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Messages - Night_Hawk

Pages: 1 ... 135 136 137 138 139 [140] 141 142 143 144 145 ... 148
I made some modifications on the Vortexes. Few of you may have seen these.

As you can see, the interior has been completely updated with some 'bulk' pillars, a new steering wheel, and the interior colors have been modified.

Modification Help / Re: Vehicle Project: Chevy Chevelle [WIP]
« on: February 02, 2014, 01:33:50 AM »
New problem! the glow faces and the shade faces are mess up on it :( idk how fix it-

Guys, this is an actual problem..I go into front view in blender, and it's facing the way it needs to be...

Modification Help / Re: Japanese-ish sports car thingy
« on: February 01, 2014, 01:16:41 AM »
Absolutely beautiful and that's the best work I've ever seen!

Modification Help / Re: My Project is Vehicle [1966 Buick Wildcat won!]
« on: January 31, 2014, 01:20:09 AM »
:/ What to do...
I think you should continue. Improve what advice has been given.

Modification Help / Re: Vehicle Project: Chevy Chevelle [WIP]
« on: January 30, 2014, 07:49:18 PM »
Should I add another Version of Chevy Chevelle?
Chevy Chevelle SS 396 (with dark gray roof and two Black Stripes on hood and trunk)
-snip- Sound Good?
Does sound like a good idea, I think you should.

Why not add NO interior... :(
Hey, there are some people out there who do some interiors, and there are some people who don't do interiors. I'm those guys who do interiors. Would you please let me do my thing?

Yes you did what? lol. Was it custom drifting or blocko car drifting you used..
A mixture of both, I tweaked it a bit to make my desires.

You don't have to start from scratch at all, I think. You could extrude the pillars and fit the interior to the extruded pillars.

Then again, it is up to you what you think would work well in BL or not.
Ahhhh. Ok, I'll see what I can do.

While you're still working on the model, you might want to consider adding more "bulk" to the model as it is really paper-thin right now. Compare and contrast Kaje's Blocko Car, where the pillars, sides, etc. have some depth, to give it a toy-like look.
So like a bloko version of the subaru. If this is the case, the Vortex has a major dis-advantage. Because I will have to start everything over and make it look like a similar 'Bloko' style to cars around the blockland universe. -.-

Might I suggest altering the interior color? Of I were you, I'd change it to a dark gray.
Yea might as well coming to think of it. I was going to tweak the model of the rally as well. Guys, just hang in there, the Vortex will be here soon.

Modification Help / Re: Vehicle Project: Chevy Chevelle [WIP]
« on: January 28, 2014, 07:50:36 PM »
Something that was not put in is I helped A'LOT on this model. Might want to fix that.
EDIT: Thanks

Did you use the drifting on the Blockocar I sent you, or custom made?
Yes i did

so when is this gonna be released
Possibly tomorrow, want to do one more day of pre-release driving, and then give it out.


I think it's also obvious which is which

There was a bug where it hated mod terrain bricks, but it was the way the collision box was shaped AND the suspension! Heads up guys. The vortex is coming soon!!!

Why not make the interior grayscale?
Well you gotta put some color into it ya know?

Oh! Okay-Say... How is the drifting idea going out?
It used to drift fantasticly. I say used to because I made it stop atm. I'll make another script sooner or later with another model for it.

Alright, I'm really late on this, since I never even heard about this until now. That Subaru looks Amazing! The only thing that I would say is that You might wanna make it Slower, and Dat Orange Interior :/
Making it slower is what I'm trying to do. And it ain't orange. Daz brown mai boy.

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