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Topics - IkeTheGeneric

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This generally makes me mad. So most of the topics here are about some idiot being an idiot to other idiots, okay?

Like banning for no reason and stuff like that? Well, okay, that comes in abundance ever since it's been easier to host servers. But if you know the server has a bad host/admins, STOP GOING TO IT. You're not going to get anything done by visiting this bad server all the time, if anything, it sounds like you're trying to make trouble to put into drama. It's not worth it, people. As before, there is no reason to constantly visiting the bad server.

Two easy steps to avoid visiting a bad server:

1: Don't click on the server
2: Don't click on the join button

It's that simple!

Off Topic / So I googled my username, and my results are wacky.
« on: November 21, 2010, 09:13:44 PM »
I got this, which was suspicious.

handicapped mondays like you are the reason we need more people like IkeTheGeneric.

Who's Extrude?

And then from this thread..

Stupid fall damage :(


What the heck?

So, I'm not that popular.

Oh well, at least my three google examples are interesting.

Games / Rubicon - Factory Machine Sandbox Puzzle Game
« on: November 21, 2010, 10:52:10 AM »

It's incredible machines in a factory, many cool things like an elevator or a pushing machine, hours of fun to be had.

It's a small game, but it's fun nonetheless. How the blocks work is for you to figure out, but it's distinct quality overall is charming.

Either to push number boxes or to destroy things in your way, Rubicon is pretty fun itself.

Oh yeah, and you can save user-made levels, too.

You wake up, you don't remember anything. You don't know your name, you don't know where you are and you don't know why you're there.

You see only sand, piles and miles of sand. Nothing special.
You don't see any visible injuries, you're o.k.

Your clothes are a bit ripped up, though.

In the distance, you see something odd. It appears to be a broken ship.
You don't remember being on a ship at all, though..

And you also see an emergency dingy. Weird.

On close inspection, this dingy is big enough for at least three people, but since you don't recall ever being on this dingy, it's safe to assume somebody else was with you, possibly saving your life as you were KO'd.

If this is the case, where's person number two?

Behind you is a large forest, it seems.

Weird, for an island; I guess.

You have red-brown sneakers, a white torn-up shirt, a belt and normal jeans.
You have blond brown hair, and black eyes.

You noticed since you awoke you have been clutching a ledger.

It's empty and unsigned. Strange.

You supposed the logical thing to do is to start looking for that other guy, right?

So, I will update every time I feel like it, don't ask for the main character to do stupid things, and above all, DON FLAM ME PLZ OR I BAN U FRUM TEH GAM

« on: November 21, 2010, 09:32:53 AM »
A kid.

An eight year old kid on the forums..

And stupidity is to be had.

First off, his profile and posts.

Two threads that makes him an idiot.

He's like five or something.

And some notable quotes.

also i reported you zeno you bitch
mabye i would tell ya Demitri if you wouldn't of said i was an idiot
hello its shun im reallt sorry for lying
i love king of the hill :D
 :cookieMonster: :cookieMonster: :cookieMonster: :cookieMonster: :cookieMonster: :cookieMonster: :cookieMonster: :cookieMonster: :cookieMonster: :cookieMonster: :cookieMonster: :cookieMonster: :cookieMonster: :iceCream: for you

His parents must be proud.

Games / Breaking the tower!
« on: November 20, 2010, 08:38:30 AM »
Breaking the tower link

It's a real time strategy made by notch. Yes, thee notch. So, this is a different real time strategy.

There is no goal, only to survive. Enemies are coming out of the tower, and you have to build up defenses against them.

Work up resources to build buildings to build of defense.

And it's fun, too.

The buildings can cost Rock or Wood, and new people take up food.

The buildings are:

Mason: Produces rock, gathers stone
Woodcutter: Produces wood, cuts down nearby trees
Planter: Plants trees
Farmer: Plants crops
Miller: Produces food, processes crops
Guardpost: Used as defense for buildings
Barracks: Turns workers into warriors
Residence: Makes workers

They do everything themselves, you just have to build.

And it's also time consuming and addicting, so be careful.

