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Topics - Masterlegodude

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Gallery / [VIDEO] The day the dinosaurs invaded Blockland
« on: April 07, 2013, 08:28:52 PM »
The day the dinosaurs invaded Blockland
April 7, 2013

Download the bots here!

Based on this video
Just a silly little video i got an idea for after seeing the dinosaur bots, so um yeah... Unnecessarily fancy OP i guess? :cookieMonster:

Add-Ons / [PARTICLE] Flower Petals (v2)
« on: March 14, 2013, 04:15:45 PM »
Inspired by the falling petals effect from the final boss fight of Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater

These flower petals sway, spin and fly around, their color depends on the brick that emits them, and you can change the direction in which they flow

There are four different emitters to choose from:
'Flower Petals - Dense' - A shower of flowing petals, best used with 8x and larger ModTer cubes,
'Flower Petals - Light' - A drizzle of petals, up to 3 petals can be seen at a time, best used with regular bricks

And additive versions of the above two that make the petals unaffected by lighting and transparent, because why not? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

[DOWNLOAD] - (6.57 KB)


Version 2:
  • Changed particle texture
  • Lightened up particle density for 'Dense' emitters
  • Added 'Light' emitters meant to be used with smaller bricks

Add-Ons / Townsfolk bots (UPDATED 3/14/2013)
« on: March 14, 2013, 06:59:46 AM »
I decided to be one of the first people to make edits of the bots to make new and possibly interesting bots, and what a better way to start it, than a six pack of some typical towns people


Friendly - Unarmed
Health: 75
Strength: 5 - Pacifist
A kind old soul. This business man's favorite past time is going to work, filling out paper work, going to meetings, just casually talking to fellow co-workers, and using his computer at his job. Ain't no Casual Friday gonna stop this workaholic from dressing up in a fancy suit and tie!

The Master Chef
Friendly - Unarmed
Health: 75
Strength 5 - Pacifist
A skilled Italian chef that loves to make pizzas, spaghetti and spicy meatballs. He ain't no Gordon Ramsey, but he knows a good dish when he sees it and is definitely one of the best chefs of Blockland.

The Police
Friendly - Armed: Pistol
Health: 125
Strength: 25
Not to fear, the BLPF (Blockland Police Force) is here! These rough, and tough McGruffs are here to look after the Blockheads of Blockland just in case there happens to be any sudden zombie outbreaks or a bunch of escaped convicts. (But what are the odds of that?) Just don't stand, I repeat, don't stand so close to them or they just might think you're acting suspicious!

The Scientist
Friendly - Armed (and delusional): Print Gun
Health: 75
Strength: 5
This guy seems a bit loco, he tells me his 'Science-y Laser Weapon Thing' works, but no matter how many times he's used that on live subjects, it's never actually seemed to do anything. But he seems quite bent on proving the world wrong, and that it does do something. Right. Whatever, Doctor Crazy...

The Space Man
Friendly - Unarmed
Health: 150
Strength: 5 - Pacifist
I once heard a space man say "Everybody look down, it's all in your mind.", wondering what that meant, I thought I would ask this guy, he didn't seem to know anything about it. I guess it's just one of those 'super-extra'secret' NASA terms or something. The only things this guy was talking to me about was how cool his jetpack is, and how hot and stuffy wearing a space suit 24/7 is, and something about an unpleasant trip to the moon where other space men were just spouting random nonsense on their voice boxes and not helping him fix NASA's equipment...

The Escaped Prisoner
Enemy - Armed: Pistol
Health: 100
Strength: 10
Criminals, one of the worst kind of people out there. They're not the kind that goes around swiping stuff as swiftly as a fox, but they are the kind that can smell the scent of any kind of weaponry and E, T or even M rated bloodshed, and once they do, they'll stop at nothing to attempt to go on a killing spree. Taking them down almost seems hopeless, it's almost as if they just keep reappearing! But I'm sure the BLPF and any Blockheads of the highest powers can handle these these bad seeds.

