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Messages - Marcem

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Games / Re: #gamergate megathread
« on: September 30, 2014, 08:18:28 PM »
It doesn't really put you in the shoes as much as it grabs you buy the neck at gunpoint, pushes you onto a train, and forces you into a FEMA camp where you every decision is shoehorned by your guards

It's a pretty stuffty simulation, coming from someone who was diagnosed with depression two years ago. The game presents you with an everyday situation and your "decisions" are forced to be the "woe is me, life sucks" choices. To the games credit, the choices were/are pretty on par with my experience. The issue is that you're not looking at this from the viewpoint of a person with depression, you're handling situations like a person with depression. It's like bioware released a "grim dark" version of ME where all the paragon choices were locked and you had to do renegade.
"simulation" lol

Maybe if you studied the game design documents for the original games (which are actually available), you'd be making more correct assertions.
What good does that do if I hate the player character and don't care if they live, and I got the same sediment from everybody else I quizzed about it?

What's the point of putting gamers into their shoes? Unless it's about awareness of what it's like, there's no point.

Actually, tell you what, it did do a good job of communicating what it's like to be depressed, because during playing it I wanted to kill myself and be done with the pain.
"maybe if you studioed the game design docs" wank harder bro

You hate the player character/yourself?  I think that's the point.

Games / Re: #gamergate megathread
« on: September 30, 2014, 07:18:10 PM »
but like

i didnt even know anita had a writer for her show, nonetheless that tool
hate to tell you, but your avatar is by a vocal non-supporter of gamergate/doesn't hate women.  Also this totally isn't a harassment campaign, right?
Clearly this moron has never played Fallout, Wasteland, Deus Ex or any game that has choices. Heck even Metro and Metal Gear Solid are kind of linear, but the give you choices and were pretty deep.
the real deep messaging of fallout, right?  Also "less ability" doesn't mean "cannot".  There's a reason the Deus Ex series is pretty much 50/50.
Personally, the worst part for me is the game itself, since it's not a game, not good in any respect and is possibly the WORST way you could get anybody aware of depression.
not awareness, but to put someone in the shoes of someone with depression, game designer master.

Off Topic / Re: Gaystation 4
« on: August 25, 2014, 02:43:57 PM »
yeah, gaymer? really?
thats just as annoying as when a female who plays even one video game goes around saying "im a girl gamer, be jealous because you dont date me!" no, you arent a gaymer, you're a person who plays video games and also likes the same gender.
"a female"

It is an Interactive Fiction.

At first it was labelled as such on their site, but somehow somebody got it into their head that, because it has the bare minimum level of interaction, it's suddenly a video game, despite having no game mechanics whatsoever. Because of this, there's no immersion or engagement, and so the audience will get bored almost immediately and quit.

The only reason they'd stay is if they enjoy a poorly crafted story. I'm sure, given the same stretch of time she used, I could have written a much more entertaining story that covers depression.

dude, did you take a class or something?  you're acting like a pretentious douchebag that took a class about game design and suddenly knows everything about it.

also "Works in this form can be understood as literary narratives and as video games."

Zoe is bascially destroying any chance for women to be apart of the game industry independently. Shes like the Ann Putman of the Salem Witch Trials, accusing anyone she doesn't like of being a bad person and sending droves of mindless, gullible followers after then

she tweeted that they wouldn't pay her, that was really it.  you can feel as oppressed as you want tho


Forget if this has been posted
All those good reviews like that one... wait.

i want to be game developer

should i worry about being dragged into unnecessary dramas

becuse i dont want to. . .
So long as you don't befriend a woman that makes games you should be good.

Are you mentally challenged
yeah p. much im opressed by grils

itt: girls r mean :( #mensrights

Creativity / Re: Game Design Megathread
« on: April 23, 2014, 01:46:09 AM »
wish i could make stuff in C++ when i'm bored

how long did it take you?
how many lines of code is it?
It took me probably 3-5 hours in all, and it's sitting at around 500 lines.

If you wish you could do that, go for it!  Just sit down one day, and just start reading tutorials and stuff.

Creativity / Re: Game Design Megathread
« on: April 21, 2014, 09:13:02 PM »

I made a very basic tetris clone with SDL in C++ while really bored during class.  ignore the pink and black checkers, that is a test sprite (also nothing is pretty)

hit random on google earth enough times

also chex you casual you don't need piranesi, go play crown becuase its better

Games / Re: Facebook bought Oculus VR
« on: March 26, 2014, 01:34:55 AM »
sure gaming isn't a no girls clubhouse. I'm just saying it would be weird if a theatre company went out and bought a brand of lamps which is essentially what is happening here. brand of lamps = electronics = game company = vr, theatre company = public place = social network = Facebook
tech = VR & tech = social networking.
Oculus is still run by a guy who knows way more about VR than anyone at Facebook, Facebook is just there to provide funding and resources.

Games / Re: Facebook bought Oculus VR
« on: March 26, 2014, 01:27:39 AM »
what i don't get is why they would purchase it anyways - i understand of course, business is business, but it just doesn't seem really reasonable for a company with no relation to the gaming community or the game development community to suddenly spring into action and purchase a company that would actually work in those areas

if i worked for Facebook, which i don't, i would definitely purchase something closer to home - like tumblr or something. of course facebook's not going to purchase tumblr but you know it would be more economically sound so to speak

games are games, and Facebook is a social network. i could see a major gaming community like twitch or GameSpot buying a game or a game-related franchise, but seriously Facebook? it makes like, no loving sense and i don't get it. maybe i just don't understand economics, but why would mark zuckerburg or whoever the forget his economic managers are… why would they buy the oculus vr

plus it's just a bad choice. a social networking company buying a somewhat indie development group? i mean, that makes the product lose most of its appeal with the serious community. so Facebook has already forgeted up and bought something that caused the product to lose the most diehard fans. you can argue that diehard fans would still buy the product, but still its bullstuff.
gaming isn't some sort of no girls clubhouse.  Sure Facebook runs a social network, but why does that matter when clearly Facebook shows an interest in helping to produce the next big thing?  Oculus was frankly never going to make it on its own.  VR got too big too fast to keep up with demand for a solid, inexpensive product, and Facebook wants to help make that a reality.  The oculus guys are smart, they know what they're going into here.

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