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Messages - GFD

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Darth, you're going to get banned for spamming along with the 'Thot' cunts that you pit yourself against one of these days.
Be better, don't stoop to their level.

he eats turtles not monkeys omg get it right nerd

I do ask you why are you still here?
-images redacted-

Nice man. You found the one thing that I regret on this entire forum and it wasn't even posted by me. It was posted without my permission by people who don't care about my well-being.
I already apologized for this but here goes again: I had a minor psychotic break and said hurtful things that I did not mean about this community and Eric Hartman and I am truthfully sorry.

You, however, do not have the ability to apologize because everything about your time on this forum is just embarrassing and toxic. The fact that you haven't been banned yet is truly a Brazilian miracle.

in the same way as green bh faked my posts

Why are you still here?

An upstate New York couple was arrested after a four-month police investigation revealed they allegedly duped kindhearted people out of thousands of dollars by creating a GoFundMe page asking for donations to help pay medical bills for a child they falsely claimed had cancer, officials said.

Martin and Jolene LaFrance, both 35, of Port Byron, New York, were arrested on felony fraud charges and endangering the welfare of a child, said Cayuga County Sheriff David Gould.
- ABC News

The worst part about this is that the kid thought that he was loving dying for months.


These links may contain auto-playing videos, click at your own risk.

Shoutouts to permanently damaging the relationship with your child.

oh man i wonder how much money walmart is gunna lose for this leak lol. they're gunna get sued up the ass

They issued a statement saying that it was a "glitch" and that the titles are "speculative". Specifically:

“Walmart experienced a technical glitch that allowed certain items to be posted to our website for a short period of time,” Anika Malik, director of corporate affairs for Walmart Canada, told Motherboard in an email. “The items posted were speculative in nature and only game publishers can confirm the announcement of a release. We apologize for any confusion this has caused. Like the gaming community, Walmart looks forward with anticipation to those announcements.” - source

with a brain of a 8 year old

I thought you were leaving.

Games were listed without box art most with placeholder prices; games including: Just Cause 4, Splinter Cell, Borderlands 3, Rage 2, Forza Horizons 5, etc.
Here is an article by PC GAMER on the subject.
and here is a screencap of the leaked games in question CLICK FOR FULL SIZE:

make sure to say "FelipeO_O" so car felipe doesnt get banned

The "help" I was referring to were two tweets in regards to getting the reCAPTCHA v1 updated on the forum registration and key retrieval pages.

it's a screamer, right? shouldn't he just be banned?

Yeah except I guess Eric Hartman doesn't check his email too often; I guess I'll tweet Rotondo about Felipe


*angry Brazilian noises*

here is another screen-recording of the screamer except without my BLF style enabled and I also reload the cache and the page several times.


I eat turtles for dinner in my grass hut

So first of all I understand that there is already a topic regarding this waste of oxygen; however I feel that the current drama does not do Felipe's handicapation justice.
Before we get into his brain-dead posts, here is him sending me a screamer:

He also sent the same screamer link to GreenBH
dude felipe sent me an epic message

it was an epic screamer trap link

it linked to (screamer warning)

is it bannable if it's in PMs or no

Enter the website at your own risk, you will be met with the dead girl and a looping screaming of a woman.

Oh and here he is denying it in the most half-assed way imaginable:
if you think that is me you are handicapped.

it's obviously that dude is faking my posts.
Stop trying to make me guilty for no reason



Do you have evidence? stop


This is the part where I quote a large handful of Felipe's posts to exhibit his sheer lack of a brain.

are you handicap?
you dont even know what  you are talking about

Am I a handicap?

Where is your mom then?

 sucking other people richard ?
He is right about him being wrong, but he is wrong about him being right
dont know even how to spell

you are just like Curse You, a dumb
You must be handicapped enough to make this thread.
I nominate too fire vine

cause he disagrees ne
this thread is handicapped

Watch the real life
you are garbage itself
what about you? son of a american transgender
you bunch of weebs
im sorry

that is my richard
no stuff sherlock

In reference to a thread about a man DYING:
who is dis dood
when told who he is and is asked why he didn't just Google it:
Because it doesnt matter to me
Does it matter to you?

Stop posting and start to behave like a civilised
get out

I will be locking this until this incest stops.
If the three idiots want to discuss idiotic stuff. Go somewhere else other than behaving like brainless monkeys.
you call me idiot i call you handicap
you are all ugly af
Not trying to be too sensible  here.

But i have to agree at this point.

There is nothing that is hate more than Traps, and by traps i mean transgenders disguised as womans.

Do you know how painful is to a man know what the girl of his dreams for whom he dedicated for is a transgender?
so where am I living then?
lock this

useless stuff
two fat idiots getting mad at each other
Of course both require creativity and "thinking".

I'm just saying that game design emphatizes more your creativity.
prove me
Why does american taste like vomit?
what the forget is a "pendulum"?

black = USA should've had another 9/11

everyone in the bl forum is a stuffposter
omg another gay thread
is your mommy real?
handicap drama again
no i'm not gay

I only speak english

Overall, I'm not sure why Felipe is still here; he definitely should have been banned long ago; his post history only spans nearly two years but nearly 75% of it is flaming and handicapation. Don't be surprised if he spergs out and PMs anyone who replies to this thread a screamer link.

Also didn't mention that Felipe sent me a screamer as well

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