The Construction Worker
Friendly - Armed: Hammer
Health: 125
Strength: 15
Construction workers? Us Blockheads don't need their help, we are perfectly able to construct our own stuff! *clickclickclickclick* Heyheyhey! You there, stacking red 1x1 bricks is NOT how you build a skyscraper-- oh, um... *ahem* As I was saying, us Blockheads welcome these construction workers with arms wide open. They are free to help us build, destroy, build, as much as they please!

The Engineer
Friendly - Armed: Wrench
Health: 125
Strength: 10 - Pacifist
Ah good, the SpeedKart Racers needed a good mechanic! I heard this guy lost previous his job elsewhere because he was unable to stop some hired mercenaries from stealing a briefcase from his allies' base. That sounds like a very strange and dangerous job if you ask me. I wonder why he only wears one glove?

3/14/2013: Gave the Scientist a Print Gun, he tries to attack with it for some reason, and added the Construction Worker and Engineer

If you know of any more bots i can add to this pack or if there's any way i can improve these, let me know! :D

So here's how it is, we got a new computer case recently and used various parts from two old useless computers, it runs Windows 7 and uses the graphics card that was in my brother's old computer, problem is, that graphics card is in the process of dying like the ATI Radeon 5670 did in the Vista computer, without any other graphics cards lying around, we must search high and low for a new and better graphics card

The most we can afford is about $125, tops, these are a couple of graphics cards that we've found so far

We were concerned that the Sapphire wouldn't be compatible due to it being a PCI Express 3.0, we have a 2.0, but according to the Googles, PCI Express 3.0 is backwards compatible, but i just thought that i should mention that anyway

So you guys are pretty good at picking out computer parts, yes? Let me know which of the two cards above is best or if there's a better graphics card than both of those

Modification Help / How do you loop a particle animation infinitely?
« on: March 10, 2013, 09:53:41 AM »
I'm working on flower petal particles that sway back and forth for the animation but also spin randomly, thing is, the animation only plays 3 or 4 times then it stops until someone re-sends the brick properties data

Code: [Select]
datablock ParticleData(PetalParticle)
dragCoefficient = 0;
windCoefficient = 5.0;
gravityCoefficient = 0.3;
inheritedVelFactor = 0.0;
constantAcceleration = 0.0;
lifetimeMS = 2048;
lifetimeVarianceMS = 0;
spinSpeed = 7.5;
spinRandomMin = -180.0;
spinRandomMax = 270.0;
useInvAlpha = true;
textureName          = "add-ons/particle_flowerpetals/petal1";
animateTexture = true;     
framesPerSec = 20; 
//animTexName[0]       = "add-ons/particle_flowerpetals/petal1";
animTexName[1]       = "add-ons/particle_flowerpetals/petal2"; 
animTexName[2]       = "add-ons/particle_flowerpetals/petal3"; 
animTexName[3]       = "add-ons/particle_flowerpetals/petal6"; 
animTexName[4]       = "add-ons/particle_flowerpetals/petal7"; 
animTexName[5]       = "add-ons/particle_flowerpetals/petal8"; 
animTexName[6]       = "add-ons/particle_flowerpetals/petal7"; 
animTexName[7]       = "add-ons/particle_flowerpetals/petal6"; 
animTexName[8]       = "add-ons/particle_flowerpetals/petal3"; 
animTexName[9]       = "add-ons/particle_flowerpetals/petal2"; 
colors[0]     = "0.25 0.25 0.25";
sizes[0]      = 1;
times[0]      = 0.01;

datablock ParticleEmitterData(Flower_Petal1Emitter)
   ejectionPeriodMS = 5;
   periodVarianceMS = 2;
   ejectionVelocity = 1.5;
   velocityVariance = 0.0;
   ejectionOffset = 0;
   thetaMin         = 0.0;
   thetaMax         = 90.0; 
   particles = "PetalParticle";
   useEmitterColors = true;
   uiName = "Flower Petals";

Using too high of a value in the frames per second parameter causes the particles to not be able to be spawned, so is there some way to make it loop infinitely?

