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Topics - Resonance_Cascade

Pages: [1]
Add-Ons / Joystick support
« on: January 21, 2011, 10:35:54 AM »
I developed this Add-On to add Joystick support for my wired 360 controller and am releasing it for others to use.

The default button layout is the Left Thumbstick for movement, Right Thumbstick for looking, Left Trigger for jet, Right Trigger for primary attack, Y shows tools, B opens the brick selector dialog, X shows bricks, Back and Start move inventory, D-Pad shifts bricks horizontally, Left and Right bumpers shift bricks vertically, Left and Right Thumbsticks rotate bricks and A plants bricks. The mouse is still used for navigating menus.

This layout is fairly unintuitive (am open for suggestions!) but focuses on brick placement - hence the lack of jump and use spraypaint keys, which have to be mapped manually as the controls menu does not detect joystick input.

The following preferences can be changed:
Code: [Select]
$Pref::Input::JoystickDeadZone = "-0.26 0.26";
$Pref::Input::JoystickEnabled = true;
$Pref::Input::JoystickInvert = false;
$Pref::Input::JoystickSensitivity = 0.1;
$Pref::Input::JoystickSouthPaw = false;

Invert flips the y-axis and southpaw flips the thumbsticks.


Drama / Lt.Freak
« on: April 05, 2010, 03:29:05 AM »
Apologies for the giant image:

Usually I try to avoid these arguments but was a little annoyed that for the first time I'd joined a public server and attempted to build since ~v9
I was being called a noob for building in the "industrial area" as the base of my building had grass, and at the mention of my mother, who is terminally ill with a cancerous brain tumour.

Off Topic / Merry Christmas!
« on: December 24, 2009, 07:58:05 AM »
For all those in GMT+10 to GMT+13 - merry christmas!

« on: November 15, 2009, 01:52:00 AM »

Modification Help / Color Shift
« on: February 23, 2008, 03:07:03 AM »
I'm having trouble using the blank.png texture on an axe model.
It's appearing white in game (not the colorShiftColor it should be), until I pick it up, in which case the transparent/faded version of the model has the colorShiftColor properly applied.

I'm using Milkshape 3D 1.8.2.

Gallery / Large Black Man in Green Sweater
« on: August 22, 2007, 05:02:02 AM »
Build: Large Black Man in Green Sweater
People who helped: JMatton (Constructor).

  • Large Black Man
  • Green Sweater

Keep up to date:
Check the Simonopolis server for updates!

I'll be uploading the .bls once I've removed all the other junk.

Music / Grabbag (Duke Nukem 3D Theme)
« on: August 14, 2007, 06:45:07 AM »
A 28 second loop of the Duke Nukem 3D Theme, Grabbag, 323kb in size.

The original MP3 file can be downloaded from the 3drealms website, here:

Mapping Help / Clipping Tool (Hammer 3.4)
« on: August 08, 2007, 06:38:25 AM »
I'm having some problems with the clipping tool, in Valve Hammer Editor 3.4.

Basically, I've drawn the line to determine where my brush will be clipped, the problem is, it doesn't want to be clipped. It's not being highlighted, and nor are it's vertices, and deleting my selection just deletes the entire brush.

It was working earlier, so I assume it's a button that I've pressed or something similar that has caused this, but I can't find a way to fix it. Attached is a picture, if you can't understand what I mean.

I had this all done only several minutes ago, but a crash caused me to lose all my progress (I'm used to the Hammer included in the Source SDK holding my hand and auto saving for me.)

Modification Help / 3rd Person Collision Mesh
« on: August 01, 2007, 07:08:27 AM »
How do I stop my weapon's collision mesh from appearing in 3rd person view?

I'm using Milkshape, and I completely forgot how.

Suggestions & Requests / Pogo Stick
« on: July 06, 2007, 09:21:50 PM »
If someone wants to make a pogo stick model, in particular the one shown below, I will worship you.

Or maybe just be glad.  :cookieMonster:  :cookie:

Modification Help / UV Coords
« on: June 21, 2007, 06:00:49 PM »
I was just wondering if there was a specific way to work out the UV Coords for BLB files - I've taught myself the basics of everything else, and can create bricks with relative ease.

Is it just trial and error? Or is there a more efficient way?

Music / Do what you want 'cause a pirate is free...
« on: March 14, 2007, 12:14:36 AM »
You are a pirate!

I'm going to assume my old topic was deleted, as I didn't convert the sound from stereo to mono properly. I'm fairly sure I have done it correctly this time, and it shows in the file size, so here it is again.

For those of you who don't know what it is, more information can be found here:

If my previous topic was deleted for another reason, and this needs to be deleted too, I'd like to know why.

Please find attached pirate.ogg, which can be saved to base\data\sound\music.

General Discussion / Retail Modification?
« on: February 25, 2007, 03:39:29 AM »
Whilst I understand it is only the first day of it's release, I've found Blockland Retail really difficult to be able to achieve anything in, modding-wise.

Things such as pushing GUI's when a client enters a game, or making the client a spectator when they join are now impossible (as far as I know) thanks to the .dso'ing of all major scripts. I'd like to be able to edit game.cs, for example, as it has all the GameConnection Methods, etc.

I bought this game, as I enjoyed modding the older versions of Blockland, and would enjoy continuing modding on a more-stable version of Blockland. I know other people have also done this, and I'd just like to know what is being done to make it more easily modifiable, or what already exists?

At the moment, the only thing I've really found out how to do is to get the client's Blockland ID (%client.bl_id, for those who are interested), that all serverCmd's can be done through the messageHud (e.g, /kick ResonanceCascade), and make simple scripts which have little practicable use.

P.S, Sorry if you feel this was posted in the wrong forum. I wasn't really sure where to post it.

General Discussion / Blockland Map for CS:S
« on: December 23, 2005, 10:03:24 PM »
Hello, would I be able to convert the textures for blockland into .Vmf's and .Vtf's to
make a Blockland Map for Counter Strike: Source?

If need be I can add an advertisement for Blockland into the map, with a link to this webpage.

I won't be using any models or anything, just texturing walls with brick textures.

EDIT: Sorry this should have gone in Off Topic.

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