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Messages - -Jetz-

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General Discussion / Re: Boss Battles!
« on: October 05, 2016, 10:29:45 AM »
Medusa is from Umineko no Naku Koro ni.
Fate/Stay Night, actually. Umineko's the other Japanese thing we take all the good music from. I think Pecon once called them the same thing, which they definitely aren't. Both got terrible anime adaptations by the same studio, and both are about equally grounded in reality, but other than that they're two different things.

Drama / Re: jitank is back
« on: September 25, 2016, 04:09:52 AM »
Alright I'll word it like this: Name a country run by blacks that's GDP is more than 15,000 USD per capita.
Only one of those countries is over 15,000 per capita and not by much.
So... mission accomplished then?

Modification Help / Re: Disabling Jetting and/or Jumping
« on: September 21, 2016, 07:22:35 AM »
onUnmount happens after the unmounting. I think you'll need to package onTrigger to prevent it from happening.

Modification Help / Re: Disabling Jetting and/or Jumping
« on: September 20, 2016, 03:32:16 PM »
Jumping and jetting are not handled by scripts at all, and cannot be overwritten in that manner.

One option would be to mount the player to an object that remains still. Not sure if static shapes still have that functionality or if that somehow got broken like every underused torque feature, but you might start there.

Depending on how exactly you want this to behave, you may consider using the orbit cam method of freezing. This also prevents looking around and is more suited to presenting scripted animations with no input from the player.

I don't have a link on hand, but if you can find it, you can also use what I used in the Climbing Pick. That method utilizes a physical zone, which will also suspend the player in mid-air (If you don't want this, you could require them be on the ground when initiating the animation). I tested it with a couple playertypes and it should be usable for various models, but possibly not all of them, and if they have some other means to escape the physical zone they'll be able to move freely. Note that if you intend this to last for extended periods, I think it's possible to escape by holding jet for a long period of time.

Modification Help / Re: How to identify current datablock
« on: September 13, 2016, 02:38:06 PM »
is that like the only case sensitive thing in TS? cause I can't think of any other examples that I've heard of
I'm pretty sure it's just a way to get at the "datablock" field without triggering a syntax error for using the keyword inappropriately.

Just stick with object.getDatablock();, that's what getter methods are there for.

Modification Help / Re: Why isnt this hiding nodes?
« on: July 15, 2016, 02:35:01 AM »
However im trying to figure out how to define %obj to be the player in general, And not specific to any certain player, I cannot for the life of me remember how I used to to this i know its
Code: [Select]
%obj = (blank);
It's not. Get rid of the "%obj =" line entirely. When you call PlayerPowerArmorFrame.T60( -the player object- ); in your other function, that will start up PlayerPowerArmorFrame::T60(%this, %obj) and because of the function argument you specified, %obj will automatically be set to -the player object- because %obj was the name of the parameter, and the value was given to it when you called it in your other function. Do that, then figure out how to get a player object from a client to fix your other method.

Modification Help / Re: Why isnt this hiding nodes?
« on: July 14, 2016, 07:03:56 PM »
So I tried Fixing this without having to bother someone again, But i'm stumped, The Server Command still returns the same error as before when im using
Code: [Select]
%obj= %player.client; except for when I use
Code: [Select]
%obj = findClientbyName("SuperFlamininja").player;Then it only works with the server command and not the GUI, anyways heres the relevant code
Code: (PowerArmorFrame.cs) [Select]

function PlayerPowerArmorFrame::T60(%this, %obj)
%obj = findClientbyName("SuperFlamininja").player;
You don't want either. "T60" looks like it's supposed to be a method that takes in a player and then calls the appropriate hide and unhide functions. The %obj in the parentheses after the function name is that player, and using either of those lines of code will overwrite it. Using the first one won't work because %player doesn't exist inside that function, let alone %player.client. The second will technically work, but it'd be hardcoded to select you and nobody else, which isn't what you want. Don't overwrite %obj.

Code: (PowerArmorFrame.cs) [Select]
function serverCmdEquipT60Armor(%client)
This part isn't working right either because again, %player is not defined in this function, so you won't be able to get a client from it. Not that you'd want to anyway, because T60 needs a player object to work.

Note how the argument at the top is %client - the user who sent the commandToServer. That's what you have to work with, and the idea is to get their player object from that and hand it off to "T60" so it can do the hiding and unhiding. Shouldn't be too hard to figure that one out.

