Author Topic: You have to buy blockland to get addons right  (Read 20802 times)

the only problem with roblox is its not open source or else i would have hacked it
can you seariusly hack?
if so can you pls tell me how i realy want too know!!!!

can you seariusly hack?
if so can you pls tell me how i realy want too know!!!!
Don't humour him.

Roblox - Full of little kids who think the game is awesome but once they grow up will stop playing

Blockland - Reasonable price, fairly good quality, and players that will stay for a long time

I managed to get Blockland through 1 day of work.

I raked leaves for 2 dollars a house, and I raked 15 yards, which makes 30 bucks.

So I got blockland, and an old PS2 game.

I know a good way to make money! It's simple!
Go to somebody's door and say "Hey, I will mow your backyard lawn for moneys".
If they accept, go around their house to mow the lawn, then immediately steal everything you can. Rinse, and repeat.

Children begging and screaming for builders club?
Basic Annoying kid: But Moooooooo..m if I don't have builders club I can't get cool stuff and get robux!!! Mooom!! PLZ

Mom: No Timmy, we can't afford it.

Basic Annoying kid: I'm gonna go kill myself, YOU DONT LOVE ME.

Mom: I love you a lot, but we cannot buy it

Basic Annoying kid: PLEASE!!!! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE.

Now repeat the above text about 50 times over the course of 2 hours and eventually...

Mom: Alright! If you shut up I will get you builders club.

That's probably how 75% of the cases go down.


Kid: MOM, KITTY'S BEING A carrot!

Mom: I know a certain kitty who's sleeping with mommy tonight.

That is stupid.
I can't even describe how bad of an idea that is. If that is what ROBLOX does, I feel sorry for them.
Technically, they do. Turbo BC bullstuff.
Charges you extra just for 20 places.

Don't humour him.
It feels good to know you assumed I wasn't being serious.

Why am I always late turning up to any good dramas?