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Topics - Caribou

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Off Topic / I just tried sushi for the first time today!
« on: March 23, 2014, 02:48:52 PM »
I got it at Whole Foods since there is a big amount of people who buy it there which means the food is fresh. I have always wanted to try it since I was 6, but I was scared because of Hepitaitis which can be caught from eating raw fish, so I avoided it. I then realized that if the fish is very fresh and not laying out there for too long - then it is safe to eat. I bought spicy salmon avacado sushi and it actually wasn't bad at all. It tasted pretty good, but the fish had a weird texture because it was raw. I'm not sure if I'll ever try sushi again, but I am glad that I finally opened up and tried something new.

What was it like when you first tried sushi (If you've ever tried it), and do you still have it occasionally or regularly?

Off Topic / 16 Year Old Climbs Freedom Tower
« on: March 21, 2014, 09:01:49 PM »

I heard about this yesterday afternoon, it's insane. You'd think that a person this young would of been stopped by security before getting to the antenna.

Suggestions & Requests / Delete Wars [A game-mode idea]
« on: March 15, 2014, 11:57:22 PM »
Ok so there would be 2 teams: red and blue. The point of the game would be to have your team delete the most bricks in the round. Say blue team wins, then all people on that team get a point. Every round there would be a new build/save that the two teams have to delete with a hammer - and there would be a bonus round too where players would be given a wand instead. If a player falls off of the build while deleting then they die.

I know the name Delete Wars seems cheesy, but that can always be changed. Please give me your thoughts on this! Thanks

When I say court matters, I mean trials for murders, burglars, and things like that. Currently in countries like the UK, Canada, Australia, the US, NZ, and most Western European countries only use then for minor things. I personally think that it should stay this way. Otherwise, it would defy the whole purpose of a justice system. Many times rulings in courts are fair, but in other instances they tend to be unjust or not ruled out properly. Lie detectors don't prove everything, many cases can be very in-depth. There are even people who know how to manipulate a lie detector test using restraint techniques which are sometimes taught in the military. It makes judges jobs much easier though.

Off Topic / What are your hobbies? (Version N/A!)
« on: March 10, 2014, 06:05:43 PM »
My hobbies are the following:

-Travelling and/or exploring
-Researching about demographics, statistics, politics, finance, and economics
-Playing Blockland or a few other PC games
-Observing dogs, and playing with a few of my friends dogs and taking care for some

I have a few more too!

Off Topic / What are your favorite franchise restaurants?
« on: March 08, 2014, 11:33:00 PM »
Mine are The Waffle House and Chipolte. I've been to The Waffle House every time I've gone down south, and the food is just amazing.

Off Topic / Google Maps Now Shows Parts of The Canadian Arctic
« on: March 06, 2014, 10:49:45 PM »

It's pretty awesome. You can only see Churchill, Manitoba and areas outside of it but it's still amazing to see. I can't wait to see where Google Maps goes next! From 2011-2013 they went to India, Russia, South Africa, Brazil, Iceland and tons of other places.

I think Google Maps is one of Google's best products.

Off Topic / Do you recommend any free iPad apps?
« on: March 02, 2014, 11:20:35 PM »
I'm mainly looking for cool games (indies too), and informative things. Oh also it has to be compatible with iOS 5.1.1. Thanks!

Off Topic / What do you think are some ways a teenager can make money?
« on: February 28, 2014, 10:50:22 PM »
I already have two ideas.

Ok so, I might be getting a summer job this year (hopefully) and I'd be able to make up to $500-1200 - I want to try to turn that money into something more.

There is a discount clearance store in my area which always has amazing deals, like one time I saw a Gucci bag for $100 which was originally $400 and within 10 minutes I watched all 5 of the bags laying there being taken. I've been thinking of buying some of these things and then reselling them on EBay for their retail price, of course though I would only buy stuff which is actually worth reselling like an upscale brand or something which can make a good profit or something that is in high demand.

Should I do this guys? I just thought of this today, and I don't think it's a bad idea at all.

(Also is the title considered dismissive? I hope not, but I want to make sure)

Off Topic / Are you happy?
« on: February 21, 2014, 05:15:14 PM »
This is a very general question. I am, and I mean are you happy with the quality with your life and everything all together.

Off Topic / What movie did you watch recently?
« on: February 19, 2014, 11:36:15 AM »
I just watched A Bronx Tale, which is an older movie from the 90's. It was fantastic. I might see The LEGO Movie this week too, I just don't know if it'll be good enough.

Off Topic / The Real Estate Thread!
« on: February 13, 2014, 12:04:56 PM »
This is basically a general topic where you post properties you find for sale! They can be sold too. This thread can give you a better idea of what real estate markets are like worldwide.
Here are some very nice properties which I really do like:

Valdez, Alaska:
Te Anau, New Zealand:

I was! I couldn't even get onto Almost every day I am now having trouble loading to the forums ever since that DDoS attack a few days ago.

Off Topic / Australia's Coastal Queensland Region Prepares For Cyclone
« on: January 31, 2014, 07:18:14 AM »

These events in this part of AU rarely happen, it's usually just minor tsunamis. The cyclone was originally reported to be a category 1, but it was recently upgraded to a category 2. This region is expecting 500+ millimeters of rain (approximately 20 inches), and already waterfronts are flooding. Major Australian cities will be hit by this such as Townsville, Brisbane, and Cairns which all have populations of over 100,000.

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