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Topics - DaBlocko

Pages: [1] 2 3
Suggestions & Requests / Large tree brick
« on: January 29, 2017, 05:30:29 PM »
Would someone be able to make me 2 custom tree bricks?  The design is as follows:

6 8x8cubes high, using the ModTer steep shapes.  Very similar trees except one is more rounded than the other.  Collision could just be a 16cube as tall as the tree.  I would also like to be able to build in the area around the "trunk" to be able to mesh the trees together.

Here's a picture to illustrate what I mean by being able to build in the area around the trunk.  Green squares are buildable areas and the red area is the collision box.  The green box is the size of an 8x8.

As you can see you wouldn't be able to build in the top part of the tree.  The collision box could be only 2/3 of the tree so you could build in that top part but thats not necessary for what I'm using them for (just decoration).


Edit: Oh and as a side note, no trunk necessary.  Just using ModTer for those.

General Discussion / Squeaky Clean's Racetrack Shenanigans
« on: January 27, 2017, 08:06:34 PM »

Some of you may have seen me hosting this during the first couple weeks of January so I figured I may as well make a topic for it.

I currently only have one map, a large figure eight with a two jumps, a loop da loop, and a start/finish line.  Mostly used as proof of concept but its also what started this whole thing.

For car spawning, please spawn a car inside the garages.  I've included a picture tutorial at the spawn along with a text tutorial.

        I'm also working on a new map which is currently named Valley.  However, I may add a poll once it's done for people to choose a name (its kind of a valley but also not quite).

        A little bit on the title.  This server started off as a break from a building project over winter break which I started to get bored of.  Decided to build a racing map that slowly
        morphed into what it is now.  Ultimately if I finish everything, the name will probably change but who knows!

  Things to come/future plans:
  • Main hub world including the garage and an area to potentially show off cars (for this to happen I really need a way to have a car tied to a player so they can set a brick to their personal car)
  • Currently have 4 maps planned (including Valley), including but not limited to, Volcano, City, Beach
  • Add less-intrusive vehicle sounds to all vehicles.  (Currently only on KeiCars, they are incredibly loud and I hope to edit the cars to include a separate mount point for sounds)
  • Server wide music? Unsure if I want to do that or use the stereo mod.
  • A serverside list of times on the different tracks that would be displayed in the hub world (would love to do it with prints but text based would also work)
  • A minigame system that would put you in a minigame when you teleported to a race.  The current race events only work if you're in a minigame (makes sense) but this means multiple races can only take place at one time if there are different minigames.  Unsure if there are join/leaveMinigame events that I could use for this

    Added a link to a zip for the bricks used on the server so people can build their own maps but please use ModTer as much as you can.
    Get bricks here.
    If you wish to build your own map, please use ModTer (the only places I don't use ModTer in the first map are starting line and camera stuff).
    In regards to 4x ModTer which I use in some places, I have some prints made that are quarters of the normal prints.  Message me if you want them/if there are ones you want to
    use.  I use them so they mesh with the larger prints while being able to build inside normal ModTer.

    Added a link to a zip for the cars used on this server if you wish to reduce your load times, as there are quite a few cars.
    Get cars here.

    Whew lots of text, I think thats all for now! Feel free to give me suggestions!

Modification Help / Access SimSet(SimGroup?) of bricks on the server
« on: January 12, 2017, 11:35:40 PM »
Is it possible to access the SimSet of bricks (Or is it SimGroup? whatever), on the server in an event, without the ClassName of the event being fxDTSBrick?

This is an output event.

Modification Help / Cancelling a function
« on: January 09, 2017, 01:54:39 AM »
Practically got me tearing my hair out, gonna post and then go to bed.

So.  This package
Code: [Select]
package KeiCarRacing_EngineSounds
function armor::onMount(%this,%obj,%col)
if (!isObject(%col) || %obj.getMountNode() != 0)

if (%col.getDataBlock().vehicleSounds) {
%col.playAudio(0, KeiCarRacing_StartupSound);

schedule(1800, 0, KeiCarRacingSpeedCheck, %this, %col);
function armor::onUnMount(%this,%obj,%col)

if (%obj.getMountNode() != 0)

if (%col.getDataBlock().vehicleSounds) {
%col.playAudio(0, KeiCarRacing_ShutOffSound);

Does not work how I want it to (and I'm not sure why).  Specifically, the cancel in the second function.  This cancel is called on a schedule in the KeiCarRacingSpeedCheck function to cancel out the schedule at the end:
Code: [Select]
function KeiCarRacingSpeedCheck(%this, %obj)

%vehicle = %obj;
%slot = 0; //Play the sound in the driver's spot
%speed = vectorLen(%obj.getVelocity());

if(%speed < 4)
%vehicle.playAudio(%slot, KeiCarRacing_IdleSound);
else// if (%speed < 20)
%vehicle.playAudio(%slot, KeiCarRacing_ThrottleSound);

schedule(500, 1, KeiCarRacingSpeedCheck, %this, %obj);


Whats happening is as follows:

I enter the car, and the audio for the startup sound is played.   The KeiCarRacingSpeedCheck function then kicks in and plays the current sound corresponding with the speed.  However, with the cancel, that schedule is apparently ended right away.  The speed doesn't update if I'm going as fast as possible.
I also know that it cancels it because if I comment it out, once I get in the car, it makes noises until I break the brick.

Can someone point out my mistake?
Should I (can I?) just be using states for this?