You should probably also be checking to make sure the player exists and is using the right datablock before you call T60 to prevent errors, and "Equip()" is an extremely ambiguous name for your client script, but one thing at a time here.

Modification Help / Re: Why isnt this hiding nodes?
« on: July 08, 2016, 10:08:28 AM »
Code: [Select]

Add-Ons/System_FalloutRPG/playerType/PowerArmorFrame/PowerArmorFrame.cs (64): Unable to find object: '' attempting to call function 'hideNode'
BackTrace: ->ConsoleEntry::eval->PlayerPowerArmorFrame::T60

Add-Ons/System_FalloutRPG/playerType/PowerArmorFrame/PowerArmorFrame.cs (65): Unable to find object: '' attempting to call function 'hideNode'
BackTrace: ->ConsoleEntry::eval->PlayerPowerArmorFrame::T60

Add-Ons/System_FalloutRPG/playerType/PowerArmorFrame/PowerArmorFrame.cs (0): Unable to find object: '' attempting to call function 'unHideNode'
BackTrace: ->ConsoleEntry::eval->PlayerPowerArmorFrame::T60


<input> (0): Unable to find object: '' attempting to call function 'T60'
BackTrace: ->ConsoleEntry::eval
You're apparently putting it in the console and expecting the variables to materialize out of nowhere. The first one is the appropriate way to do it, but you need an actual player instead of %player, which is an undefined variable. In a script, you'd need to store the player in question to %player beforehand, but if you're just testing it on yourself in the console, you can replace that with findClientByName("your name").player.

Modification Help / Re: Where is the syntax error?
« on: June 29, 2016, 01:52:44 AM »
Post the full code.

Modification Help / Re: Where is the syntax error?
« on: June 28, 2016, 09:42:54 PM »
Alright, that is fixed.
Except that it doesn't work.
It shows no syntax errors, but it says 0 datablocks.
When i shoot bots nothing is happening.
Did you actually exec the script that you put the datablocks in?

Modification Help / Re: L4D player edit.
« on: June 28, 2016, 11:15:05 AM »
So I cannot take multiple paths of someone trying to help me Or someone just making it for me?
Come to think of it, no, you actually can't:
8. Do not cross post. - Do not post the same thing in more than one forum.

If you're gonna beg other people to do the work for you, keep it in the Suggestions and Requests section. If you actually want to learn to do it yourself, go make an attempt. There are ample resources available in the meta-sticky thread to teach yourself with. You probably won't be able to do what you're asking right off the bat, but it's not out of reach for a beginner, either.

Modification Help / Re: Player Node Limitations?
« on: June 27, 2016, 03:04:55 PM »
2) Mounting a "hand" player to the players hand, then unhiding nodes to show a wielded weapon is feasible.

I'm doing this to allow for simple weapon customisation / skin colors. Thanks for any knowledge!
Technically possible, just really awkward for the most part. Most scripts for items, images, and mounted players in the game and other add-ons were made without anything like this in mind. Couldn't even begin to guess at the number of issues you'd have to resolve. I can't think of anything that would actually prevent a setup like this from working, but wiring it up might become a pain unless you hard-code everything.

There is something loving up the entire ImpactImpulse value server-wide. I can't pin it to anything. My best bet rn is to replicate it using applyImpuse. The issue: I need a vector in order to work it through.

Is there any way to get the vector in which a projectile impacts a player and the direction the projectile was traveling? If someone can answer that at least I will be able to fix my issue.
If you've set up the impactImpulse correctly, then this specific weapon isn't your issue. Working around it's just gonna make a mess. Either use trace to see exactly what's going on when you shoot something, or disable all other add-ons then re-enable them 10 at a time until you find out the cause.

Modification Help / Re: help with System_StaticMaps [1.2-beta] -
« on: June 24, 2016, 04:34:42 PM »
Was the save you're loading actually saved in the bedroom map before version 21?

Is adding impactImpulse = 1000; and verticalImpulse = 1000; to the ProjectileData not good enough?
As an aside, whenever you're working with impulses, I find it helps to write the value as 90 * (whatever velocity you want). 90 is the mass of the default player, and impulses are basically velocities scaled by the mass of whatever you're applying it to. So you can just use impactImpulse = 90 * 11.11; as an equivalent to 1000, and you'll be able to view and adjust it in terms of the velocity it will apply to a standard player.

For some reason, impactImpulse is ignored in my weapon. No matter what value i set it to, the target stays completely still.
Post the code.

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