The game requires Java, too.

It's all too disturbing. I only joined the fifteenth of april and already have I more than too many posts.

I hope that I am not in the top ten posters list until next year, or else that just redefines post whoring.

But that's pretty much it, but ten thousand is still a big number.

Oh yes and my posts per day is 40.811 :(

I know what you're thinking, it seems impossible.

Remember coupon, though? 301 posts a day?

Yeah, that was sick.

Forum Games / Land-O'-Us - A community land drawing thing
« on: November 13, 2010, 08:38:55 PM »
Yes, we take an image that I made

And we draw things on it. Like houses, caves, mountains or giant snakees! It will be cool how this could turn out, personalizing it as we will. You have to use MS paint or something like it, try to draw good, and feel free to remove anything unnecessary.

And a go

It's like a coincidence. A lot of people who never liked me, have gotten banned for reasons I cannot remember right now.

I think it's because they hated everybody else too, but it's just weird on my part because I'm not that likeable.

Oh yes and it's the same way with people that like me.

Am I a walking dark omen?

Drama / .Aeris. - I'm completely perfect.
« on: November 13, 2010, 12:59:07 PM »

Aeris is an idiot, a hypocrite, a loser and my favorite, a whiny brat.

What she has done, what she is and why she is doing this is what makes me hate her.

Two of the very many topics she turned the discussion into a flamewar about her.

ONLY her. - One of the most notable. - This topic had nothing to do with her. Not a single thing. - This proves that she's a loser. - ATTENTION WHORING YEY

And also, some quotes.

Shut the forget up.
Everyone here has the air of "Oh I'm so badass, I can do whatever I want, and say whatever I want because its the internet, I'm invincible. No one can hurt me."
You're entire post is condensed bullstuff that the forum believes. loving stereotypes, gotta love em.
You are a pathetic waste of biomass, go away.
No, I didn't because it is true. I have to take so much bullstuff from idiots who had  nothing to do with what flame me over. You lot are a bunch of hypocritical little stuffs who should mind your own damn business.
Not once did I say I was too cool, and yet again, I do not show ignorance yet you try to insult me with it. How about you find something else to insult me with, the ignorance card is getting a little old.
I don't see a reason for it. Sure, flame the hell out of me when I actually do something stupid, but untold then, just leave me alone. Damn, it isn't that hard, and I do not deserve the stuff I have to deal with.
It was a joke, Jesus. That's why the cookie monster was there. You are not getting any nudes.
Do you really need to say this? Was it necessary to insult me for joking around with someone? I get it, you all hate me and want me to get banned, but that stuff isn't necessary.
Because they are pointless things that accomplished nothing. Be silent or get back on topic.
And just in case Ike is watching, YOU are turning this to a flame war, not me.

No, I know that Meekl and Yoga are silly idiots, mastercookie and Kevin also are not smart. I know who is smart and who isn't.
I do post on topic, but then I get flamed, just look at the first few pages of the Badspot drama.
^ Complete lies

I'm not defending myself, I dismissed his statement and responded with kindness.
Because talking is attention whoring.  :cookieMonster:
^ Talking about how you're perfect is attention whoring.

$20 says ED will never get my picture.
ED thinks I'm banned. They're so silly.

One down, three to go.
loving win. I am so glad I reported your ass.
^ Looks like somebody's happy.

There's no call for that. :I
I don't look that I? :c
Cry some more. Back on topic.
Avatars can be disabled.
I was on topic, your post brought the issue up again, stop stalking my posts, and stop bringing up unrelated things otherwise I have to report you for crossposting and refusing to be on topic.
I'd say ban petitions, but I'd be gone in an instant. The forums should be a republic, we elect moderators that have our opinion.

There's more, but that's too much, already.

So, she's said she has a life and doesn't spend it on the forums trolling people...but look at above quotes.
She said she's tried to be nice, but look at above quotes.

Etc etc she's a hypocrite. Everything she promises and states is a bloody lie.

She also likes to suck on several people's richard. She even sent people nude pictures of herself.

Can you say "attention whore"?