Add-Ons / Lego Death and Skeletal Death - UPDATED 4/11/2013
« on: February 08, 2013, 06:14:17 PM »
Lego Death
By editing Amade's Blood and Gore mod, i have made it more kid friendly by having your cute little Blockhead fall apart instead of exploding into gory giblets, and with the use of Badspot's code in the Vehicle Gore add-on, i have also made a vehicle kill only version

It's made to be like how players die in the Lego games like Lego Star Wars, Lego Indiana Jones, etc, if it's at all possible to color the debris to the player's colors, let me know if this is a possibility


Download the normal version - 13.24 KB

Download the vehicle impact only version - 13.32 KB

Skeletal Death
Requested by Lord Tony with the use of Phydeoux's ribcage model and Jirue's skeleton face

An edit of my Lego Death mod that turns your corpse into a skeleton

Download - 17.99 KB

Off Topic / Lunar's posts are going blank?
« on: February 03, 2013, 08:40:53 PM »
This didn't seem much like drama, so i didn't want to post it there

Recently, Lunar's posts have been going blank, topic title included;u=35263;sa=showPosts;start=0

His posts and subjects are turned to spaces
8:50 PM - *Yndaä: LM 009 Tsundere Lesbian:;u=35263;sa=showPosts can you explain this?
8:50 PM - *Yndaä: LM 009 Tsundere Lesbian: cause I sure can't
8:51 PM - Masterlegodude: Lunar's blanking up a storm
8:52 PM - Masterlegodude: Oh my god, it just keeps going
8:52 PM - *Yndaä: LM 009 Tsundere Lesbian: think it might have something to do with that hack attack from a few days ago?

What does it mean?

Suggestions & Requests / Bloom and motion blur shaders
« on: January 17, 2013, 10:17:30 PM »
We should have a bloom shader that creates bloom based on the lighting and color of objects unless they're in the shade, and there should also be a motion blur shader, not sure how this idea would work, but it'd be neat if they had their also had their own GUI or commands to adjust their intensity and such

Like seriously, this game needs more shader add-ons, there's so much that they could potentially do, it's like a whole new world that has hardly been explored! :o

Off Topic / Does VLC mess with the audio's pitch?
« on: January 05, 2013, 09:13:49 AM »
I'm listening to Dead Island's music in VLC, but i always think that the pitch sounds off from what i actually know of the song, and my thoughts are confirmed when i save the file as something i can listen to in Windows Media Player or Audacity
It starts out as it sounds in Audacity, then it plays it as it sounds in VLC

In the VLC one, you can hear the first two notes sound like their pitch gradually increases but sounds more normal afterwards, this pitch increase happens with pretty much every audio file i listen to in VLC, but i don't hear it with the same audio but in different programs, and it doesn't change the pitch of the entire audio file, just certain parts

I've disabled any audio options that have to do with pitch shifting, but it keeps happening, does anyone else get this and is there a way to stop this?

Games / What do you think of Valve's 'SteamBox' console?
« on: December 19, 2012, 03:39:01 AM »

I probably won't use it because "PC master race!" and whatnot :cookieMonster:

But that aside, i think the name should be something like 'Pipe' or something along those lines, i know it sounds ridiculous, but it fits in with the whole Valve, and Steam thing, the supposed name of SteamBox sound like Xbox but the 'X' replaced with Steam, they could have called it 'Gearbox' if they were still working with Gearbox and they allowed this, but unfortunately, that is not the case

The SteamBox is using Steam via Big Picture Mode, so that means downloading games from the store, no discs needed, but i wonder how many people are going to actually want this, the majority of the Steam games are on the PS3 and Xbox 360, so if not the PC, people may already have these games on another console

Also, won't a lot of the games need to be updated to support controllers or something?

I think that once this is ready and shipped and Source 2 is done, that Half Life 3 may be the next step to world domination, it may be too soon for anything relating to Ricochet 2 and it's been 5, going on 6 years since Half Life 2 Episode Two was released, i think it heard somewhere that it took Half Life 2 6 years to be released, doesn't mean anything, but it's just what i heard, it might actually take longer for it to come out since the SteamBox won't be out until 2013 or longer... :(

What do you guys think? Good idea, bad idea, worth it, not worth it, will it sell, or will it bomb?

