeah this ones a thinker
7:49 PM - SWAG FATHER: hmmm
7:49 PM - Mega Bear: where do you see yourself in 10 years
7:49 PM - SWAG FATHER: being a lawyer cyborg penguin
7:49 PM - SWAG FATHER: duh
7:50 PM - Mega Bear: if you were president what would the first legislation you pass be
7:51 PM - SWAG FATHER: wtf
7:51 PM - SWAG FATHER: im not going to be president
7:51 PM - SWAG FATHER: i already told you
7:51 PM - SWAG FATHER: im going to be a lawyer
7:51 PM - Mega Bear: okay what if you were a LAWYER PENGUIN president
7:51 PM - SWAG FATHER: why would i need to be president
7:52 PM - Mega Bear: good enough

7:53 PM - Mega Bear: how smooth are you with the ladies, swag father
7:55 PM - SWAG FATHER: oh
7:55 PM - SWAG FATHER: im smoother than butter on a baby's butt
7:55 PM - Mega Bear: damn thats smooth
7:55 PM - SWAG FATHER: hell yeah it is
7:55 PM - Mega Bear: have you tried the gum trick i told you about
7:55 PM - SWAG FATHER: no :c
7:56 PM - SWAG FATHER: well
7:56 PM - SWAG FATHER: i was going too
7:56 PM - SWAG FATHER: but
7:56 PM - SWAG FATHER: she wasn't looking in my direction
7:58 PM - Mega Bear: type faster monday
7:58 PM - SWAG FATHER: oh sorry
7:58 PM - SWAG FATHER: got distracted [NOT] arguing with this person

Off Topic / Lifehacks
« on: September 23, 2012, 06:06:58 PM »
Post some lifehacks yo. Image form is preferred, but text based lifehacks are cool too. Old thread:

Tried this on my sister's lock, great for figuring out the combo to a lock you forget.

Very useful for warning people of zombies ahead.
who what when where why

In case you missed it, old thread:

Off Topic / Colten vs. Caboose
« on: September 04, 2012, 08:30:09 PM »

Welcome ladies and gentlemen to the first Bearuvian Fight Club match, where Colten will face off against my cat Caboose!

In this corner, we have Colten the Ferret!

And in this corner, we have Caboose the Cat!

Match start!

Lame! It's a cuddlefest! You can all get your money back outside...

Drama / So Apparently YoungRotations Died in a Car Accident
« on: September 04, 2012, 03:37:44 PM »
Forum Profile
Steam Profile

Figured I'd jump the gun and make this topic before he could post and tell you all about what is happening. Apparently YoungRotations has been sending Steam messages to friends telling them that he's died, and claims to be his brother. Here are some Steam chats (identities are anonymous so they don't get sucked into the drama):

Sent to me by Anonymous 1 (text may be a little wonky in the conversation within the conversation):

3:13 PM - Anonymous 1: young cigarettetations is about to go full on attentionwhore
3:13 PM - Anonymous 1: trust me
3:13 PM - Anonymous 1: what his "brother" says in this is bullstuff
3:14 PM - Anonymous 1: [Removed, would reveal identity]
3:14 PM - Anonymous 1:
   2:38 PM - Anonymous 2 slaps
   2:38 PM - Anonymous 2: [Removed, would reveal identity]
   2:38 PM - Anonymous 2: .-.
   2:38 PM - YoungRotations (1): This is jack's brother, Jack was hit down by a car on his way to work experience this morning, i thought i should let his internet friends know, i know that he was close to all of you.
   He's in hospital now and we're waiting to hear back from them.
   2:39 PM - Anonymous 2: oh
3:14 PM - Anonymous 1: young is blackmailing/attentionwhoring and is prob gonna take it on the forums lol
3:14 PM - Anonymous 1: so give everybody a heads up
3:21 PM - Neofloyd: thanks for letting me know dude
3:21 PM - Neofloyd: :D

Interesting tidbit from a conversation Anonymous 2 and I had:

3:27 PM - Anonymous 2: I've known Young for like
3:27 PM - Anonymous 2: 4 years
3:27 PM - Anonymous 2: he's done this before ._.

These are 100% authentic. You're welcome to believe they are forged, but they are not. The only thing debatable at the moment is whether or not Rotations actually died, which I have no firsthand knowledge of. At the moment I would like to see some more evidence before I make my own conclusion, however you are welcome to make yours.

Off Topic / My Computer is Like an Archive of My Life
« on: August 28, 2012, 04:23:56 PM »
Title. Like seriously, I'll be looking through my documents and find a two year old memoir of all the stuff I did in Runescape and get some huge nostalgia wave, or I'll be sifting through an archaic picture folder and find a super old comic I made in 2009. I think it's really cool how I have so much old junk full of memories on here.

Does this ever happen to anyone else?

Suggestions & Requests / Grass Emitter Spraycan
« on: August 19, 2012, 08:33:29 PM »
I'd like something similar to the Water FX Spraycan, though instead of giving it an FX it sets the brick's emitter to grass. It would save me a lot of time wrenching green plates on terrain builds.

Environment Files / Mega Bear's Unique Skies - UPDATE 8/18/2012
« on: August 10, 2012, 12:32:09 PM »
Mega Bear's Unique Skies
First skybox pack to ever be uploaded to the forum.

These are all the quality skies form my past maps, excluding the skybox from "Zombie Farmstead." Download at the end of the post.



Gray Sky

Hazy Lake



• v1 to v2
- Removed Green Mountains due to far lower quality in-game than expected.
- Fixed top texture of Calm being rotated incorrectly.



Off Topic / Bear's Museum
« on: August 09, 2012, 01:36:39 PM »
So for some time now I've had these cool oddities sitting in my closet and decided to put them on a shelf. I call it Bear's Museum, named after Skip's Museum from the Vonnegut novel Sirens of Titan. Yeah I know you felt really good for a second there Skip you fatty.

(Click for bigger size. Please excuse crappy quality, photo taken with iPod.)

Left to right: Fish fossil, turtle shell, small shark in a glass bottle, scorpion covered in glass, six inch shark jaw, beetle covered in glass, dried pirahna body, dried starfish, trilobite fossil. All positioned neatly over my DSotM poster.

Anyone else have cool things like this?

Off Topic / Jurassic Park IV Scheduled for 2014 Release
« on: July 22, 2012, 09:41:14 PM »
Yep, the first Jurassic Park movie since 2001's Jurassic Park III is slated for a 2014 summer release. Rise of the Planet of the Apes writers Rick Jaffa and Amanda Silver will pen the script with Frank Marshall as producer. Steven Spielberg has no defined role in production of the movie but he is definitely heavily involved in it. It has been stated by previous script writers that the movie will not be taking place on any of the islands, although this may be different with the new writers. Frank Marshall and Spielberg have both said this will be the start of a new trilogy, although this is of course up to whether or not the movie sells well.

I can't wait for this. I'm the world's leading authority on Jurassic Park canon, confirmed by both the Guinness Book of World Records and the the closed down Jurassic Park Institute in 2009 as well as Michael Crichton himself as his dying words.

Coincides perfectly with this topic.

Gallery / /CN/SPIN/V/(4S+2)
« on: July 22, 2012, 07:13:51 PM »

© 1985 International Genetics Inc. All rights reserved.

Off Topic / Dismissive Posting Applies to All Boards Right?
« on: June 28, 2012, 07:40:46 PM »

handicap on Steam doesn't believe it and is asking for a link to a ban for dismissive posting outside of drama.

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