She thinks that no matter what she does, nobody can insult her. So, that's pretty much it.

I want her banned, if possible. I see for the same reason she got banned last time, she's doing what actually did get her banned yet again; being a whiny asswipe.

Off Topic / What are you afraid of?
« on: November 07, 2010, 01:41:48 PM »
Zombies, trees, other people. There are lots and lots of fears. I have a lot of fears. State them here!

And I take no responsibility if your fears come true.Muahaha!

I'll start off with my fears!

I am afraid of: Cats, fire, birds, deep water and loveual intercourse!

Games / OSHT moments in videogames that are OSHT
« on: November 06, 2010, 12:11:41 PM »
Not particularly scary, but just a scared jolt moment that happens out of nowhere that make you go "Osht!"

How about those moments in minecraft where you are mining forward in your cavern and FREAKIN TIME TRAVELING GRAVEL POURS FROM NOWHERE ON YOU. It's like somebody set you up a trap

Drama / My rant on those people being a furry.
« on: November 04, 2010, 09:20:26 AM »
Stop it. I mean it.

I really seriously mean it. Stop, okay?

You're not cool by being a so-called furry. People here have enough to deal with save this problem.

It's not instantly going to make you stand out to have a furry-esque avatar and call yourself those of among the furcigarettes, in all honesty you're just pretending.

Yes, that means you, Pew or Rainbow. I don't generally mean to sound of harm towards you, it's just annoying to see you bask in the drama of other people not appreciating your sense of personalization style. It's just not cool. There are a thousand people that want to say something about it, but they seem to be inept to do so without flaming; so I made this thread.

You wonder why you get flames 24/7? It's because nobody wants to put up with it. Nobody HAS to put up with it. It's getting so bad almost half of the threads in either Off-Topic or Drama derail and flamewars about furriness and things like that go on and on for thirty pages, it's not just your fault, either. Many people are to blame.

Yes, people could be more tolerant, but that's still asking for many many people to change. They just want an environment that suits them the most. It doesn't matter the amount of stupid people, but when you get your loveual orientations and your 'special' hobbies into the discussion all the time, it's practically you ASKING for people to flame you, and that's just not right.

So, set things straight: Quietly be a furry and you can forum with less hassle. It's so simple an idiot can do it.

And people, no matter your problem, keep this a clean discussion. There's no reason to tear your ass off and throw it at people because you can't get your way in a discussion. The spotlight isn't for you to dance in.

Off Topic / I had a cool actiony dream last night
« on: October 31, 2010, 11:27:52 AM »
It was so awesome I remember every detail in full.

So there's this plant that was genetically engineered to open a vault door to get some kind of internet information since the year is 1242 and the internet controls everything. So I am left the "plant" or corrgrass after my genius uncle dies of a stroke. The towns consist of "floating" builds held up by mossy support beams and wooden pathways. The town is called "ulsellde" or whatever. It had trees on this giant floating town and where I started out in this dream was the foreign port. Giant metal ships and small machines on them and stuff, and there were aliens walking around trying to do things like get a visitation ticket so they're not illegal or something like that. The best part of this dream was it was a lucid dream so yes. I start out walking around asking for a ride to new york city, which is now a floating mass of land hovering above a giant crater, you see the governor didn't like illegal aliens so he decided to use funding to have the entire city floating. After asking around if there was a flight there, somebody told me there is a cheap "essential" flight in the cargo ship bay. Of course this means I ride in a cargo hold, it was better than nothing and I seem to have had a few dollars to my name.

So after a quick ride, I am dropped off in NYC and hot damn it was pretty. Flashing lights, giant buildings, the futuristic look and not to mention it was a few hundred feet above the ground. I read a letter I received from my uncle, it consists of dashes and dots. I can't read this jurassic language, so I go to a translating hub and it turns out this is an address. While walking to the address, I was being followed by some aliens. They looked like giant bugs, they had four arms, they were colored like a roosterroach and they had wings. Looked a lot like the bugs from starship troopers only they were shorter and they could speak the king's english. So I kick it up to high gear, running fast as possible.

