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Messages - Rednakin

Pages: [1] 2 3 4 5 6 ... 59
General Discussion / Re: B4v21 - STEAM, YES??? (AND A NEW WEBSITE WOW)
« on: February 14, 2018, 05:31:53 AM »
Does anyone have Irk89's challenge?

Off Topic / Re: Borrowed time megathread
« on: November 11, 2017, 12:55:12 PM »
hes gonna make a blogpost featuring a hall of all the (in)famous BL posts over the year, before he closes this down

jk tho who has time for that
I've been banned a lot but I was never that stupid.

Off Topic / Re: Borrowed time megathread
« on: November 11, 2017, 11:04:25 AM »
>forums are closed and down forever
>9 years of evidence of me being a handicap vanish into thin air

not a bad deal necessarily

Games / Re: Mario Land Fun Browser Port
« on: June 20, 2017, 04:44:12 PM »

Here's a pic of the game window misaligned with the rest of the site. Chrome is the browser.

Not a comparable situation.  Spencer didn't do anything to disrupt the gym.  The equivalent on the forum would be if someone on was minding their own business posting about Blockland and I banned them because of a completely unrelated post they made on another forum.  Legal or not, it's morally wrong to use your power as a business owner to attempt to police all aspects of your customer's lives.
Well there's the whole thing about what constitutes as "disrupting the gym". He's an advocate for all kinds of tribal anti-social ideas apparently, if people are disgusted by his presence to the point to cause a scene then isn't that disrupting the gym? I don't see how that's an attempt by the gym to control Spencer's personal life. All they have control over is making Spencer not come to their gym.

What about that Mattnett dude whose key you de-activated because he made some handicapped claims about you and the game on some Yahoo questions submission? Isn't that kind of controlly? Speak ill of me and I'll take away
your ability to interact with this online community you may or may not care about.

Personally I think that a business owner should be able to serve whoever they want. If you don't want to bake a cake for a couple whose lifestyle goes against your religion, you shouldn't have to. Neither should you be enforced to allow a person in your gym with views you dislike. If there is a problem of discrimination which is having a significant negative impact on certain individuals, there should be legislation that helps them out.

Because if you make that argument, you pave the way for racially segregated businesses to come back.  You cannot defend banning Spencer without supporting his cause.  It's an inherently hypocritical position.  You can't just mindlessly try to score points any time someone on the "other team" gets fouled, you have to defend the integrity of the game.
I mean if you can't control who you provide services to because any control could bring about racial segregation, should you stop moderating the forum then? If someone is being an starfish and spamming the forum, we should just tolerate that because banning them would set a precedent that any private forum admin can ban you from their forum because you behaved in a way the admin arbitrarily decided was wrong?

General Discussion / Re: Favorite secrets in maps?
« on: May 04, 2017, 12:44:23 AM »
Just a reminder that if you want to see V20 again Port made exactly that. You can even play multiplayer.

Off Topic / Re: we're very close to playing "demo" files
« on: May 03, 2017, 09:24:58 AM »

You need an older version of BL to play that.

Off Topic / Re: what the forget is it with these fidget spinners
« on: May 03, 2017, 09:06:24 AM »
so someone took a really low friction ball bearing and added wings to it. Not a bad toy, might get one myself.

Off Topic / Re: what would i use to make a little reaction timer
« on: May 03, 2017, 09:01:22 AM »
There's some website on the internet that gives server space for leaderboards. I don't remember what it's called but it's mentioned in Sebastian Lague's latest video on YT.

There's already some websites that do reaction tests etc, you might wanna look into how they work.

according to daddyofive supposedly they were already investigated by cps and they found nothing
I doubt they were being honest about that.

Add-Ons / Re: Heightmap Generator
« on: May 03, 2017, 12:04:26 AM »
If you have their heightmaps and if Ghost can get it working with PTG, yes
Couldn't they just be ripped from old Blockland with the editor?

Off Topic / Re: Stabbing Attack at UT Austin, 4 stabbed, 1 dead
« on: May 02, 2017, 03:21:05 PM »
Quote from: Man Stabbed
What are you gonna do? Stab me?

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