Also as a total side note, for whatever reason, if I change the "armor" name(space?) of the two functions to something else, they won't execute.  The framework for this code was ripped from Filipe's SuperKart mod and subsequently has the same name as one of the functions in Support_HandsOnVehicle.  Activating my KeiCarRacing_EngineSounds also causes the player to stand inside the vehicle instead of sitting.  If anyone has an answer as to why they won't execute and the player stands I would love that as well.

Honestly I am incredibly new to TS so if there is something glaringly horrible that I'm doing please let me know!  Thanks for whatever help I can get!

Tags: Cancelling, function, car sounds, sounds

Modification Help / Wait between functions
« on: January 08, 2017, 10:22:01 PM »
Is there a way to wait between function calls?
For example:
Code: [Select]
%obj.playAudio(0, StartupSound);
wait(500);  // would wait for 500 ms
%obj.playAudio(0, ShutdownSound);

Modification Help / Vehicle Sounds
« on: January 07, 2017, 12:38:23 AM »
I'm currently attempting to add sounds to Filipe's KeiCar pack.  Using Filipe's SuperKart files, I've copied over code that I'm 99% sure is correct, and yet it doesn't seem to work.  I've attached both files (SuperKart and modified KeiCar pack).  Can someone verify that I'm not insane and then possibly help?


Before posting I did a bit more testing... and SOMEHOW got the Cronus to have sounds, but the CronusTuned does not have sounds.
Apparently I didn't even upload the one with sounds.  I also got the Tuned version working as I hadn't actually executed the .cs file.  Oops.  Updated link.
Cronus(includes Tuned version)

Got all the sounds working.  Message me if you need help on how it works.

Tags: Vehicle sounds, sounds, engine rumble

Modification Help / 3x3 plate prints
« on: December 30, 2016, 02:21:29 PM »
Currently working on ModTer prints for 1x1 to 4x4 for some filler prints.  However, 3x3 seems to not work.  I essentially took the main ModTer images and cropped them down for each size.  1x1, 1x2 and 2x2 all work (haven't done 4x4 yet), but 3x3 shows up blank.  I've also realized that the 3x3 gets its prints from the 2x2 plate and doesn't have its own selection of prints.

Any ideas on how to get this working? Is the 3x3 broken? Or do I need to do something differently on the print to get it to show up.

Oh and if I select the other print for the 3x3 it stretches it as that is actually the print for the 2x2.

Edit: I suppose I should probably upload the files.
Here is the 2x2 package.
Edit: 4x4 works correctly but still shows up in the 2x2 category for whatever reason.  Using the 4x4 print on the 3x3 plate works correctly, however, it shrinks the print and isn't correctly sized.

Help / Need to be admin to use onActivate
« on: December 27, 2016, 10:59:09 PM »
I've had a couple players join my server and tell me that admin access is required to use the onActivate event.  I don't think I've ever had an addon on this PC that restricts event access though.  Any thoughts?

Posted my addon list.

Help / Ramp Adapters
« on: December 26, 2016, 06:27:55 PM »
Does anyone have the brick addon that has corners that connect 45 ramps to 30 degree ramps?  I swore it was ramp adapters or something like that but I can't find them here nor on RTB archives.

Suggestions & Requests / CORRECT diagonal round bricks
« on: December 21, 2016, 03:47:16 PM »
The diagonal round bricks that I have, off an RTB archive, don't line up with the other round bricks that I have (which I'm pretty sure are default).  Could anyone fix this? Or is there a version that I'm missing.

Not totally sure if this goes in help or here.

Horizontal poles seem to work, and I can confirm that all 3 sizes of the vertical ones do not.  I feel as tho this is the fault of the vertical ones as the horizontal ones are a plate high as they should be.  Unless the diagonal ones somehow warp.

Suggestions & Requests / Flair System
« on: December 18, 2016, 02:00:35 PM »
Currently I'm home for Christmas and wanted to set up a mini building server.  Problem is, there are a ton of bricks out and about the forums that I need to go find.  It would be nice to be able to search [Brick] and have it pop up with all the bricks that have been posted in addons.

Essentially the same system as Reddit flaring but it would be an extra dropdown box when posting a topic (only in Addons, or maybe decals/prints too).  Would allow users to search by type of addon instead of just by name.

Help / Whit e lines with a Surface Pro 3
« on: November 24, 2016, 04:44:43 PM »
So I'm currently at home with my Surface Pro 3 and decided I want to play BL with my bro.  Whatever resolution I set it to, which doesn't seem to work very well with the Surface's resolution (but idc really), there are varying amounts of white lines that show up on the screen.  Would this be the cause of Intel graphics? Or something else.

Full specs from Microsoft:
I have the 128gb, 4gb ram, i5 4300

Off Topic / Holy stuff VR
« on: April 02, 2016, 12:52:43 PM »
So my brother ordered the Rift almost as soon as the pre-order came out.  It came yesterday and I had the pleasure of trying it.  Tried a few of the demos and holy forget I was blown away.

Anyone here tried the rift or vive? What did you think?

Demos I liked on the Rift:
Dinosaur in the hallway
On top of the building in the city

P.s. having a 20 foot tall dinosaur walking towards you is the most terrifying experience I've had.  Especially when movement is super limited XD

Help / Randomized bot movement
« on: March 11, 2016, 08:04:57 PM »
I'm working on a build that involves bots randomly moving in a grid pattern, however, they tend to get stuck as they will eventually move toward eachother and can no longer reach the next brick.

Is there any way to either have the bots be non-colliding with other bots, or something such as "onBotTouched > bot > returnToBrick"?  <--- this would return the bot to the brick that had just called "goToBrick" on the bot.

Help / Architectural Revised Colorset
« on: March 09, 2016, 08:46:11 PM »
Does anyone have a copy of this colorset?

Yes I already searched.

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