I stop at the address, the stupid aliens nowhere to be seen; and I walk inside the unlocked house. It's empty as hell and the only things in it are a skinny wooden chair, a box television from the 22-30's (2230) on a pale wooden table and a few other things including a meal preparer (An oven, toaster and fridge combined) and a dish-washer and some drawers containing a few eating utensils. Although there's a basement. Downstairs in the basement there's what appears to be a meth lab at first. My uncle was a meth addict? No, it looks more like a crystal growing kit or something. I don't know, I'm not a scientist.

I find a note that's written badly. I mean worse then my handwriting. It said something about a vault hidden in dallas. Yes, that dallas. Only now it's a warzone between USA and a group of terrorist aliens that I believed were the same alien douches that were following me. Cool dream so far, right? Nothing compares to the near end. So in Dallas after I hitch a ride in a four man citezen aircraft. Oh cool I wish I had one in real life, it was this miniature plane big enough for four people. In this world I guess planes are as common as trucks. Only it's an electric plane that's not supposed to go higher than four hundred feet unless the pilot has a license in professional piloting. Makes sense, right?

So in Dallas; it's a giant dustbowl with military outposts and every now and then you see bullet casings. In this, bullet casings conceal "plants". A metal that grows as big as the casing's inside can hold. the inside bullet regrows, meaning you can re-use bullets. Or you have some handguns that shoot charged lasers, but the recoil is ridiculous for a small gun. So after walking around this deserted warzone, I come across a outpost that is completely deserted and it's charred up like it was caught fire. But halfway through getting there I am being shot at by some of the illegal aliens stuffs, who are aiming to get the stupid corrgrass. I run inside to see if the vault is hidden here, but unfortunately it's not. However it does have a handgun. A normal handgun that uses the bullets that regrow.

So I'm armed now as cool as it sounds and I try to think where the vault is hidden, but I have to think fast because those aliens are after me. I then hatch a quick plan to catch the building on fire and escape through a window using anything I can get. My shoes may be able to withstand jumping out a two story building. But onto sandy ground with rocks? No way. But since the walls are badly made out of bricks, if I can find a way to get gloves I could climb down perhaps. I am a good climber! So that's what I do. I set the building on fire with the aliens inside and I climb down the wall. Afterwords I go to a bunker nearby that's filled with civilians and legal aliens (lol legal).

For now, this will provide shelter. But wait! Somebody asked for me! Awesome, a new lead I hope. He hands me a note telling me "The location is closer than you think". What? But yay, the note contains the location of the vault! After having a guy loan me a bicycle, I set off. I appeared to be around 21-25. So a 25-year-old with a pistol in his pocket riding a bicycle was heading for an abandoned gas station. Perfectly normal. And by luck, this gas station did have this stupid vault. Only the vault wasn't a real vault. It was on the computer. The computer scans the grass and it spits out a disk. I put the disk in a container and head out. Only on my way out I am knocked out and taken to the illegal alien gang's base somewhere in southern Mexico. I awake tied to a pole, in what looked like a jail cell.

I know two things; One, I don't have the disk and two, they probably want me dead. Knowing this I plan my escape quietly. Although, I don't escape by my own hands. I am let free by none other than a police man on patrol that breaks in and fights his way to the prisoner holding cells. He asks me "What the forget are you doing here?".

It seems that this guy knows that the prisoners held here are soldiers, and I didn't look like a soldier much. I tell him that I was on a secret agent mission but then I figure out that I'm dreaming. So I take his gun and I will him to go away. I then decide to shoot myself, which does absolutely nothing. This is where it gets and blurry since I can't remember much after this. I remember that I go through this base and get to the gang leader, and before I kill him, I say "forget you!".

I wake up shortly after.

Off Topic / New Rafael - Coolest stuff on the webs
« on: October 28, 2010, 12:16:26 PM »

This place is just a cool little website with a bunch of little microgames that are awesome and cool. Things like opening a million doors or navigating an infinite maze of colors it's all good. My favorites are:

Deep black hole
Electric boogie woogie
Out in the wind
Big long now
Off and on

I can spend hours on these and so can you!

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