Off Topic / Deck'd
« on: December 07, 2012, 09:00:00 AM »
Deck'd is a live action movie by Dom Fera (the guy that made the Lazer Collection series) where this guy named Peter Bell (played by Dom Fera) tries to spread the fun and joys of Christmas to everyone, but then things don't quite go as planned

Deck'd 1 (14:00)

When some jerk punches Peter Bell after a well-choreographed musical number about the joys of Christmas, Peter finds himself humiliated and unsympathized by his friends and family.

Deck'd 2 (18:08)

Santa sends Peter Bell off on a mission to New York City! Chelsea Warson a once-great Bringer, has lost the spirit of the season, and it's up to Peter Bell to help her find it again!

Deck'd 3 Part 1/Part 2/Part 3 (11:17/9:56/12:55)

In the final, climactic musical finale to the Deck'd series, 18-year-old Peter Bell finds himself revelling in his new Christmas celebrity status. But when Peter's Christmas-adventuring pal, Hark the Herald Angel, is accused of a heinous Christmas crime, Peter lets his ego get the best of him, and finds himself arrogantly standing up to the laws of Santa Claus himself!

Off Topic / Monty Oum's trailer for his upcoming series 'RWBY'
« on: November 07, 2012, 01:18:19 PM »
You know that Monty fellow who made that interesting CGI video called Haloid that mixed Metroid with Halo? That guy that was later hired by Rooster Teeth and worked on various animated scenes throughout the later seasons of Red vs Blue? Yeah, that guy, he's now working on a new series called RWBY (Red, White, Black, Yellow, if it wasn't obvious enough :cookieMonster:)

Coming 2013

Looks rather promising, seeing Monty's work in Red vs Blue and all the work that went into this trailer, i can't wait to see the series when it kicks off

General Discussion / Do Bass 2 and Bass 3 and Rock go together?
« on: October 01, 2012, 10:09:32 PM »
If you look at them in Audacity or any audio editing program, they're all the same length and the same bpm

So i decided to merge them together and de-amplify them so they'd be less hurtful on the ears

What do you think about this? How do you feel about this? Have you ever noticed this? Have you ever tried this? Do you know what it sounds like when doves cry?

Games / Super totally legit news on Half Life 3!1one1!!1
« on: September 20, 2012, 08:09:20 PM »
Quote from: ScrewAttack
A source close to Valve (aren't they all?) claims that Half-Life 3 is on its way to launch in 2013. Due to a number of features being revised, the development schedule has been described as "very chaotic". The source also claims that while the title was originally a straight FPS, it was scrapped for something that is more about puzzles and exploration.

Not only that, but the game world itself will be “open-world" complete with "quests and NPCs”. While working several RPG elements into the mix, the game will not be episodic, but is in fact the true sequel in the trilogy. Sounds pretty far fetched, especially that open-world part, but it would at least explain the delay between Episode 2 and now. Still kind of crazy though.... What do you g1s think?


Gordon, be a pal and kill 350 Headcrab Zombies in return for a suit battery, will ya?
Gordon, i need you to kill 8 Barnacles with a single explosive barrel for my amusement
Sorry Gordon, you need at least 75 suit power to proceed to this area
I'm not letting you pass until you've obtained an SMG, Revolver, and Crossbow

I'm trying to make a useful colorset, this is the best i could come up with

60 colors total and the lower pallet is 50% transparent, i realized i was cutting off the FX paints so i had to make it so it was taller than wider and thus had to rename the columns accordingly

Just to fulfill my curiosity, i tried to make one below 128... :cookieMonster:

120 colors total, again the lower pallet is 50% transparent but it cuts off after the cyan column, so that wasn't possible to use, so i assume 60/64 is actually the max, though i could've sworn you could have up to 128, but i guess that was changed at some point

So back to my 60 color pallet, what can i do to improve it? Add more solids and remove certain transparents? Or is it good as it is?

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