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Messages - jes00

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Add-Ons / Re: Wrench Ghost Bricks
« on: October 04, 2019, 02:27:41 PM »
Good idea. I didn't think of that.
Better yet, don't even create the static shape at all until they fire their wrench.
I would have just used a ray cast but unplanted bricks don't have a typemask.

Add-Ons / Wrench Ghost Bricks
« on: October 04, 2019, 08:26:32 AM »
Wrench Ghost Bricks - Pretty cool.

Use your wrench on your ghost brick to change the attributes of your ghost brick. Whenever you plant your ghost brick, the attributes will be carried over to that brick.
You can also use /wrenchGhostBrick or /wrenchGhost(pref).
Color FX's and the printer also work on your ghost brick.

The attributes on your ghost brick will also be persistent(pref), so that if your ghost brick gets deleted, it will still keep the same attributes on it.

Download on Blockland Glass

If you go all the way and end up implementing a client mod, that also opens up more immersive possibilities like a custom HUD with graphics, and you can include bitmap assets inside the client so people dont need to download textures
The client mod is like 90% done. If you go back through this topic there are some pictures.

Damn, someone is also now developing the Black Ops Zombies gamemode? I have to admit defeat jes00, you have put more effort to go and have actual perks machines as bricks (Aware of Filipe that modelled it) too than I did building them (Deadshot Daiquiri missing btw). Keep up the good work! I am Hologlaxer, just stuck with this name.
I saw your server Hologlaxer. It's really cool. What'd you use for zombie pathing?
Deadshot Daiquiri missing btw
There's not really a good way to adjust the player's aim server side. I suppose I could make an easy way for the server to do with the client mod and then you need the client mod to be able to buy deadshot.

Not a whole lot of progress right now(some). I was out of state for a while and then was working on Mjolnir.

Add-Ons / Pine Tree Playertype
« on: September 14, 2019, 08:14:59 AM »
Player_PineTree - Be the tree.

A playertype that looks like the default pine tree.
500 health.
Can't crouch or climb stairs. 2 plate jump height.
Color of pine tree depends on your chest color. You can also pick a color with your paint can and hit crouch to change to that color.
Walks slow.
Hit the jet key to run at a faster(normal) pace. It does drain your energy.
No hurt sounds or pain emitters for ultimate stealth.
Health regenerates very slowly.
Moving plays a rustling sound.
Use the sit emote to snap to the brick grid for better blending in.

No pictures needed. You look like the default pine tree brick.

Requested by maxymax13.

Download on Blockland Glass

Add-Ons / Re: Customized finished/unfinished add-on dump.
« on: September 13, 2019, 10:31:41 PM »

Original creator Jess.

I did include new coin support which also goes great with the gem mod. I made a whole new health bar and I made various other changes and fixed a few bugs the original script had.

It's far from finished but I doubt I'd finish it anytime soon
Pecon made it. I think I just made the health and money icons work for you.

Suggestions & Requests / Re: Bots that add points to their team in Slayer
« on: September 12, 2019, 05:27:59 PM »
Can't you already do this by setting the preferred player count of the team?

Boot camped my Mac and finally got around to playing this. Really cool and fun game. What engine does it use? Torque3D? I see dts and cs files.

Made all the perk bottles.

Idk if Jes has even started making this or not, but I could really use an event like this so that a health bar for a specific bot pops up when damaged or maybe when just triggered through a zone or a playertouch event and then when the bot is killed off that this health bar would go away afterwards.

I didn't. It could be pretty easily put in Script_HealthBar though.

Suggestions & Requests / Re: Pine Tree Playertype
« on: September 09, 2019, 04:17:26 PM »
It's pretty much done. I've sent you the file. Let me know if there's any adjustments you want done and then I'll finish it up and release it.
Jet to run.
Select a paint color and hit crouch to change to that color.
Sit to snap to the brick grid.

PhD Flopper machine brick is done.
Credit to Filipe for these models. I paid for him to make them for me 3 years ago and then I didn't do anything with them. I am having to modify them to make them into bricks.

Also tombstone.

Also electric cherry.

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